xthematic 0.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

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xthematic 0.0.3

xthematic=========modify, save and load terminal colors in a convenient manner.Quick Demo~~~~~~~~~~A demo youtube video is available below that showcases the following:- set colors from the terminal through hex codes:- save the current colors as a theme with some name- activate a theme in the terminal|xthematic demo gif|Installation~~~~~~~~~~~~python 3.6+ and pip are required... code:: bash pip install xthematicDevelopment version'''''''''''''''''''.. code:: bash git clone https://github.com/taesko/xthematic.git && cd xthematic pip install --user .Logging setup (optional)''''''''''''''''''''''''Logs are written to /var/log/xthematic.log if this file doesn't exist orcan't be created because of permissions a warning is printed when theapp is invoked. Backups logs are written to$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xthematic/logs. You need to create the/var/log/xthematic.log file with r/w permissions if you want to avoidthis... code:: bash sudo touch /var/log/xthematic.log sudo chown username: /var/log/xthematic.logBasic Usage~~~~~~~~~~~Complete help can be found at ``xthematic --help``.The single executable ``xthematic`` is split into 3 subcommands -``view``, ``color`` and ``theme``xthematic view^^^^^^^^^^^^^^View colors in various formats through the terminal.Takes a variable number of arguments in a colorview format and prints aline with specific text, foreground and background colors.the colorview format is made out of 3 fields seperated by ':' and fieldscan be left empty to specify default values.``{foreground_hex}:{background_hex}:{string}``Note - '#' can be omitted at the start of hex codes.e.g. ``FF0000:00FF00:"Hello World"`` - print "Hello World" with red textand green background. \`FF0000::"Hello World"' - print "Hello World"with red text and default background.xthematic color^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^View or set terminal colors.Takes two arguments - ``color_id`` and ``color``\ (optional). The firstmust be an integer between 0 and 16 while the second a valid hex code(the '#' can be omitted)If only color_id is supplied the respectful terminal color is printed.If both arguments are supplied that terminal color is set to the hexvalue until the terminal session is closed.xthematic theme^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Activate, save and deactivate themes.Takes a single argument - a name of a theme. Without any other optionalarguments prints the colors of the theme to the terminal. If a themename is not given it prints the current terminal colors.Use the -a, -s, -d feature switches to activate, save or deactivatethemes.Documentation~~~~~~~~~~~~~Man or info pages are not written the most complete documentation is:``xthematic --help``License~~~~~~~This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the`LICENSE <https://github.com/taesko/xthematic/blob/master/LICENSE.txt>`__file for details.Authors~~~~~~~- Antonio TodorovAcknowledgements~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- the `pywal <https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal>`__ project for inspiration and example of code printing escape sequences which was part of the earliest version... |xthematic demo gif| image:: https://img.youtube.com/vi/w0SPD3lVWHE/0.jpg :target: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0SPD3lVWHE


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