
Creator: coderz1093

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yago cloud

yago_cloud #
Augemented Reality Made Easy.
A generated Yago Cloud API Client for Flutter & Dart.

More on Yago: https://yago.cloud
API Docs: https://yago.cloud/api/doc/

Requirements #
Dart 2.12 or later
Installation & Usage #
Install via pub.dev:
flutter pub add yago_cloud
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Getting Started #
Here's a small example how to list all projects:
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:developer';
import 'package:yago_cloud/api.dart';

listProjects() async {
try {
final authApi = AuthApi();
final loginResult = await authApi.authLoginCreate(

final accessToken = loginResult!.access;
print('Login successful!');

final bearerAuth = HttpBearerAuth();
bearerAuth.accessToken = accessToken;
final apiClient = ApiClient(authentication: bearerAuth);

final projectsApi = ProjectsApi(apiClient);
final projectList = await projectsApi.projectsList();
projectList!.sort((project, other) => project.modified.compareTo(other.modified));

print('## Yago projects list');
for (final project in projectList) {
print('- ${project.name}');

print('## Yago models list');
final modelsApi = ModelsApi(apiClient);
final modelsList = await modelsApi.modelsList(project: projectList.first.id);
for (final model in modelsList ?? []) {
print('- ${model.name}');

} on ApiException catch (error) {
log('Login Failed: ', error: error);

Future<void> main() async {
await listProjects();
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API Authorization #
There 2 major ways to authenticate with Yago API:
jwtAuth #
Login with email address and password.

Type: HTTP Bearer authentication

tokenAuth #
Use a fixed API token pinned to a User.

Type: API key
API key parameter name: Authorization
Location: HTTP header


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