
Creator: coderz1093

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yamlcfg #
A type-safe configuration file parser with support for YAML notation.
Features #

Lightweight and fast
Fallback handlers
Readable and few exceptions
Versatile input formats

Getting started #
Add yamlcfg to your project with the command dart pub add yamlcfg.
Usage #
To use yamlcfg, simply create a new YamlCfg. The constructor takes a YamlMap, but a file can be provided via
the YamlCfg.fromFile factory, or a string can be provided via the YamlCfg.fromString factory.
From there, the usage is quite simple. To retrieve the value of a field, use the get method, providing a type to check
against. For example:

final yamlCfg = YamlCfg.fromFile('pubspec.yaml');
final name = yamlCfg.get<String>('name');
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If the specified field does not exist, a MissingFieldException is thrown. If the field does exist,
but the field is not of the specified type, a TypeMismatchException is thrown. An onFallback handler can be given
to return a fallback value and avoid a MissingFieldException. For example:

final yamlCfg = YamlCfg.fromFile('pubspec.yaml');
final name = yamlCfg.get<String>('does-not-exist', () => 'backup-name');
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To dig deeper in the YAML tree, use get but specify the type as YamlCfg. Alternatively, use the wrapper
method into to accomplish the same thing. For example:

final yamlCfg = YamlCfg.fromFile('pubspec.yaml');
final testViaGet = yamlCfg.get<YamlCfg>('dev_dependencies').get<String>('test');

// or...

final testViaInto = yamlCfg.into('dev_dependencies').get<String>('test');
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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