ykdl 1.8.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ykdl 1.8.2


A video downloader focus on China mainland video sites.
Origin website: https://github.com/zhangn1985/ykdl
Now, it has migrated to the new website: https://github.com/SeaHOH/ykdl
And, it is still looking for a new owner,
see #565.
This project is a fork of
you-get with below changes.

Structured source code.
Focus on China mainland video sites.
Dropped supports of Python 3.4 and below
(see #487).

Simple installation guide
There are some useful software package managers.

macOS/Linux: Homebrew
Debian/Linux: APT
Windows: Chocolatey



FFmpeg, for merge media files.
mpv, default media player (optimal compatibility).

Python 3
pip and setuptools, make sure they are updated.
python3 -m ensurepip
python3 -m pip install pip --upgrade
python3 -m pip install setuptools --upgrade

ykdl from PyPI or GitHub
pip3 install ykdl --upgrade
pip3 install https://github.com/SeaHOH/ykdl/archive/master.zip --force-reinstall --no-deps
pip3 install https://github.com/SeaHOH/ykdl/archive/master.zip --upgrade

Make sure those folders are in your PATH, if they are not, add them.

Windows: folders of ffmpeg.exe, mpv.exe, and python.exe,
and folder “<PYTHONHOME>\Scripts”
others: “~/.local/bin” or “/usr/local/bin”

Site status
Please check wiki page:
Bugs report, features require, and pull requests are welcome.

Change Log for ykdl


enable pep517
change API name from “vid” to “mid”, step 1
add index item to MediaInfo for playlist
add util.lazy
fix compatibility with m3u8 3.5.0 (#621) @Joeky
fix default filename timestamp (#622) @a67878813
add new extractor: acfun.live
update GeneralSimple, Bilibili, Douban, DouYin, iQIYI, iXiGua, Huya, Weibo
move extractor from “le.le” to “le”
remove Baidu, iXiGua.live


fix compatibility bug on Python 3.9 and below (#604)


add support HTTP cache
add support interactive mode
add –show-all argument
improve handling of media title and filename
bilibili.live API has been changed (#600 @fraic)
support new sites: iXiGua
update GeneralSimple, Bilibili, DouYin, YinYueTai




<lots of breaks>

add Brotli support (extra)
fix output and update dependencies
update Bilibili, Douban, Huya, iQIYI, Weibo
more see early PRE-releases

See full change log.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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