
Creator: coderz1093

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youcanpay sdk

YouCanPay Flutter SDK makes it quick and easy to build an excellent payment experience in your Android & iOS apps with YouCan Pay API.
We provide powerful and customizable UI screens to make your payment more easier
Basic Usage #
Server-side #
This integration requires endpoints on your server in order to communicate with YouCanPay API. Use our official libraries for access to the YouCanPay API from your server: the following steps in our Documentation will guide you through.
Install the YouCan Pay SDK : #
Add youcanpay to your pubspec.yaml file:
youcanpay_sdk: <version>
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Or run following command line
flutter pub add youcanpay_sdk
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Import it
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:youcanpay_sdk/youcanpay_sdk.dart';
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Set up Payment : #
Initials YCPay
The first step is to initialize YouCanPay SDK by creating an instance using the following parameters : pub_key and context
late YCPay ycPay;
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and instantiate it in your initState method
void initState() {
ycPay = YCPay(
publicKey: publicKey,
context: context
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The seller's YouCanPay account public key. This lets us know who is receiving the payment.
Load supported payment methods
After we initials ycPay we can load the supprted payment methods using:
if (!accountConfig.success) {
// load config failed.

if (accountConfig.acceptsCashPlus) {
// CashPlus is available

if (accountConfig.acceptsCreditCards) {
// Credit cards are available
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Start Payment Using Credit Card:
When you get accountConfig.acceptsCreditCard == true it means that the Credit Card payment method is allowed.
Initials Card Information
cardInformation = CardInformation(
cardHolderName: 'Holder Name',
cardNumber: '1234123412341234',
expireDateYear: '35', // YY
expireDateMonth: '12', // MM
cvv: '123');
} catch(e) {
print(e); // Invalid CardInformation Exception error
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Proceed payment using Credit Card:
You can use ycPay.payWithCard to proceed your payment use as parameters the token_id it can be generated from your server side and received through an endpoint to the mobile application, to generate a token please refer to the Tokenization section.
token: "token_id"
cardInformation: cardInformation,
onSuccessfulPayment: (transactionId) {
// ... pay success
onFailedPayment: (errorMessage) {
// ... pay Failure with reason

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Once the onSuccessfulPayment callback invoked it means that the transaction is processeded successfully, a transactionId will be received as a parameter that you can submit with your order details. Similarly, onFailedPayment is called when an error is occurred during the payment, and you get the errorMessage as a parameter to show to customer.
Start Payment Using CashPlus:
If you you get accountConfig.acceptsCashPlus == true that's mean that you have CashPlus as a payment method
Proceed payment using CashPlus:
You can use ycPay.payWithCashPlus to proceed your payment use as parameter the token_id it can be generated from your server side and received through an endpoint to the mobile application, to generate a token please refer to the Tokenization section.
token: "token_id",
onSuccessfulPayment: (transactionId, cashPlusToken) {
// ... pay success
onFailedPayment: (errorMessage) {
// ... pay Failure with reason
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Once the onSuccessfulPayment callback invoked it means that the transaction is processeded successfully, a transactionId and cashPlusToken will be received as a parameter that you can submit with your order details. Similarly, onFailedPayment is called when an error is occurred during the payment, and you get the errorMessageas a parameter to show to customer.
YouCan Pay Sandbox offers an easy way for developers to test YouCan Pay in their test environment.
// setting the sandbox mode
ycPay = YCPay(
publicKey: publicKey,
context: context,
sandbox: true // <--
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