
Creator: coderz1093

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yuv to png

yuv_to_png #
A new Flutter plugin project that converts YUV image data to PNG image.
Overview #
This package provides a Flutter plugin to convert YUV image data into PNG image format.
Usage #
To use this plugin:

install and import the plugin
Call YuvToPng.yuvToPng method passing the CameraImage variable
it will handle the conversion and identification of the image formate and returns a Uint8List containing PNG image data

For example:
Uint8List png = YuvToPng.yuvToPng(cameraImage,
lensDirection: lensDirection);
copied to clipboard
if there is an error you can use the next function to check if
the image data is corrupted or not
await precacheImage(Image.memory(imagedata).image, context,
onError: (exception, stackTrace) {
print('Failed to load image: $exception');
imageRendered = false;

copied to clipboard
if image data is corrupted you could simply use recurssion untill
we get correct image data
The PNG data can then be used to display the image in Flutter using Image.memory() or as shown in the example application.
Optional #
if you feel like buying me a coffe this will help me add more functions in the future like

image cropping
InputImage datatype to png

here is my wallet address for USDT Tron network

copied to clipboard
here is my wallet address for Bitcoin network

copied to clipboard
Note #
please note that lensDirection effect the image rotation correction which might effect the image orientation if neglected
It includes platform-specific implementation code for Android only as this from my knowledge happens only in Android systems .
The plugin takes in CameraImage image data in both yuv240 and nv21 and returns a PNG image in uint8;ist . This allows you to process camera frames, video frames etc captured natively in YUV format and convert them to PNG that can be displayed in Flutter when needed.
if you have further questions feel free to connect and ask me on


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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