
Creator: coderz1093

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Zapx Flutter Package #
The Zapx package is a versatile collection of extensions and utilities for Flutter applications, designed to enhance functionality in various domains, including navigation, validation, localization.
Table of Contents #

Debug Banner
ZapX Extension

XMaterialApp #
Overview #
The XMaterialApp is an extension of MaterialApp that integrates seamlessly with the Zapx package. It enhances the overall functionality of MaterialApp and provides additional features for a smoother development experience.
Example #
void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return XMaterialApp(
home: MyHomePage(),

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Debug Banner #
Overview #
Displays a [Banner] saying "Zap Debug" when running in debug mode.
you can set message or remove by set
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
[XMaterialApp] builds this from as custom from MaterialApp.
Does nothing in release mode.
Example #
void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return XMaterialApp(
checkedBannerMessage: "Zap Debug",
home: MyHomePage(),

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ZapX Extension #
Overview #
The ZapX extension provides utility properties for the ZapInterface and CustomExtension widgets. It includes methods to access navigator state, retrieve device information, and obtain app-related details.
Shortcut Extension #

withOpacity: Applies the specified [opacity] to the widget.
paddingAll: Applies padding with the same [value] to all sides of the widget.
paddingSymmetric: Applies symmetric padding with [horizontal] and [vertical] values to the widget.
paddingOnly: Applies padding with different values for each side of the widget.
marginAll: Applies margin with the same [value] to all sides of the widget.
marginSymmetric: Applies symmetric margin with [horizontal] and [vertical] values to the widget.
marginOnly: Applies margin with different values for each side of the widget.

Properties and Methods #

navigatorKey: A key for accessing the navigator state.
context: Returns the current BuildContext using the navigator key.
isDarkMode: Indicates whether the app is currently in dark mode.
height: Returns the height of the device screen.
width: Returns the width of the device screen.
statusBarHeight: Returns the height of the device's status bar.
bottomBarHeight: Returns the height of the device's bottom navigation bar.
topBarHeight: Returns the height of the device's top app bar.
safeAreaHeight: Returns the height of the device's safe area.
safeAreaWidth: Returns the width of the device's safe area.
locale: Returns the current locale of the app.
systemLocale: Returns the system locale of the device.
deviceOrientation: Returns the orientation of the device.
platform: Returns the current platform of the device.
pixelDensity: Returns the device pixel density.
textScaleFactor: Returns the text scale factor of the device.
systemInsets: Returns the system insets of the device.
currentTheme: Returns the current ThemeData of the app.
platformVersion: Returns the version of the operating system on the device.
isAccessibilityEnabled: Returns whether the device has accessibility features enabled.

Example #


appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('CustomExtension Example'),
body: Center(
child: Text('Hello World!')

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void main(){
print('Navigator Key: ${Zap.navigatorKey}');
print('Context: ${Zap.context}');
print('Is Dark Mode: ${Zap.isDarkMode}');
print('Height: ${Zap.height}');
print('Width: ${Zap.width}');
print('Status Bar Height: ${Zap.statusBarHeight}');
print('Bottom Bar Height: ${Zap.bottomBarHeight}');
print('Top Bar Height: ${Zap.topBarHeight}');
print('Safe Area Height: ${Zap.safeAreaHeight}');
print('Safe Area Width: ${Zap.safeAreaWidth}');
print('Locale: ${Zap.locale}');
print('System Locale: ${Zap.systemLocale}');
print('Device Orientation: ${Zap.deviceOrientation}');
print('Platform: ${Zap.platform}');
print('Pixel Density: ${Zap.pixelDensity}');
print('Text Scale Factor: ${Zap.textScaleFactor}');
print('System Insets: ${Zap.systemInsets}');
print('Current Theme: ${Zap.currentTheme}');
print('Platform Version: ${Zap.platformVersion}');
print('Is Accessibility Enabled: ${Zap.isAccessibilityEnabled}');

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Validaton #
Overview #
The ZapValidaton extension offers common validation methods for ZapInterface. It includes validation for email addresses, passwords, phone numbers, and URLs.
Validation Methods #

isValidEmail: Validates if the given value is a valid email address.
isValidPassword: Validates if the given value is a valid password with optional criteria.
isValidPhoneNumber: Validates if the given value is a valid 10-digit phone number.
isValidUrl: Validates if the given value is a valid URL with specified valid schemes.

Example #
void main(){
// Example values for validation
String email = '';
String password = 'SecurePassword123';
String phoneNumber = '1234567890';
String url = '';

// Validate email
print('Is Valid Email: ${Zap.isValidEmail(email)}');

// Validate password
print('Is Valid Password: ${Zap.isValidPassword(password)}');

// Validate phone number
print('Is Valid Phone Number: ${Zap.isValidPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)}');

// Validate URL
print('Is Valid URL: ${Zap.isValidUrl(url)}');

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Translation #
Overview #
The Translation extension provides translation capabilities for strings. It enables the translation of strings using the app's current locale.
Translation Method #

ztr: Translates the string using the app's current locale. If a translation is found, it returns the translated string; otherwise, it returns the original string.

Example #
Locale myLocale = Locale("ar");
// in myApp
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
///[XMaterialApp] is assumed to be part of MaterialApp based on the provided information
return XMaterialApp(
translationsKeys: TranslationController.Translation,
locale: myLocale,
home: MyHomePage(),

class TranslationController {
static Map<String, Map<String, String>> Translation = {
"hello": "مرحبا",
"hello": "Hello"

class homeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
const homeScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('hello'.ztr), // مرحبا
body: TextButton(
onPressed: (){
myLocale = Locale("en"); // change locale to English
setState(() {}); // update the UI or using your state Managment update
child: Text("change locale")

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Navigation #
Overview #
The ZapNavigation extension provides convenient navigation methods using the Flutter Navigator. It includes methods for navigating to pages, pushing and replacing routes, popping routes, and managing route transitions.
Navigation Methods #

to: Navigate to a new page with various configurable options.
toNamed: Navigate to a named route with optional arguments.
back: Pop the current route from the Navigator stack.
off: Replace the current page with a new one.
offAll: Replace the entire Navigator stack with a new page.
offNamed: Replace the current named route with a new one.
offAllNamed: Replace the entire Navigator stack with a new named route.

Example #
/// Example usage of the ZapNavigation functions.
void ZapNavigationExample() {
// Navigate to a new page (MyHomePage) with default transition,
transition: Transition.native,
allowSnapshotting: true,
transitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
reverseTransitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
opaque: true);

// Navigate to a named route ('/details') with arguments and default transition
arguments: {'id': 123},

// Pop the current route from the Navigator stack with default transition

// Replace the current page with a new one (MyHomePage) with default transition,
transition: Transition.native,
allowSnapshotting: true,
transitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
reverseTransitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
opaque: true);

// Replace the entire Navigator stack with a new page (MyHomePage) with default transition
transition: Transition.native,
allowSnapshotting: true,
transitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
reverseTransitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
opaque: true);

// Replace the current named route with a new one ('/home') with default transition

// Replace the entire Navigator stack with a new named route ('/home') with default transition

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Feel free to explore and leverage the features provided by the Zapx package to enhance your Flutter applications. For detailed information on each extension and class, refer to the respective sections above.
ShowNotification #
OverView #


title: The title widget of the notification. (Required)
content: The content widget of the notification. (Optional)
leading: The leading widget of the notification. (Optional)
showDismiss: Flag to determine whether to display the dismiss button. (Default: true)
toastOptions: The options for customizing the appearance and behavior of the notification. (Default: NotificationOptions(borderRadius: 5, secondDuration: 4))
dismissButton: The custom dismiss button widget. (Default: DismissButton())
onTap: Callback function to be triggered when the notification is tapped. (Optional)

title: Text('Notification Title'), // reqired
content: Text('Notification Content'),
showDismiss: true, // default is True
dismissButton: DismissButton(
onDismiss: () {
onTap: () {
print('Tap notification');
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Toast #

message: The message to be displayed in the toast. (Required)
toastPostion: The position where the toast should be shown. (Required)
ToastColor: The background color of the toast. (Default:
msgStyle: The text style for the message. (Optional)
borderRadius: The border radius of the toast. (Default: 10)
ToastPadding: The padding for the toast. (Default: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 5, vertical: 3))
ToastDuration: The duration for which the toast should be visible. (Default: Duration(seconds: 2))
onTap: Callback function to be triggered when the toast is tapped. (Optional)

"Hello, this is a toast!",
toastPosition:, // Specify the position of the toast
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Available Positions #


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