
Creator: coderz1093

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zebra rfid reader sdk

zebra_rfid_reader_sdk #
Zebra RFID Reader SDK plugin for Flutter.

Features #

Ability to connect to paired Zebra RFID reader.
Ability to configure antenna power, beeper volume, and dynamic power.

Usage #
Importing and Creating an Instance #
import 'package:zebra_rfid_reader_sdk/zebra_rfid_reader_sdk.dart';
final _zebraRfidReaderSdkPlugin = ZebraRfidReaderSdk();
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Connection #
The 'connect' function has two parameters. The 'tagName' parameter specifies the name of the device to be connected to. The 'readerConfig' parameter is optional and is used to set antenna, sound, and dynamic power data.
Note 1: Antenna power value should be between 120 and 300.
Note 2: Please check Bluetooth scan and connection permissions before calling the connection function.
Future<void> requestAccess() async {
await Permission.bluetoothScan.request().isGranted;
await Permission.bluetoothConnect.request().isGranted;
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readerConfig: ReaderConfig(
antennaPower: 300,
beeperVolume: BeeperVolume.high,
isDynamicPowerEnable: true,
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Disconnection #
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Get Available Reader List #
It returns a list of paired devices, resulting in a list of ReaderDevice.
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Anntenna Power #
This function is used to set the antenna power value for the Zebra RFID reader. The value parameter should be an integer between 120 and 300, indicating the desired power level.
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Beeper Volume #
This function is used to adjust the volume of the beeper on the Zebra RFID reader. The value parameter represents the desired volume level, which should be an integer.
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Dynamic Power #
This function is used to configure the dynamic power settings for the Zebra RFID reader. The value parameter should be an boolean representing the desired dynamic power level.
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Listening Event #
_zebraRfidReaderSdkPlugin.connectedReaderDevice.listen((event) {
final result = jsonDecode(event.toString());
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