
Creator: coderz1093

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zego sound board

zego_sound_board #
zego_sound_board Flutter SDK is a Flutter Plugin Wrapper based on [ZegoSoundBoard SDK] (iOS & Android),Provides the services of ZegoSoundBoard SDK.
Learn more about the solution: https://www.zego.im
1️⃣ Download and Install Flutter #
Flutter Get Started #
2️⃣ Configuration development environment #

Android Studio: Preferences -> Plugins, search for the Flutter plugin to download, configure the first step to download the Flutter SDK path in the plugin.

VS Code: Search for the Flutter extension in the app store and download

After configuring the flutter environment in any of the above development environments, execute the flutter doctor on the command line and complete the related undownloaded dependencies according to the prompts.
3️⃣ Apply for ZEGO AppID #
Log in to ZEGO Official Website to register an account, select a scenario according to your actual business needs, and obtain AppID and App Sign for initializing the SDK.
4️⃣ Import zego_sound_board #
Open the pubspec.yaml in the project and add the zego_sound_board dependency:

Depends on pub (recommended) #

sdk: flutter

zego_sound_board: ^1.1.0
copied to clipboard
After saving the file, execute flutter pub get
ZegoSoundBoard API Reference


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