
Creator: coderz1093

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zendesk helper

zendesk plugin #
A Flutter plugin for the Zendesk Chat SDK v2
Getting Started #
Android Setup #
You must set a compatible theme theme in the AndroidManifest.xml file's
The example Android setup follows the pattern described in the post.
iOS Setup #
Create a new "Run Scripts Phase" in your target's "Build Phases".
This script should be the last step in your project's "Build Phases". Paste the following snippet into the script text field:
copied to clipboard
Deployment Target >= 10.0
Usage #
Initializing the plugin
await Zendesk.initialize(<account key>, <application id>);
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Setting visitor information (optional)
await Zendesk.setVisitorInfo(
name: 'Text Client',
email: 'test+client@example.com',
phoneNumber: '0000000000',
department: 'Support',
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Adding and removing tags
await Zendesk.addTags(['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']);
await Zendesk.removetags(['tag1', 'tag3'])

// Result is only tag2 will be present on the chat
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Open chat client
Zendesk.startChat(primaryColor: Colors.red,isDarkTheme:true);

// Note: primaryColor and isDarkTheme will only configure iOS. Android AppBar color
// is controlled by the app's theme
copied to clipboard


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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