thumboricc 1.1.1 Thumbor is a smart imaging service. It enables on-demand crop, resizing and flipping of...
thumbor hbase 0.11 Thumbor is a smart imaging service. It enables on-demand crop, resizing and flipping of...
thumboraws 0.8.0 thumbor-aws This is a project to provide modern thumbor>7.0.0 AWS Extensions....
TidalPy 0.5.4 TidalPy
throat 0.0.0 Throat A phoxy link and discussion aggregator with snek (python3) Dependencies:
threemerge 0.1.1 three-merge
tibanna 5.4.3 Tibanna Tibanna runs portable pipelines (in CWL/WDL/Snakemake/shell) on the AWS...
threatware 0.9.4 threatware Simplifies the review and management of threat models in documents threatware is...
threatstack 1.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
thutils 0.1.24 thutils
ThreadPoolExecutorPlus 0.2.2 ThreadPoolExecutorPlus This package provides...
thunderobservabilityagent 3.0.0 A10's Thunder Observability Agent (TOA) - v3.0.0 The TOA is a lightweight autonomous data...
thunderabsa 0.1.16 ThunderaBSA-Cli ThunderaBSA it's a Binary Static Analysis tool that infers what Open Source packages...
thumborwandengine 0.1.1 thumbor-wand-engine thumbor-wand-engine is an ImageMagick imaging engine for thumbor. Installation...
thumborvipsengine 0.1.1 ## ⚙️ Installation `bash pip install thumbor-vips-engine ` ## 🎯 Features
thumborspaces 2.21 Provides a Thumbor result storage adapter for Spaces that stores files in DigitalOcean.
thepytechcalculator 0.0.2 We are embarking on a journey to create our very first simple python package.
themispy 0.2.7 themispy Serpente da Justiça
ThinDeployer 1.1.0 Thin Deployer=============[![Build Status](](![Docker Build Status](![GitHub release](![PyPI](![PyPI - Python Version](![PyPI - Wheel]([![codecov](]( runs your deployment commands...
theheartbeat 0.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
tfyarngpu 0.6.3 tf-yarnᵝ tf-yarn is a Python library we have built at Criteo for training TensorFlow...
tfyarn 0.7.0 tf-yarn tf-yarn is a Python library we have built at Criteo for...
tftphoebe 0.0.13 = PhoebePhoebe is a data gathering proxy for[Prometheus] toolkit. Its goal is to gather...
thatlib 21.05.12 The author of this package has not provided a project description
thapbipict 1.0.16 THAPBI Phytophthora ITS1 Classifier Tool (PICT) About THAPBI PICT is a... 0.6 Python library for Seeedstudio Grove Devices on Raspberry Pi.
grovepi 1.0.4 The GrovePi should no longer be installed with PIP. Instead, go with the following command:
gridvoting 0.70.0 gridvoting This software began as a library module for our research publication (open-access):...
gridproxy 0.2 Small library for working with grid proxy certificates and VOMS extensions. VOMS support is implemented...
gridphoto 0.1.0 This will take a larger image and slice it up into smaller tile images. This...
grafimo 1.1.6 The author of this package has not provided a project description
grafilter 0.4.0 grafilter=========Dashboards like [Grafana]( are awesome, but sometimes they make it hard to look at all...
gradslam 0.1.0 gradslam is a fully differentiable dense SLAM framework. It provides a repository of differentiable building...
graphnets 1.1.0 Graph Nets is DeepMind’s library for building graph networks in Tensorflow and Sonnet.
graphmeasures 0.1.57 Topological Graph Features Topological feature calculators infrastructure. Calculating Features This package helps...
graphgt 0.1.8 The author of this package has not provided a project description
granulemeta 3.3.2 granulemeta This code was originally created as a file-level metadata extraction tool for use...
granitesuite 0.3.0 granite granite is a collection of software to work with genomic variants....
gr 1.24.0 GR is a universal framework for cross-platform visualization applications. It offers developers a compact,...
gquant 1.0.2 gQuant - Graph Computation Toolkit What is gQuant? gQuant is a tool that...
gqlpic4ser 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
gppeval 2024. TOPIC A Python-based stochastic library for assessing geothermal power potential using the volumetric...
teslaceproviderpturkund 0.0.6 TeSLA CE Plagiarism Tool based on URKUND :warning:...
teslaceproviderpttptlib 1.2 long_description
teslaceproviderpttpt 0.0.5 TeSLA CE Plagiarism Tool based on TPT :warning:...
teslaceproviderkstks 0.0.10 TKS: TeSLA CE Keystroke Dynamics Recognition provider :warning:...
teslaceproviderfrtfr 0.0.8 TFR: TeSLA CE Face Recognition provider :warning: This...
teslaceprovider 0.0.9 TeSLA CE Providers Python SDK :warning: This repository...
teslaceclient 0.0.4 TeSLA CE Python Client :warning: This repository is...
tesdaq 0.0.11 tesdaq Redis-based control of DAQ devices and the Pyle Lab's data analysis pipeline....
testchain 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
test.centrify.dmc 0.5 Centrify Delegated Machine Credential for Python Library Delegated Machine Credentials is the capability to...
terrabillingalert 0.1.7
termvisage 0.2.0 TermVisage Browse and view images in...
terminus 0.1.2 Terminus is a simple Python interface used to manipulate the /etc/network/interfaces file on Debian,...
terminalminesweeper 0.2.4 Terminal Minesweeper This is the repository for Terminal Minesweeper. Please see project homepage at...
terminalmines 1.3 A command-line variant of Minesweeper in Python. Supports Linux, Mac, and Windows...
terminaldebian 1.7.4 Biblioteca de funciones para la ejecuciĂłn de determinados procesos en el terminal de Debian
terminal 0.4.0 A better terminal tools for python. Find documentation at Read The Docs.
termimage 0.7.2 Term-Image Display images in the terminal...
termilighter 0.0.2 Termilighter Support by giving stars :star: on github - Follow for more. A...
tensorflowml tensorflow-ml Introduction TensorFlow ML is a project that aims...
teradatasqlalchemy Teradata SQL Driver Dialect for SQLAlchemy This package enables SQLAlchemy to connect to the...
teradatamlspk Teradata Python package for running Spark workloads on Vantage. teradatamlspk is a Python module...
teradataexportcsv 1.0.2 Package teradataexportcsv This package uses the Teradata SQL Driver for Python (teradatasql package) to...
tempo 0.12 UNKNOWN
temci 0.8.5 An advanced benchmarking tool written in Python 3 that supports setting up an environment...
telnetlibproxy 0.3 telnetlib with SOCKS proxy support This is a python package that adds socks proxy...
teleme 0.2.0 Teleme(pronounced tell-me) is an async, super simple Telegram Bot framework. Under Development
teleinfo 1.3.1 python-teleinfo Read and parse teleinfo data from France EDF electricity provider ...
telegramtask 1.0.10 This project can be used as an interface for a simple task manager. A...
gnomeshellinstallextension 1.1.0 = Gnome Shell Install Extension Install Gnome Shell extension from zip files. This...
gnomepomodorotracking 4.1.1 GNOME Pomodoro Tracking Lets you track your time with the popular time tracking services.
gnomekeyringgpgunlock 0.0.2 Why There are a few reasons, why you would want to unlock your keyring...
gnomehud 1.4.1 Gnome HUD Unity like HUD menu for the GNOME Desktop Environment. Screenshots...
gnomednsswitcher 1.3.0 Gnome appindicator dns switcher Gnome appindicator (toolbar icon)...
gnomebackgroundgenerator 1.1.2 This package propose two ways to dynamically change your desktop automatically. One is by...
gnocis 0.9.12 Gnocis Bjørn André Bredesen-Aa, 2018- Stability ...
gnocchinagios 1.1.1 Gnocchi-nagios Gnocchi-nagios allows to push Nagios perfdata to...
gnlpy 0.1.2 UNKNOWN
gnatirac 0.1.0devr153 Gnatirac is a Picasa Web client for N900
glustercsctl 0.9.1 GlusterCS deployment tool
gluon 1.1.0 A Model-Driven, Extensible Framework for Networking APIs Gluon provides a framework for specifying, using...
gmlutilmlmodels 2.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
gloxon 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
gmailsmtplibmicro 0.1.2 python_snail Provides a wrapper class for smtplib to handle GMail usage Set up...
glorpenwallpaperpicker 1.0.0 Wallpaper Picker Randomize your wallpaper in a smarter way. Picker allows you to...
glorpendockerexporter 1.0.0 Prometheus Docker Exporter Exports stats from Docker API (/containers/<id>/stat endpoint). Metrics are collected...
Giturlgetter 1.0.10 GIT URL GETTER
tardirindexer 0.0.3 Indexer for directories containing tar nested tar files.
tauruspyqtgraph 0.9.3 taurus_pyqtgraph is an extension for the Taurus package. It adds the taurus.qt.qtgui.tpg submodule which...
taurexemcee 0.4.0rc1 taurex-emcee Introduction taurex-emcee...
tapexchangeratehost 0.1.2 tap-exchangeratehost A Singer tap to extract currency exchange rate data from
tapbigquery 0.3.9 tap-bigquery Extract data from BigQuery tables. This is a Singer tap that produces...
tanos 0.0.1b7 TANOS: TAxon jackknife for NOdal Stability Table of Contents I. Introduction II....
tanmatsu 0.1.1 :~^:. :YJ?! .Y&J?^ %@@P! :GG&! ~@@&: .PGP? B@&~. !@@% :&@J ^@@? .#@B. G@#...
talkey 0.1.1 Simple Text-To-Speech (TTS) interface library with multi-language and multi-engine support. ...
talbots 1.1.0 TALBOTS PYTHON LIBRARY Talbots is a simple Python library for understanding, analyzing, and evaluating...
talan 0.1.5 Utility funcitions for financial analysis
tagui 1.50.0 RPA for Python’s simple and powerful API makes robotic process automation fun! You can use...