pyFneko 3.6
pyFmuser 1.2
pyflycap2 0.3.1 Project that provides python bindings for the FlyCapture2 library by Point Gray. For...
pyfldigi 0.4 pyFldigi Summary / Context pyFldigi is a small Python library that...
pyfindtool 0.14 PyFind This module provides a simple tool to search a directory tree for files
PyFileSec 0.2.14 pyFileSec provides robust yet easy-to-use tools for working with files that may contain sensitive...
pyfacebookscraper 0.2.31 Facebook-scraper python client interface DOCUMENT
pyexiv2 2.14.0 pyexiv2 Read and write image metadata, including EXIF, IPTC, XMP, ICC Profile.
pyexCakeCrusher 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyelectronics 0.1.4 This is a python library for using electronics (like i2c or spi devices) with a...
pyeddl 1.3.1 PyEDDL is a Python wrapper for EDDL, the European Distributed Deep Learning library.
pyecvl 1.3.0 PyECVL is a Python wrapper for ECVL, the European Computer Vision Library.
pyepm 1.0.2 Python-based EPM (Ethereum Package Manager) for Serpent 2 contract deployment using YAML for package definitions.
pyenv 0.0.1 pyenv Provides persistent environment for Python 3 scripts Introduction You have a...
pyDynamicRoutingUpdater 0.0.8 ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ Dynamic Routing-table updater (DRU) Example of reference.json...
craftstore 3.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
craftcli 2.7.0 A Command Line Client builder that follows the Canonical’s Guidelines for a Command Line...
craftarchives 2.0.0 Craft Archives is a Python package to manage interaction with software archives on behalf...
craftapplication 4.2.4 A basis for future *Craft applications. Description This project will provide...
cradox 2.1.2 /!DON’T USE IT, but use upstream python-rados, except you really can’t /! Python libraries...
cpymodbus 0.1dev The author of this package has not provided a project description
cpymad 1.16.3 cpymad is a Cython binding to MAD-X for giving full control and access to a
cPyExtPatt 0.2.1 If you need to write C extension for Python then this is the place for...
cputemp 0.0.7 Show Raspberry Pi's or Orange Pi's CPU temperature ... 0.1.1 View and edit some CPU power saving...
cpunetlog 1.1.1 Display, log and plot CPU utilization and network throughput
cpuidpy 0.0.1 |travis| |appveyor|cpuid-py=======cpuid Pythonic APIGetting started ---------------Stable version:.. code-block:: bash pipinstall−−upgradecpuid−pyDevelopmentversion:..code−block::bash pip install --upgrade --index-url
cpuid 0.0.11 cpuid cpuid Pythonic API Getting started Stable version:
pydra2app 0.12.5 Pydra2App Pydra2App is a...
pyDownloader 0.14 # pyDownloader ## Description The pyDownloader module was designed to download files via...
pydotswitcher 0.1.0 Switch your dotfiles on demand! PyDotSwitcher is a...
pydips 0.0.4 pydips Multi-criteria Cantonese segmentation with dashes, intermediates, pipes, and spaces. Note: This package...
pydor 0.0 pydor PYthon venDOR dependencies
pydoop 2.0.0 Pydoop is a Python interface to Hadoop that allows you to write MapReduce applications...
pydomdisco 0.4.4 A fast async domain discovery tool written in Rust
pydockertools 0.0.1 GitHub: PyPI: pydocker-tools is a set of tools to...
pydiarization 0.4 pydiarization pydiarization is a wrapper around the IBDiarization toolkit. Requirements You must...
pydialog v0.1 # pydialog__Command line dialogs made easy.__## InstallationFrom github:```git clone pydialogsudo python2.7 install```## ExamplesFirst...
pydialect 0.1.1 Pydialect makes Python into a language platform, à la Racket. It provides the plumbing...
pydgq 0.1.2 Integrate first-order ODE systems u’(t) = f(u, t). The main feature of this library...
cotton2k 5.0.0a8 Cotton2K is a cotton simulation model specially adapted for irrigated cotton production in arid regions....
cothread 2.20.0 cothread The cothread Python library is designed for building tools using cooperative threading....
cosmicpy 0.1.2 An interactive python package for cosmology and parameter forecasts. To install CosmicPy:
corslib 0.0.2 Policy-based CORS support library for web applications. This is framework- and protocol-agnostic library that...
coremltools 8.0 Core ML is an Apple framework that allows developers to easily integrate machine...
corebodytemp 0.1.1.post2 Welcome to corebodytemp 👋 ...
corebackendbartabutils 1.0.26 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cordmap 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
copykitten 1.2.1 copykitten A robust, dependency-free way to...
pycrypy 0.0.0a1 pycrypy pycrypy is a command-line tool written in Python for easily configuring...
pycritty 0.4.0 Pycritty Change your alacritty config on the fly! Installation: pip...
pycppad 1.2.0 PyCppAD — Python bindings for CppAD Automatic Differentiation library
pycopyEcho 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pycontrols 0.0.4 PyControls OS-agnostic modules to control the host machine
pyController 1.0 pyController Architecture Installation
pyconnman 0.2.0 A library for managing network connectivity using Python, ConnMan and DBus. Installation
pycmarkgfm 1.2.1 pycmarkgfm Lightweight Python bindings to GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) library, cmark-gfm, with enhanced...
pyclui 0.0.18 pyclui ---- Command Line UI Utilities for Python Introduction Currently, pyclui is neither...
pyCloudFlareUpdater 1.10 CloudFlare 'A' Record Updater DDNS Service for updating dynamically your CloudFlare 'A' Records when...
pyclaritylims 0.4.8 A basic module for interacting with the Basespace-Clarity LIMS server via its REST API....
pyclaragenomicscuda101 0.4.3 Python libraries and utilities for manipulating genomics data
pyClimat 0.0.1 pyClimat Climat python package for analysising GCM model output and visualization. The...
pyckage 0.1.1 pyckage Python package template (generator, maybe).
pycircos 1.0.2 # Python Modules for Circos Plot [![Build Status](]( ![codecov]( ## 1. Pre...
pyceleroton 0.1.0 UNKNOWN
pycbpf 0.0.2 About pycbpf Inspired by cbpfc. pycbpf2c converts tcpdump filter expression to...
pychemex 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pycasx 1.0.0 pyCASX – A Python implementation of ACAS XA and ACAS XU for Flightgear
pycastiphoneclient 0.1.0 README
PyCharactStimulation 0.0.1 Library for electrodes stimulation tools
PyCharactACDC32 0.1 Library for 32-channel GFET analysis tools(fix Dev1)
confusedUngaBunga 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
conftool 3.2.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
confset 0.1.0 confset .. image:: :target: Set and view values...
conforce 1.0.5 Readme ConForce is a Python package and Abaqus plug-in for...
confcompiler 0.0.4 Supported Data Types - Str - Int - Float - Bool
conflict 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
confite 1.0.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
conductorquantum 0.0.12 ConductorQuantum Python Library The ConductorQuantum Python library provides convenient access...
pybib2web 0.6 pybib2web Convert BibTeX .bib files into a directory of HTML files. The created...
PyBBIO 0.10 PyBBIO [![Join the chat at](]( Copyright (c) 2012-2015 - Alexander...
pybbdb 0.7 PyBBDB -- an interface to the Insidious Big Brother Database Introduction...
pybaycor 0.2.1 pybaycor It's all you knead Pybaycor ("Pie Baker") is package for estimating Bayesian...
pybasicses 2.0.1 py-basic-ses py-basic-ses provides a command line application and library to send emails via Amazon...
pybalu 0.2.9 Python3 implementation of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition library Balu. Made By Domingo Mery.
pybalonor 1.0.0 pybalonor This Python package helps to perform a Bayesian analysis of log-normally distributed...
PyAwk 0.1.0 All you have to do is make a script file and create a class which...
pyape 0.3.11 pyape pyape = A Application Programming Environment of Python. Documents (In Chinese):...
pyaogmaneo 2.7.13
pyaodbc 0.2.1 Library for asynchronous connection and execution of queries to the database via ODBC driver...
pyans 0.1.5 __________ \______ \___.__._____ ____ ______ | ___< | |\__ \ / \ /...
pyan3new 1.2.1 Generate approximate call graphs for Python programs. Pyan takes one or more Python source...
pyan3 1.2.0 Generate approximate call graphs for Python programs. Pyan takes one or more Python source...
pyAMI 4.1.3 For more information see the full pyAMI documentation pyAMI 4 is a major...
pyallel 1.2.3 Pyallel Run and handle the output of multiple executables in pyallel (as in parallel)
pyaligner 0.1.3 Pyaligner PyAligner is a python library to automatically transcribe audio...
pyactp 0.1.10 Python bindings for the Adaptive Clearing Tool Path Library
pyA20SOM 0.2.1 This package provide methods for controlling GPIO pins, I2C and SPI buses.This is written for...
pyA20Lime2 0.2.1 This package provide methods for controlling GPIO pins, I2C and SPI buses. This is...
pyA20Lime 0.2.1 This package provide methods for controlling GPIO pins, I2C and SPI buses.This is written for...