Convert any string to be used as a valid HTML anchor
Add anchors to your h1-h6 tags in Middleman or Rack
UI Kit based on open source projects to allow rapid prototypes of internal apps.
A simple mock object library I built on stage at Ancient City Ruby. Do not use in production!
summary, because Rubygems requires one
Testing create gem with RubyJains
Maybe Monad in idiomatic Ruby.
Unlike andand, andand2 can be placed at the start of a chain, not just where you anticipate nils.
Only available : 'AndBilling::Security.verify(base64_encoded_public_key , data , signature)'
Carries out Tweets analysis using Alchemy Sentiment Analysis API
Andeogen is a tiny gem to ease android layout development
Setup Rspec for Rails environment including all configurations and command line inputs required. Once the setup is ran, user can...
"Creates a copyright tag with parameters for name"
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
A photocentric jekyll theme for photographers and travelbloggers
Simple Navigation is a ruby library for creating a navigation (optionally with sub navigation) for your rails app.
Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
Andor is a simple name generator based on an 'And/Or' JSON format. It includes simple examples of generating random fake...
Supplies the parcel command for packaging, installing, and removing parcels from an Android project
Android Push Notification in Ruby: simple, fast, high-quality client for FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
Andrake is rake tasks for android development
Geokit Gem
A simple hello world gem
ODBC Data Adapter for ActiveRecord
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
ChromeRemote is a client implementation of the Chrome DevTools Protocol in Ruby
A basic API for reading and writing GPX files.
Andrew Mason's business card, the Ruby Way.
Prawn grid adds functionality to prawn to enable easy access to Page Grid coordinates
Learn enough Ruby palindrome detector
The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
A simple library to interface with the API for in Ruby.
Formtastic Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons
Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails,
providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and...
The 'Simon says' of Andrew Fomera's love of Minitest
Simple and powerful uploads for Merb and Rails
my first gem that generates string Hello world
Capistrano Recipies for God
Android client for Mac
Ruby bindings for the Android SDK adb command.
Android Debug Bridge extension provides convenient metaclass to execute ADB shell commands.
Runs android commands from ruby such as `android update project`
Useful command line tools for android developers
Human readable Android device names
You can work with icons only in the highest density (xxxhpdi, for example) and let the ‘adr’ command take care...
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Tiny gem for managing files copied from Android OS 4.3.
Tool to resize Android Resource images
Implements in-app purchase data parsing, signature validation,
API for parsing Android Market and getting some usefull information about applications
Making RubyMotion android development easy and enjoyable
Android SDK installer
Validates an Android string resource file against the specification at
Android utilities to be executed within the android root project following a standard structure (apk in bin folder etc...)
Add this to your build process, and never write XML again!
Plus, you can have multiple files generated from...
Andromeda is a light weight framework for complex event processing on multicore architectures. Andromeda users construct networks of plans that...
An AndAnd style gem for dealing with nested Arrays and Hashes
Generate a skeleton project to get you started
ANSI styling and other utilities for writing CLI Ruby tools
"longer description"
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
This project provides libraries of Capistrano tasks and extensions to remove the repetative manual work associated with installing services on...
A collection of tasks for automating TYPO3
A command line bot for working with XTT, ENTP's rad time tracking app
Journey is a router. It routes requests.
A Ruby object-oriented interface to the Lonely Planet REST API.'s official ruby binder for the API.
Provides Raconteur tags and front-end code for general-purpose page layouts
Ruby wrapper for the App Annie API
get weather forecast from expression with natural language (ONLY IN JAPANESE)
Anemone web-spider framework
A gem that provides rack middleware to capture analytics
This is Anetwork Dynamicad Ruby client, if you want to test our REST API or want to use it as...
Intersideral navigation
Self-Documenting APIs for Rack applications
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
This project is intended to be a replacement for the "rails" command. It does not replace the rails framework but...
wrapper for angel list
Ruby wrapper for the Angellist API. The AngelList API provides developers with a RESTful interface to the AngelList data set....
Contains rubocop style decisions to be used across all Ruby projects.
Consists of HTML data for Rails apps
A Sinatra-like DSL for Reel that supports websockets and SSE
Rack middleware for Google Analytics tracking server-side
Angle Framework
A stabler mash with different emphases. Used in plus2 projects AngryMob and Igor.
AngryMob is the automated system configuration component of YesMaster. It combines convenient configuration data (the node), idempotent code to ensure...
AngryMob Common Targets are a set of essential, reusable targets to get you started with AngryMob.
Rock Paper Scissors Game
The Angsa gem is a server-side tool for Ruby on Rails applications that provides pagination, sorting, and search capabilities for...
Angstrom is an Mongrel2 fronted, actor-based web development framework similar in style to sinatra. With natively-threaded interpreters (Rubinius2), Angstrom provides...
A Tic Tac Toe game made by Angeleah
angular-clipboard.js Copy text to clipboard by clicking a button, without using Flash
angular-dragdrop-directive packaged for Rails assets pipeline
Module to be able to change the locale at an angularjs application
Includes an AngularJS Directive for uploading files as an asset in the Rails Asset Pipeline
Framework for building a mobile responsive angular CRUD container with layouts for create, read and update views as well as...
Implement easily angular validation via form_for and form_tag helpers
Injects AngularJS Foundation directives into your asset pipeline.
Adds CDN support to angularjs-rails
A small AngularJS add-on for integrating with Rails via JSON more easily.
angular-leaflet-directive packaged for Rails assets pipeline
Rails wrapper for AngularJS Masonry directive
This gem adds Angular Material to Rails assets pipeline
Injects AngularJS ng-grid component into your asset pipeline.
Injects ng-table Rails directives into your asset pipeline.
The edge version of angular js for Ruby On Rails
AngularJS and AngularUI functionality.
Angular directive for tracking progress. Easily add spinner and progress indicators using AngularJS
Helpers for angularjs in a rails project (ripped from backbone-rails)
Spree has a lot of moving parts and so does Angular. Take the easy route...
Add a few sprinkles of AngularJS to your Rails App
Html tables with sorting and pagination.