Simple angular directive for declaring tabs.
The handy way to utilize angular templates in rails using Sprockets
angulartics packaged in gem form
angular-translate is an AngularJS module that makes your life much easier when it comes
to i18n and l10n...
Rails Turbolinks + Angular
Injects Angular.js UI Bootstrap directives into your asset pipeline.
Injects AngularJS UI Calendar directives into your asset pipeline.
angular-ui-select2 packaged for Rails assets pipeline
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
See more on
Drag and Drop Tree UI for Angular
Ruby on Rails replacement for unobtrusive scripting library `jquery_ujs` implemented in AngularJS without jQuery dependency
Angus is a simple and powerful framework to build REST APIs using Ruby.
Offers authentication for rack applications.
Provides a client for making requests and building responses to remote services.
Used to read the documentation of a service built in angus (but also is able to read any kind
Oauth and OpenID made dead simple, added custom token settings for Facebook
Simple node and visitor definitions for Treetop grammars.
Gem to include AniJS, which helps us to web design without coding.
ruby client for varnishd's admin interface
aniks_search is for contentful search as well as static search
Client for AniLibria API
A simple API wrapper for AniList's GraphQL API
Initialize object attributes via attributes hash
Animal Puppet External Node Classifier
Enter a letter, it returns an animal name
A ruby library for
A v1 of ruby library for A gem example from GoRails by Chris Oliver. Created for the current Animatedgif...
As expected...
Animate.css for the Rails asset pipeline
Write a longer description or delete this line.
The AnimeDL gem is used to get episode links or download episodes for a particular anime
Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM...
RubyMotion wrapper abstraction for UIView animations.
You'll need an Eventmachine server such as Thin to run this. See README.'
"Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications."
Browse local media, based on cmus
as above
Backup with ruby, rsync, hardlinks, hacks, without style but with aboriginal mystery.
Bootstrap CSS (with Sass flavour) and JS toolkits for Rails 3 projects
Rails3 engine that adds OAuth2 Provider support to any application built with Devise authentication
Ruby implementation of the SMPP protocol, based on EventMachine. SMPP is a protocol that allows ordinary people outside the mobile...
Ruby wrapper for google tesseract
Collection of UI widgets on top of anjlab-bootstrap-rails. Datepicker and Timepicker for now.
A simple hello world gem
Protect against bots and other spam producers
Generate decks ready to be imported into Anki! Just pass an array of hashes and get back a string that...
Create Anki Flashcards with Ruby! Supports images, audio, HTML and CSS. Build multimedia *.apkg Flashcards for use with the Anki...
Anki_auto_lookup scrapes Google Translate. Whether you type in an English or Chinese word, it will find the definition, pinyin, and...
AnkiGenerator is a command-line tool to create Anki decks in .apkg format from YAML files.
A library that lets you export apkg packaged decks for Anki. Designed to deal with creation / exporting and not...
Anki Record lets you create Anki deck packages or update existing ones with the Ruby programming language.
Ankit is a CLI and terminal based flashcard program to learn your new language.
A Gem for Tracking ANL Express
Nothing special, just method annotations done right!
A simple theme for Jekyll.
Loads up files. Parses YAML/JSON and other stuff maybe.
Buffered backtraces with start/stop.
AnnDB client for Ruby
Run rubocop on the files you've recently changed.
Simulated annealing framework
Annex leverages chef-solo to allow you to provision and update mutliple servers by looking up network topology on the fly...
Unicode annex 29 compliant word segmentation
An inline editor CMS powered by redactor, devise and mongodb. Up and running in seconds
Anngler is an approximate nearest neighbor search for points in n-dimensional space that are close in terms of cosine distance...
Learnleague gem for containg used libraries
Provides a simple way to add annotations to your method declarations.
Annotate Rails routes to your controllers
Source code annotations, extracted from Rails.
AnnotationSecurity provides a role based security model with automated rule evaluation for Ruby on Rails. It allows you to define...
Annotate your models and keep your comments about fields.
This is a Gem to wrap the JavaScript Annotator library
Rails engine to implement a Ruby backend store implementation for Annotator, an open-source JavaScript library to easily add annotation functionality...
Rails plugin which provides annotation and import/export of translatable strings to/from CSV files
The Announcements gem makes it easier to display short announcement messages in your views
A flexible event bus for Ruby.
Annoy: Like your annoying friend that asks you questions all the time.
Annoying wifi login - simplified
helpfully annoys you on your command line
Annoy.rb provides Ruby bindings for the Annoy (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah).
Play rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer.
anodator is Anonymous Data Validator.
Time series anomaly detection for Ruby
Replaces personal data with fake data
A small library that defines how ActiveRecord models should be anonymised for deletion purposes.
Anonymise helps you fake your postgres database
Anonymize database data on the fly
Anonymizes a collection of files and/or directories for interrater reliabiliy analyses and the like.
Replaces all full names with nonsense.
My new Ruby project generator
Creates a testing tag, waits for bricklayer to build the debian package and then updates your server
Yet another ruby client for Echonest API
The original Otherinbox Defender is no more. Sadly, the newest version is subpar and do not meet my needs. This...
data from another place
A simple turn-based commandline game for practice.
To run:
Run studio_game.rb with an optional csv file as argument....
The application is a simulation of a toy robot moving on a square tabletop. It is an example of a...
Read all the news from
Logstash-like for moving events from Kafka into Elasticsearch.
Ansei is a static site generator, of sorts.
Convert ANSEL encoded text to UTF-8
Migrate from one remote git repository to another
Provides generated HTML data for Rails Application
Convert ANSI escape sequences to styleable HTML markup
ansi2txt converts ANSI escape sequences to readable plain text.
Ansible is a fast (somewhat rough) conversion tool that takes a string with ANSI
escapes and produces HTML.
CLI for generating documentation of Ansible roles based on...
Ansible dynamic inventory script generator for Engine Yard Cloud
Commandline tool to sync Ansible Galaxy Metadata
A small command line helper that helps automate repetitive
ansibler is a Ruby gem that provides utility classes for modeling, reading and writing Ansible inventory and playbook files.
Ansible provides a conveniance method to your Rails controllers for creating SSEs.