The core module for AsgardCMS. This is required for every install.
PHPMailer is a full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP
think 6 扩展 支持跨应用调用 及所有类注释验证
A simple package for runnig php applications including routing system and sql query builder
the php template engine
thinkphp template driver
php error handling for cool kids
My awesome package
xml Dart XML # ...
xml2 Dart XML # ...
xml2json xml2json # An XML to JSON conversion package. This package allows the...
xmlabox 1.0.6.post5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xml annotation XML Annotation # Defines the annotations used by xml_serializable to create code...
Manipulate SGML and XML catalogs
xmlcoll 1.7.2 xmlcoll is a python package for working with collections of items. The items have...
xml crypto xml-crypto # Port of awesome Node.js library - xml-crypto - in Dart.
A lightweight Design-by-Contract library for PHP
Format XML documents
xmljsonyamlconvert 1.0.3 BRANCH STATUS main
xml layout xml_layout # XML layout for flutter. Layout your UI via xml at runtime. and...
xml map converter XML Map Converter # XML to Dart map converter and vice versa....
xml parser xml_parser # An unopinionated XML parser that can read, traverse, and write XML documents.
xmlparsing 0.0.1 XMLParsing is an easy-to-use Python 3 parser for compiling, transforming, encoding and decoding XML files...
xmlplain 1.6.0 xmlplain XML as plain object utility module Synopsys This module...
xmlpreferences 1.1.6 Module xml_preferences xml_preferences uses a scheme to create a hierarchy of objects that...
xml rpc xml_rpc # A library to communicate through the XML-RPC protocol. Usage...
Lightweight RPC library (based on XML and HTTP)
xmlschema 3.4.1 The xmlschema library is an implementation of XML Schema for Python (supports Python 3.8+).
Check schema validity and signature of an XML document
xml serializable XML Serializable # Provides build builders for handling XML. The builders...
XML command-line utilities
xmlstream xmlstream # A lightweight api for parsing xml You can listen to xml encounters...
Convert XML to another format (based on XSL or other tools)
XML to manpage converter
xmltovtt XML to VTT subtitles Converter #
xml widget Getting start # run on pc # cd xml_widget/example flutter run -d...
xmmsclient 0.8.1 Xmms2 python native client. It allows you to build applications for xmms2 which is a...
xmodels XModel Documentation # This is a flutter package that help developers to create...
Video Bundle adding functiunalities to Sonata media bundle:<br>=> a video provider- handle video upload- re-encode uploaded video to th defined...
xmp XMP #
xmplus survey sdk Flutter Survey SDK 体验家
xmppcat 0.1.1 A unix command line program that works like cat but sends its output through XMPP.
xmpp plugin xmpp_plugin # Connect to the xmpp server ...
xmpp stone XmppStone # Lightweight XMPP client library written completely in Dart. My intention is...
xmrbi base design 移动端设计器用到的组件类定义
Monero (XMR) CPU miner
xmtp xmtp-flutter # xmtp-flutter provides a Dart implementation of an XMTP message API client...
xmtp proto This is the authoritative source of information about the XTMP protocol itself. It contains...
dingtalk sdk for php
xnd 0.2.0b2 Overview The xnd module implements a container type that maps most Python values...
xnetdjangocolorfield 1.0.1 X-Net Django Color Field A color field for Django models and forms. Installation
Laravel sberbank bank acquiring library.
xnote 1.1 # xnote-cli Easily keep track of your notes on your favorite terminal emulator!...
Easy way to use ckeditor in laravel-admin
Make Antd-Pro v4 Page with MySQL table fields.
xo1 0.2.0 xo1 Python framework for creating terminal applications. Requirements ...
xo2 0.1.0 xo2 Python framework for creating 3D applications. Requirements ...
xoinvader 0.2.0 XOInvader Attempt to create small but serious game using python and ncurses....
gii tool for mass migration generation by Schema
PhP Interface for steam
XOL package
xologic 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell language and command prompt
xonshapttabcomplete 0.1.6 xonsh-apt-tabcomplete - APT tab completion for the Xonsh shell Installing
xonshautoxsh 0.3 UNKNOWN
xonshclicktabcomplete 0.5 UNKNOWN
xonshdirenv 1.6.4 direnv support for the xonsh shell This works with python...
xonshdockertabcomplete 0.1.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xonshpacmantabcomplete 0.1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xonshscrapytabcomplete 0.25 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xonshvoxtabcomplete 0.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xontribapipenv 0.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xontribargcomplete 0.3.2 Argcomplete support for python and xonsh scripts in xonsh shell. ...
xontribavox 0.8 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xontribdefaultcommand 0.0.3 xontrib-default-command This Oh-My-Xonsh plugin for the xonsh shell runs a default command when you
xontribfzfcompletions 0.0.2 xontrib-fzf-completions The project is a more updated fork of (Hopefully more responsive to
xontribfzfwidgets 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xontribgitinfo 0.1.0 xontrib-gitinfo Displays git information on entering a repository folder. Uses onefetch if available.
xontribhistcpy 0.1 xontrib-histcpy Useful aliases and shortcuts for extracting links and text from command output...
xontribonepath 0.4.0 When you click to a file or folder in graphical OS they will be opened...
xontriboutputsearch 0.6.5 Get identifiers, names, paths, URLs and words from the previous command output and use them...
xontribpipeliner 0.5.0 Easily process the lines using pipes in xonsh shell. Multicore processing supported. ...
Osynapsy is a framework MVC for develop Rich Internet Application (RIA).
xor xor Dart BufferView Library # This is a work in progress for the moment, I...
xor cipher Symmetric XOR cipher library #
xor dart Symmetric Cipher XOR # A pure dart XOR cipher library, support encryption...
xor encryption XOR Encryption is an encryption method used to encrypt data and is hard to crack...
X.Org: Protocol Headers
X.Org: color names database
PHP client for Share-A-Sale API
A bundle for running symfony background tasks with doctrine as the driver
PHPTAL integration for Expressive
PHPTAL integration for Zend Framework 3
ISO9660+RR manipulation tool
xor string 0.2.3 # xor_string![PyPI downloads]( ![PyPI version]( ![PyPI python version]( doesn't support (natively) XOR on everything...