Flexible user registration and authentication module for Yii2
ATK filestore modified for xEpan Platform
CC Avenue Payment Gateway for OmniPay
Provide a simple integration of the OpenGraph protocol
Epan Services Management Application for xEpan Platform
HR Application for xEpan Platform
Nette Mail: Sending E-mails
Send SMS via Polish mobile carriers using PHP.
jQuery rdfQuery
Projects and Tasks management Application for xEpan Platform
xepan wallet credit Payment Gateway for OmniPay
Simple config center client for hyperf & nano
A fast and full-fledged routing libraray for PHP
A simple class that provide some functions to manipulate arrays.
This is an Event Emitter equivalent to Node.js' Event Emitter.
PHP Validator for stuff.
xfcs 1.1.6 Extract metadata and data from FCS (3.0, 3.1) files. Data extraction supports...
xfcsdashboard 0.0.2 Create interactive plots for FCS file metadata (3.0, 3.1). Metadata plots are generated as...
xfds 0.3.0 Source Code: github.com/pbdtools/xfds Documentation: xfds.pbd.tools Do you have FDS installed on...
xfinityusage 3.0.1 Python/selenium script to get Xfinity bandwidth usage from Xfinity MyAccount website. Has an easily-usable...
x flutter X Flutter # 이 플러터 패키지는 오픈소스 백엔드인 Matrix 의 기능을 활용할 수 있도록...
xflutter cli xflutter_cli # a command line tool helps you to generates and/or modifies your Flutter...
xfmr 0.0.1.dev0 Transformer/xfmr creates a unified interface for transforming data structures between common forms used in...
xfmsc xfise # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
xf player plus xf_player_plus # flutter video player with ui package. Now you can setup...
Database manager for XFRAME
CLI commands for quickly creating content
Default Router for XFRAME
xfspeech xfspeech # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
Controle de Acesso
xfvoice2 xfvoice # 科大讯飞语音识别插件 A plugin for xunfei dictation for iOS and Android. Install...
xfvoicetest1 test1 # xfvoice function test project. Getting Started # This project is a...
xfyuntts 0.0.3 not work yet, the audio buffer returned save to a mp3 or pcm file...
Generator Application laravel.
xgk package xgk_package # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
xgk ui xgk_ui # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests
php is beautiful
xh dio utils A Dio Utils Features # Getting started # Usage #...
MobileBackend php-sdk
Class Autoloader helps you register PSR-4 autoloader from directories
The small UniKado URL routing library.
xiangjb001 TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
xiangjbtest TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
xiangpush xiangpush 0.0.8 # 项目来源于Rammus 仅用来学习,不得用作商业用途 集成参考原项目(https://github.com/OpenFlutter/rammus) #修复找不到函数的错误
Summernote extension for laravel-admin
PHP Spreadsheet extension for generating excel files from template (Modified by shubham thakur)
demo psr-4
database utilities for laravel
alidayu sdk
PHP library to retrieve page info using oembed
xiaocwallpaper wallpaper # A new Flutter project. use Wallpaper.setWallpaper
hik sdk
PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods
benpoulson/elastic-apm-laravel - A wrapper for Elastic APM in Laravel
The default theme for SquadMS.
Create the region of china for laravel
Thinkphp 5.1 Addons Library
Automatically load and tag services from their respective directories
PHP package for the Wire2air SMS API
xiao mi push plugin xiao_mi_push_plugin # 小米推送SDK Flutter插件 小米Push版本: v3.7.6 测试时请使用真机测试,模拟器将会出现 code...
xiaomi scale xiaomi_scale # A Flutter plugin to take measurements from Xiaomi weight scales.
update blade use php8.0
Pages for CMS
This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel/Lumen 6
x icon flutter XIcon # What if you decided to load icon from server?...
xicoo flutter plugin xicoo_flutter_plugin # XicooFlutterPlugin Getting Started # This project is a starting...
xicoo start param xicoo_start_param # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
XPath/XQuery 3.0, JSONiq interpreter to extract data from HTML/XML/JSON
Knihovna pro snadnější komunikaci s EXPANDO Translator API
xiejiapei learn create plugin xiejiapei_learn_create_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
Funny readable url name generator
Newsletter module with popup registration
Abstraction of file system functions
Resource generator based on Sylius
Fork of http://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/find-an-integration-document/form-integration
Flexible user registration and authentication module for Yii2,fork form dektrium
The Hakeem_dev Framework.
Xillion Core: Resource management library for PHP
x image picker x_image_picker # flutter 图片和视频选择器 iOS基于ZLPhotoBrowser Android基于PictureSelector 灵感来源于images_picker...
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) client for PHP
An upload field that makes use of configuration and keywords for determining the upload target
Xinc Continous Integration Server
Log for Phramework
xindalu scan flutter xindalu_scan_flutter # 新大陆手持设备红外扫描识别插件by_flutter 安装 # dependencies: xindalu_scan_flutter: ^1.0.0 copied...
Automatically match routes based on URLs 根据网址自动匹配路由
The Laravel Framework.Laravel Universal Routing.
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