dingtalk send robot message
C++ JIT assembler for x86 (IA32), x64 (AMD64, x86-64)
PHP frame for payment system
XCB port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage
Standard X constants and conversion to/from keycodes
Convenience functions for the X Render extension
Client and window-manager helpers for EWMH and ICCCM
xc chat scroll list view Features # Getting started # Usage # const like...
xcc utils package Features # 这是谢大脚的一个私人工具包。将会持续更新包中的功能。 Getting started # flutter pub add xcc_utils_packages...
xc db maker This package is use to create easily an instance of sqlite db and ready...
Xcode version manager
Patterns realisation
xchg dart-xchg # XCHG dart library
Tool to get information about and install available Xcode versions
xclean 0.0.2 xclean File de-duplication utility usage: xclean [-h] [-m MAIN] [-t TARGET] [-a ARCHIVE_TO]...
Tool to parse the SLF serialization format used by Xcode
A PHP report generator
PayPal's PHP SDK for Checkout REST APIs
Build server protocol implementation for integrating Xcode with sourcekit-lsp
Facebook anonymous publisher IP filtering.
Custom composer path installers
Generate your Xcode project from a spec file and your folder structure
xcode parser Xcode Parser # Xcode Parser is a package for working with Xcode project files...
xcodeproj A library for reading and modifying XCode projects. Usage # A simple usage example:
xcodeproj plus A library for reading and modifying XCode projects. Usage # A simple usage...
Best command-line tool to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode
xcomments Usage # final client = XCommentsClient( 'apiKey', urlApi: 'urlApi', id: 'id',...
x common A collection of commonly used flutter tool classes Features # logger
xconn wamp.dart # WAMP v2 Client for Dart.
x containers XContainers # A Flutter package offering more adaptive and easy-to-use container widgets. I...
xcontext xcontext # This simple package adds static extension methods and getters to the...
xc openai flutter Features # Getting started # Usage # import 'package:xc_openai_flutter/http/ai_config.dart'; import...
xcraper 0.0.1b0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xcream xcream CLI # Description # The xcream CLI is a command-line tool built in...
Busca de CEP
Xcode-like HTML report for Unit and UI Tests
Cut, copy and paste files with Bash
For all Ezpizee utility classes
Email Library based on PHPMailer
xdaemonocle 0.8.1 daemonocle is a library for creating your own Unix-style daemons written in Python. It solves...
xdart xdart # A package with dart classes extensions Getting Started # To use...
xdat 0.1.229 What is xdat? xdat (eXtended Data Analysis Toolkit), is a set of utilities that...
xdata Usage: # 1 visit https://xcore.top to design a model .for example An UserModel(username,password). 2...
xdatabase A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import 'package:xdatabase/xdatabase.dart';
xdbgen A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import 'package:xdbgen/xdbgen.dart';
Adds affiliate marketing s2s postback support to SilverShop orders
Create QR codes with inserted logo and redirection in the CMS
xdducklake 0.0.0 dbt-duckdb DuckDB is an embedded database, similar to SQLite, but designed for OLAP-style analytics.
ACDHCH THEME for VuFind/AkSearch
PhpOffice/Spreadsheet utils
Support random number, string, array, list
XDF Data Frames / Data Feeders with high-level abstractions for key tasks in AI applications
xdg desktop portal A native Dart client implementation of portals. Contributing to xdg_desktop_portal.dart # We...
xdg directories xdg_directories # A Dart package for reading XDG directory configuration information on Linux....
xdgenvpy 3.0.0 xdgenvpy xdgenvpy is yet another Python...
xdgmenu 0.0.0 A ncurses application menu. The missing stone of my i3 setup. Description
Check your $HOME for unwanted files and directories
xdg status notifier item Allows status notifications (i.e. system tray) on Linux desktops using the StatusNotifierItem specification.
xdgterm 0.0.2 # xdgterm Script to launch the user’s preferred terminal using the XDG terminal intent...
xdg thumbnails xdg_thumbnails # Access XDG thumbnails on Unix systems. Features # ...
xdict 1.1.11 refer to .md files in https://github.com/ihgazni2/dlixhict-didactic
xdisplayselect 1.0.0 XDisplaySelect This is a simple python utility allowing you to configure your monitors using...
xdlibrary json2dart # Chinese features # support generate Dart.model with Null-Safety feature
Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language
Fake keyboard/mouse input and window management for X
xdptestharness 0.1.4 XDP test harness A test harness that can be used to test the implementation...
xdrawer TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
YF PHP Framework
Change standard Laravel file-based translation to DB.
xdwarf 0.1.0 xdwarf Mining XML to tabular data, FAAAAAAST ...
xdwlib 3.10.6 2023-08-30 HAYASHI Hideki <[email protected]> Welcome to the xdwlib source release Xdwlib...
Simple xargs and apply replacement
Yii2 Watchlist Module
Drupal Console Indonesian Language
A class that curls.
xeHentai 2.2 E-Hentai Dōjinshi Downloader 简体中文 繁體中文 xeHentai WebUI TL;DR Windows...
Simple L2P API Client
Lug UI bundle
Provides a translation loader that uses doctrine ORM
xelis dart sdk XELIS-DART-SDK # Software Development Kit in Dart for XELIS Blockchain. Features #
This twitter bootstrap plugin builds a wizard out of a formatter tabbable structure. It allows to build a wizard functionality...
xendit A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/, and example...
xendit flutter Xendit Flutter is a Flutter package designed to simplify the integration of Xendit's payment gateway...
xendit integrator Xendit Integrator created Features # Getting started # Usage # Additional...
xen emojify xen_emojify # ⚠️BEFORE STARTING READ: LOTTIE LICENSE #
Kount wrapper for Laravel 5
Generate a new Laravel database seed file based on data from the existing database table.
Simple Object Presenter
The best of Drupal, curated by Xeno Media
This is a courier api endpoints library for interacting such as e-courier, pathao, paperfly etc
FuelPHP Sencha Ext JS direct provider
Command line tools for importing and exporting databases for Drupal sites.
An all PHP implementation of the PECL memcached extension with SASL PLAIN Auth support
Xcanner for end-of-life software in container images, filesystems, and SBOMs
A client implementation of the Xero API, with a cleaner OAuth interface and ORM-like abstraction.