x509b x509 # Dart library for parsing and working with X.509 certificates. Usage #...
x509 cert store x509_cert_store # Hi ! A package that helps add certificates to the...
x509 plus ❤️ sponsor x509 # Dart library for parsing and working with X.509 certificates.
x52control 1.0.0 Logitech X52/X52Pro module Most of the information about how to configure the devices comes...
Horde Exception Handler
IDNA backend normalization package
Horde List Headers Parsing Library
Horde MIME Library
Horde stream handler
Horde Stream filters
Horde Stream wrappers
Horde support package
Horde API for flowed text as per RFC 3676
Horde Utility Libraries
x5 webview extension x5_webview # 一个基于腾讯x5引擎的webview的flutter插件,暂时只支持android使用 提示:之前内嵌webview出现的一系列问题得到解决,请更新到最新版试用,谢谢支持。 x5内核介绍 #...
x84 2.0.17 An experimental python 2 Telnet (and SSH) BBS this project is abandoned, so please...
6502 cross assembler
PHP Class Encoding that fixes mixed encoded strings.
OAuth1 authentication for the HTTPlug library
PHP client for the Panda encoding REST-API
腾讯Im 加入聊天池 系统发送自定义消息 加入群组 创建群组 获取群成员列表 检测用户是否在加入Im 更改未读状态 拉取聊天记录 设置个人资料
Experience API model validator
xact 0.0.3.dev0 Xact is a tool for configuring and deploying software intensive systems, from simulations running...
x action cable ActionCable in Dart # (This is a fork from https://pub.dev/packages/action_cable) ActionCable is...
x action cable pro This package is an abstraction for x_action_cable_v2 Features # Getting started...
x action cable v2 ActionCable in Dart # (This is a fork from https://pub.dev/packages/action_cable) ActionCable...
xactor 0.3.5 XActor is a framework for doing distributed computing in Python, using the actor model...
xad 1.5.2 XAD is a library designed for automatic differentiation, aimed at both beginners and...
The Boxalino Real Time User Experience (RTUX) API integration guidelines
It provides auxiliary functions to solve the problem of Turkish characters when converting text to lowercase and uppercase in php.
Turkey tax number faker class.
Turkey tax number validation class.
Turkey tax number verification class.
xadminnimbus 1.2.6 A Python Extended for Django. Supports Python 2.7, 3.4 or 3.5+...
Symfony DoctrineAPIBundle
xainfl 0.6.0 Disclaimer: This is work-in-progress and not production-ready, expect errors to occur! Use at your own...
xainproto 0.6.0 Disclaimer: This is work-in-progress and not production-ready, expect errors to occur! Use at your own...
PHP library that helps with deprecated classes and function calls in Drupal 8 and 9.
The clockwork extension for working with the phalcon framework. Fork by kolesa-team/phalcon-clockwork
Protect web
Excel, Word, PDF
xaler 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
x amap base x_amap_base # AMap flutter plugin, base dependency library for integrating AMapSDK in applications.
This package serves as a token based client authentication system.
xandr xandr # This is the flutter integration for xandr. Please Note: This...
CrocCroc Core dependencies injection container
xanespy 0.3.3 Xanespy is a library for analyzing X-ray absorbance spectroscopy data for materials science, chemistry...
xanno Language: English | 中文简体 # Packages: xanno xanno # Use annotations to simplify...
Laravel Package Boilerplate
Dodawanie własnych linków lub tekstów w sekcji TOP
A TaskRunner with the sweet taste of Maple
ConcreteCMS Entity
PHP CS FIXER for Concrete CMS
ConcreteCMS Request Utility
xapi xapi # a dio wraper Get started # Add dependency # xapi:
xappbase TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
xapptor auth Xapptor Auth # Authentication Module to develop fast and easy Login, Register,...
xapptor business Xapptor Business # Module for payment processing. # Let's get started...
xapptor education Xapptor Education # Module for taking classes, tests and learning. #...
xapptor logic Xapptor Logic # Logic Module for util functions like cross-platform downloaders and...
xapptor router Xapptor Router # Router Module for Web and Mobile Navigation. #...
xapptor translation Xapptor Translation # Translation module to use Google translation services and save...
xapptor ui Xapptor UI # UI Module for a variety of useful Widgets. #
Workflow Module based on the Galaxia Workflow Engine
xarraypickler 0.1.2 Simple package to speed up ‘multi-file open’ operations for xarray datasets. Uses a cache of...
Detect a GSM form phone number
xatk 0.2.2 xatk is a keyboard-driven window switcher for X11. Learn more on xatk’s Read the...
Ripcord Odoo for Laravel 5
A CakePHP plugin for creating thumbnails and image variants on the fly
OAuth Server for CakePHP 3 using the PHP League's OAuth2 Server
xbacklighttray 1.0 xbacklight-tray A simple tray icon to adjust screen backlight brightness. Depends on xbacklight,...
XBee communication libraries and utilities
A simple, clean and elegant way to filter Eloquent models.
xbim aim xbim_aim # This is the XBIM Flex Swagger service where you can explore the...
xbim comms xbim_comms # This is the XBIM Flex Swagger service where you can explore the...
xbim identity xbim_identity # This is the XBIM Flex Swagger service where you can explore the...
x bloc2 HDM State Management System for Flutter # The HDM State Management System is a...
xblockfreetextresponse 4.1.0 XBlock to capture a free-text response. This package provides an...
xblockgoogledrive 0.7.0 Google Drive & Calendar XBlock This XBlock allows embedding of Google documents and calendar,...
xblockproctorexam 1.0.0 Proctor Exam Xblock Xblock restricting access to course test to Proctor Exam monitoring process.
xblocksdk 0.12.0 XBlock SDK
xblocksqlgrader 0.6.0 XBlock to grade SQL statements via a SQLite engine. ...
xblocksubmitandcompare 2.1.0 This XBlock provides a way to do an ungraded self assessment activity. It is...
xbox 这是一个工具包集合
xb refresh 安装: flutter pub add xb_scaffold copied to clipboard 使用: // ignore_for_file:...
xbr gaode amap xbr_gaode_amap # 介绍,高德系列: #####基础包 高德 定位 包:xbr_gaode_location 高德 地图 包:xbr_gaode_map
xbr gaode amap pakege android xbr_gaode_amap_pakege_android # xbr_gaode_amap_pakege_android Getting Started # This project is...
xbr gaode location xbr_gaode_location # 基础包 高德 定位 包:xbr_gaode_location:定位保活 高德 地图 包:xbr_gaode_map 高德...
xbr gaode location and track xbr_gaode_location_and_track # 介绍 高德猎鹰轨迹SDK 已含定位SDK, 因为两个必须配套使用 如果不使用猎鹰功能,仅需要定位功能,请搜索插件 xbr_gaode_location...
xbr gaode navi amap xbr_gaode_navi_amap # 后台定位可能报错:java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to bind to service Intent,
xbr gaode navi location xbr_gaode_navi_location # 介绍 此插件必须配合高德地图导航 xbr_gaode_navi 一起使用, 软件架构 软件架构说明...
xbr gaode track xbr_gaode_track # A new Flutter project. 高德猎鹰采集SDK 支持IOS+ANDROID Getting Started...
xbr mobile scanner mobile_scanner # A universal barcode...
xbr network freight xbr_network_freight # 说明 # 物流-部货运:网络货运SDK 调试版本就可以完成网络货运接入申请,并附带电子围栏。 截图 #
xb scaffold 基于provider封装的脚手架,集成路由、主题、dialog、toast、actionSheet等常用控件,集成分组头部悬浮的ListView 引入 # flutter pub add xb_scaffold copied to clipboard 初始化...
x button Getting Started # xbutton is a button that can support multiple styles, including shadow,...
php message