Wrapper around Symfony's Yaml parser - added __DIR__ support.
YUI Compressor is a popular CSS and JS minifier.
Integrates Assetic and Twig to a ZF2 application
ZF2 cron module
wrapper for DoctrineORMModule + DoctrineModule's CLI, tailored for yaml config files
A collection of Phing Tasks for a ZF2 app.
PHPUnit test case base classes for ZF2 applications.
yalo Yaml localizations (and assets codegen) # [yalo:loc] How to use # 1. Localization files...
Schema and validator for YAML
yaman 0.1.2 yaman - Yakuake terminal manager Manager for Yakuake, a drop-down, tabbed & tiled terminal...
yamanifest 0.3.8 General YAML manifest format ...
yambs 3.0.4 yambs (3.0.4) Yet another...
NLP text chunker using Support Vector Machines
Add metadata to Flash video
demo project
yamh Yet Another Markdown to HTML converter # A dirt simple, null-safe Markdown to HTML converter.
A composer package builder.
yamily 0.2.0 yamily Define family trees in YAML Setup Debian / Ubuntu $...
library to simplify mail sends with html templates
yaml A parser for YAML. Usage # Use loadYaml to load a single document, or...
yaml2cli 1.0.3 Date: October 12, 2018 Organize cli args...
yaml2dart yaml2dart # Converts a YAML file to a Dart file containing global scope constants. It...
yaml2xbel 0.0.3 XBEL generator from YAML This generator can generate XBEL for bookmark exchange and storage...
yamlcfg yamlcfg # A type-safe configuration file parser with support for YAML notation. Features #
yaml config reader yaml_config_reader # A new Flutter package project for yaml config reader. Getting...
yamlconfiguration 0.2.6 yaml_configuration This module offers easy configuration for a other modules or startup scripts....
C++ YAML parser and emitter for YAML 1.2 spec
yamldb 1.0.4 YamlDB
yaml edit A library for YAML manipulation while preserving comments. Usage # A simple usage...
yaml extension The package extends the functionality of the yaml library Method list #...
yaml fluency YAML Fluency # Writes YAML strings fluently Write this:
Extensible command-line tool to format YAML files
yaml formatter YAML Formatter A command line tool that formats the yaml file. Usage #
yamlifier 1.0.3 Create a yaml file from a template and automatically embed local files. Create builds...
yamlish 0.18.1 YAMLish is a small subset of YAML that TAP producers may use to embed...
yamlize 0.7.1 see https://github.com/SimplyKnownAsG/yamlize/blob/master/README.rst
Language Server for Yaml Files
yamller YAMMLER # A library for generate dart file from yaml. [简体中文] Usage #
Linter for YAML files
yaml localizations yaml_localizations # A minimal YAML localization package for Flutter. YAML is a human-readable,...
yaml magic YamlMagic # YamlMagic is a Dart & Flutter package that provides utilities...
yamlresume 0.7.10 yaml-resume
yaml serializer yaml_serializer # A simple YAML Serializer
yamltool 0.1.2 YAML tool, a clone of the json.tool Python module for YAML. This tool provides...
yamltools dart-yamlTools # Some tools for making your yaml life easier.
yamltosqlite 1.0 yaml-to-sqlite Load the contents of a...
yaml variable scanner 📓 Language: English | 中文 💡 See the Migration Guide to learn how...
yaml writer yaml_writer # ...
yamsort 1.0 Purpose Ever needed to compare two YAML files, when the keys were out of...
My first packagist package
yamusicrnd 1.1.0 yandex_rnd Поиск случайного исполнителя на сайте яндекс музыки...
Laravel package
yana YANA - Yet Another Navigation Approach # YANA provides a convenient way to use declarative...
yance yance # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
yandex dictionary api Yandex Dictionary Api # Package to access the Yandex.Dictionary API over HTTP....
yandex disk The library for integration with Yandex.Disk via HTTP REST API. Usage # A...
yandex geocoder Flutter Yandex Geocoder Read this in Russian The geocoder...
yandex mapkit yandex_mapkit # A flutter plugin for displaying yandex maps on iOS and Android....
yandex mapkit community yandex_mapkit_community # A flutter plugin for displaying yandex maps on iOS and Android.
yandex mapkit lite Yandex Mapkit Light # Fork of yandex_mapkit library, but...
yandex maps mapkit Yandex MapKit for Flutter # MapKit for Flutter allow you to use the...
yandex maps mapkit lite Yandex MapKit Lite for Flutter # MapKit Lite for Flutter allow you...
yandex maps navikit Yandex MapKit and NaviKit SDK for Flutter # MapKit and NaviKit for Flutter...
yandex mobileads Mobile Ads Flutter Plugin # Flutter plugin for the Yandex Mobile Ads SDK. The...
yandextank 2.0.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Create a dummy pictures online
yang.connector 24.8 Client capable of NETCONF and gNMI protocol
In order to study composer
Phore ASN.1-DER library
XML generación de documentos electrónicos, Facturacion Electrónica SUNAT - Perú
Extend Laravel's generators scaffold.
yang.ncdiff 24.8 A package to generate NETCONF edit-config when two config states are given.
This is my package UnitConversions
my.mail.ru api
Submit forms via ajax with jQuery
A SlimCMS Core framework
Small common tools used for Kitpages bundles
test 2
Joomla Virtuemart cms payment gate library
Allpay Service Provider for Laravel
An eloquent package for favouriting eloquent models.
Copy terminal output to clipboard
symfony 1.x plugin for SSL.
腾讯云日志服务,tencent-cloud cls,cloud log service,基于PHP语言的可用的CLS结构化日志PB日志生成。LogGroupList 的 PB 格式打包内容,只包含结构化日志的生成,不包含完整的cls服务功能。附加签名代码。
Cothema Time
Ajax loader area widget for Yii
Sightengine PHP client
yano web bundle Yet ANOther Web Bundle # 开箱即用,App 内嵌 Webview 子应用的管理和加载工具。Web 子应用可以从内存、Zip 归档、互联网 Tar 归档、框架...
A full-chain PHP framework.