arku 1.0.0rc5 arku arku, pronounced as...
Arky 1.3.1 .. image:: :target: https://ark.ioCopyright 2016-2018 **Toons**, Copyright 2018 **ARK**, `MIT licence`_Install=======Ubuntu / OSX^^^^^^^^^^^^>From development...
This is a engine that creates articles and comments for you on the fly
Provide an LDAP search interface to an ActiveRecord model in a Rails 3 project
Active Record Left Over Guardian. Meant to be run after each test. Fails your test suite, if test doesn't clean...
Cria extrato da CF-e para exportar em PDF e HTML
arlib 0.0.4 arlib: Common interface for archive manipulation (Tar, Zip, etc)
arlie 1.0.1 Agent of Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Environments
This gem implements some of the ideas discussed in this post: for LIGHTNING fast rails APIs
hyperf validate
Make left joins feel like first-class citizens in ActiveRecord.
arlo 1.2.64 arlo Python module for interacting with Netgear's Arlo camera system. Now...
ar location view ar_location_view # Augmented reality for geolocation. Inspired HDAugmentedReality Demo #...
Atomic lock model which stores its locks in the database.
Web application sample, part of QuEasy PHP framework
Lookup tables using activerecord and array fields
arlq 1.3.0 ARLQ, another rogue-like quest game ARLQ (Another Rogue-Like Quest) game created as an experiment...
ActiveRecord Messaging
armadasde 0.3.0 armada-sde armada-sde is a pluggable app for Django which provides...
armadasderest 0.1.2 armada-sde-rest armada-sde-rest is a pluggable app for Django which provides...
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications
Armadura generates Rails projects, preconfigured with sensible defaults.
armadyl 0.1.1 Armadyl Armadyl is a lightweight extension of the Pycnic web framework.
arm archive 0.1.0 is a Python module for accessing data from the ARM archive....
Work in progress.
Ruby wrapper for the REST API for Conviso Armature
armavhclient 0.1.10 Arm Virtual Hardware Client (avhclient) The Arm Virtual Hardware Client (avhclient) is a python...
A minimal CouchDB interface that can do nothing but add documents and iterate over documents.
Memoize ActiveRecord objects and search there.
Merge 2 ActiveRecords, preserving associations and attributes
armet 0.4.44 UNKNOWN
Symfony Bundle to manage domains
Add MySQL geometry type to Active Record.
armgdb 0.9.10 arm-gdb Tools for inspecting ARM Cortex-M registers within GDB Currently supported:
An Armincms paymnet gateway.
free as in freedom php component to validate if your script is reaching the allowed maximum runtime
A PHP client for Clever Cloud API
A Laravel Nova tool.
Decorator Pattern for Ruby.
This library supports Design by Contract for Ruby.
This library consists of a notification server for linux desktops and a correspondent ruby client API. It further contains a...
armis 1.0.22 Armis Python Library armis - A Python library for interacting with the Armis cloud.
Hardware private key storage for next-generation cryptography (e.g. BLS) initially targeting USB armory Mk II devices from F-Secure
armmwave 0.1.0 armmwave Code that calculates transmittace and reflectance of materials at millimeter wavelengths....
*Not yet functional.*<br> ARM allows you to mock up AcitveRecord models to prevent needing to load rails or databases while...
Create relationships and models that work with form objects and don't dependant on a database schema.
A simple configuration tool
Monocle helps you manage your DB views.
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
A PBKDF2 pure ruby implementation.
This gem contains some miscellaneous utilities for armoredcode security tools
Ruby gem for interacting with Armor Payments.
armour 1.3.4 armour password securing, management and generation tools userland tools
armpython 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
armpytorchutilities 0.4.3 Requirements PyTorch (1.0+) python 3 Installation pip...
armrest 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
armsim 0.1development armsim is an ARM Simulator for Linux Objective armsim has the...
armstrong.esi 1.1.0 Django application for handling edge side include (ESI) Usage ESI allows...
armtestdata 0.0.12 arm-test-data A place to share atmospheric data with...
Multidb is an ActiveRecord extension for switching between multiple database connections, such as primary/replica setups.
Execute multithreaded code while still using transactional fixtures by synchronizing db access to a single connection
armydb 0.0.1 A package that makes database management easier than sqlite3
ar_mysql_flexmaster allows configuring N mysql servers in database.yml and auto-selects which is a master at runtime
arna animations Introduction # A package that provides basic animations to your flutter application. Getting...
Get random proverbs from
arna logger Introduction # This is a Flutter plugin that provides a pretty logger for your...
arna response validation Introduction # A simple and powerful HTTP validator for Flutter. Getting Started...
Allows easy access to the web thumbnail service of
arnesopypitemplateinstance 0.0.9 Arneso Pypitemplate Instance
This repository contains the PHP-SDK to interact with Binance DEX. It's supported by mostly pure PHP code.
A simple hello world gem
arnger1 1.0.1 mygmap======A simple python wrapper for Google Maps API.Use it to get the formatted address or...
This is the start of a Puppet provisioning system.
It provides a graphical web service, a JSON rest...
Generate image srcset automatically
Based on
This gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a interface for replication and for running...
WordPress option manager.
ActiveRecord Object Instrumenter: Instrument the creation of ActiveRecord objects
arolemgr 0.2.0 arolemgr arolemgr is a fork of the ansible-galaxy cli tool enhanced with additional features.
Write a longer description or delete this line.
aroma 0.0.0a7 aroma
Provides a few extensions to the Ruby core libraries
Fast access to database results without the memory overhead of ActiveRecord objects
aron gradient line Animate gradient line widget
arosics 1.12.0 An Automated and Robust Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software for Multi-Sensor Satellite Data ...
arouteserver 1.23.1 ARouteServer A Python tool to automatically build (and test) feature-rich configurations for...
Manage the expenses generated by your services
Create invoice for any model of your Laravel App
A pure ruby implementation of the AROW
arowana arowana # A lightweight HTTP server framework for Dart.It is based on the...
arp001cloud 0.0.1.dev3 run for help to how to use(this is not avavilable in the current version...
Authorization Gem for Ruby and Ruby on Rails projects
arpa 0.1.0b4 Python ARPA Package Python library for reading ARPA n-gram models. Documentation...
arpabackport 0.1.0b4 Python ARPA Package Python library for reading ARPA n-gram models. Documentation...
Routines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
A lightweight gem that calculates elo
Pagination for Rails controllers.
arp cache loader arp-cache-loader # Loading tools of arp cache, which make it more convenient to...
arpegio 0.3.4 Apps that sound good together. Arpegio is a set of apps that work well...
ActiveRecord enhancements to optimize queries and insertion functionality. Includes support for finder index hints, ignore and duplicate update, insert select,...
Use a Postgres array column to manage a model's roles
Utility to check whether MAC addresses are already taken on a LAN
Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.
Keep your libraries in shape
arpm 0.0.3 Helper for Ansible
UNIX arp cache update utility
arpq 0.1.1 arpq Asynchronous python library impementing priority queue based on Redis sorted sets.
arpreq 0.3.4 Python C extension to query the Kernel ARP cache for the MAC address of...
To switch mac address for static arp endpoint.
This invokes arping command for health checking.
This gem turns off schema introspection in favor of declaring properties in your models.
Instead, you declare the...
ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool
ARP traffic generation tool
ArpSpoof 1.1.2 ArpSpoof Description This package implements an ARP Spoofer for MIM (Man-In-the-Middle) or DoS...
arpy 2.3.0 ‘arpy’ is a library for accessing the archive files and reading the contents. It supports...
arq 0.26.0 arq Job...
arq 0.26.1 arq Job...