downloads path provider downloads_path_provider # Flutter plugin to get the downloads directory. Getting Started #
flutter scrolling fab animated Flutter Scrolling Fab Animated # This package is a floating button whose...
ngcomponents Material design components for AngularDart. The AngularDart Components Gallery contains live examples and documentation....
tencent cloud chat push Tencent Cloud Chat Push Plugin # The tencent_cloud_chat_push plugin is a Flutter...
smooth scroll multiplatform Multiplatform Smooth Scroll # A fork of the dyn_mouse_scroll package, including Wizzel1's fixes...
jni jni # This is a support library to access JNI from Dart / Flutter code....
flutter youtube view flutter_youtube_view # This plugin provides Inlining YouTube player. To interact with YouTube the...
gma mediation meta Google Mobile Ads Mediation of Meta Audience Network for Flutter # ...
async wallpaper Async Wallpaper A flutter package which contains a collection of some functions to set...
flutter dynamic icon plus flutter_dynamic_icon_plus # A flutter plugin for dynamically changing app icon and app...
hijri picker Hijri Date Picker # Flutter Widget & Picker to select Hijri (Isalmic Calendar) date
carbon icons carbon_icons # A Flutter package which includes 1584 Carbon icons from the Carbon Design...
flutter grid button flutter_grid_button # Flutter widget that arrange buttons in a grid. It is useful...
jinja jinja # Jinja (3.x) server-side template engine port for...
walletconnect dart WalletConnect is an open source protocol for connecting decentralised applications to mobile wallets with...
flutter inner shadow Features # This package wraps any flutter widget inside InnerShadow widget with specified...
fl pip fl_pip # 基于原生ios和android的画中画模式,实现显示flutter的view,可以通过修改flutter 栈顶的view来显示任意UI # The picture-in-picture mode is implemented in native ios...
flutter stories flutter_stories # Widget that brings stories mechanism to your apps Advantages:...
google mlkit selfie segmentation Google's ML Kit Selfie Segmentation for Flutter # ...
isolates Helps with isolates and isolate communication in Dart. Requires the dart:isolate library being available....
string mask dart-string-mask # A string formatter and validator based on masks Port of
flutter aws s3 client DEPRECATED # Since there is now an official package for accessing AWS...
text editor TextEditor # An instagram like text editor widget for flutter
emvqrcode a dart package for decode and encode EMVCO # information about...
quick log An easy to use and extendable logging package for Dart. Especially useful for use in...
onnxruntime OnnxRuntime Plugin # Overview # Flutter plugin for OnnxRuntime via dart:ffi provides...
intrinsic dimension IntrinsicDimension # A widget that expose a builder to obtain the dimensions of the...
fuzzysearch Fuzzy Fuzzy search in Dart. This...
overlay dialog OverlayDialog # A Flutter package for showing platform dialogs without using new routes....
easy pie chart Easy Pie Chart Package # The Easy Pie Chart package provides a versatile...
sqflite migration Migrate your mobile sqlite database # Library to manage sqlite db migrations using sqflite...
polygon polygon # Create any polygon easily in Flutter with this package!
icalendar parser icalendar_parser # Package to parse iCalendar...
flutter circle color picker flutter_circle_color_picker # A beautiful circle color picker for flutter....
desktop webview auth Desktop webview auth # This package enables...
w common w_common # A collection of helpful utilities for use in Dart projects. Right now,...
manage calendar events Manage Calendar Events # A flutter plugin which will help you to add,...
flutter in app pip In App PiP for Flutter # A Flutter Package to help easily...
inspector inspector # A Flutter package...
auto animated list auto_animated_list # Zero boilerplate AutoAnimatedList Widget that supports automatic animations when list items...
flutter scale tap ScaleTap # Scale and opacity animated Button for Flutter Getting Started #
pdf merger pdf_merger # A new Flutter plugin for merge List of PDF files. It supports...
google vision Google Vision Images REST API Client # Native Dart package...
horizontal calendar Horizontal Calendar # A flutter plugin to show horizontal view of calendar with date...
nested scroll views Nested Scrolling Views # Flutter nested scrolling views. ...
elementary helper Elementary-helper # # # ...
statistics statistics #
material table view material_table_view # Comprehensive, feature-rich and intuitive UI/UX...
batch flutter Batch Flutter Plugin # The Batch Flutter Plugin allows you to build meaningful communication...
river player This is the same good old Better Player with fixes and updates, Because the...
flutter pagination Flutter Pagination Buttons # Use Pagination In Flutter # Example #
optimized cached image Optimized Cached Image # A flutter library for loading images from...
carousel pro nullsafety carousel_pro 空安全版本 #
honeywell scanner This is a plugin to scan barcodes by using Honeywell PDA Android devices. About...
otp text field v2 Note: This package was just updated on OTPTextField because the author does not...
huawei account Huawei Account Flutter Plugin ...
flutter widgetkit flutter_widgetkit Flutter Library for...
surf logger Surf Logger # Made by Surf 🏄♂️🏄♂️🏄♂️ ...
cancellation token http Dart Cancellation Token: HTTP # A fork of Dart's HTTP package with request...
currency converter DESCRIPTION: A Simple Flutter plugin for converting currencies and crypto currencies live! Features #
dcdg Dart Class Diagram Generator # A small command line utility to generate a class (UML...
super editor Open source, configurable, extensible text editor and document renderer for Flutter. Super...
windows1251 windows-1251 # Cyrillic windows-1251 (cp1251) encoding implementation for Dart.
updat Updat - The simple-to-use, flutter-based desktop update package # Updat is a simple-to-use...
shake flutter Shake Flutter SDK # Flutter plugin for bug reporting. Features #
flutter device id flutter_device_id # Get current deviceId from within the Flutter application. Android(android_Id), IOS(IDFV)...
app minimizer flutter_app_minimizer # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
zendesk plugin zendesk plugin # A Flutter plugin for the Zendesk Chat SDK v2 Getting...
masked text field Masked Text Field Masked Text Field #
devtools extensions Dart & Flutter DevTools Extensions # Extend Dart & Flutter's developer tool suite,...
spine flutter spine-flutter # The spine-flutter runtime provides functionality to load, manipulate and render Spine skeletal...
sa3 liquid sa3_liquid # Implementation of the liquid feature of Simple Animation 3.x package. Use...
flame lottie Adds support for Lottie animations to your Flame games.
kalender This Flutter package offers a Calendar Widget featuring integrated Day, MultiDay, Month and Schedule views. Moreover,...
theme tailor Welcome to Theme Tailor, a code generator and theming utility for supercharging Flutter ThemeExtension classes...
bs58 base58 # A Dart Base58 Cipher - Encoder/Decoder library for Dart developers. This encoding is...
onscreen num keyboard numeric_keyboard # A simple numeric keyboard widget Installation #...
hooked bloc Hooked Bloc # Flutter package that simplifies injection and usage of Bloc/Cubit. The...
page animation transition Using this package, you can add beautiful page transitions to your application. Usage...
libserialport Dart FFI bindings to libserialport #
flutter no internet widget flutter_no_internet_widget # Overview # A new Flutter...
either option either_option # either_option is a simple library typed for easy and safe error handling...
easy url launcher A flutter package based on url_launcher package for call,sms,email and launch url in browser...
google mlkit document scanner Google's ML Kit Document scanner for Flutter # ...
loading Loading # A flutter widget of loading progress Indicator. Easy to use, easy to extend
flagsmith Flagsmith Flutter SDK # Flagsmith allows you to manage feature flags and remote config across...
smooth compass Smooth Compass # Customizable flutter package to find direction using device motion sensors....
image save image_save # Save image to album, support Android...
flutter gradient animation text This package lets you make animated gradient texts without any hassle. Just...
background locator background_locator # A Flutter plugin for getting location updates even when the app is...
http proxy override http_proxy_override # http_proxy_override get the proxy settings from system,...
flutter dtmf flutter_dtmf # Generates DTFM Tones for Flutter Application. This can be used in VOIP...
google map marker animation This package is extension of flutter_animarker. We add onMarkerAnimationListener for...
should rebuild ShouldRebuild # A widget...
json class Table of Contents json_class Using the library Example
firebase ui oauth Firebase UI OAuth # Base package for Firebase UI OAuth providers:
bloc event transformers BLoC event transformers # Skip implementing transformers...
drift local storage inspector SQL file storage inspector for drift databases # ...
flutter mjpeg flutter_mjpeg # Flutter widget to show mjpeg stream from URL This is a...
shake detector shake_detector # A flutter package to detect phone shakes, with pause and resume listening...