utopia di Utopia Dependency Injection # Light & Fast Dart Dependency Injection Library Features #
utopia firebase crashlytics crashlytics # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
utopia hooks riverpod utopia_hooks_riverpod # Utopia Hooks x Riverpod
utopia http Utopia HTTP Server # Light and Fast Dart HTTP library to build awesome Dart...
utopia lints arch # Architecture components Getting Started # This project is a starting...
utopia localization annotation utopia_localization_annotation # Utopia USS libs - Localization - Annotations for [utopia_localization_generator](https://pub. dev/packages/utopia_localization_generator).
utopia localization utils utopia_localization_utils # Utopia USS libs - Localization - Flutter utils for utopia_localization_generator.
utopia logger Utopia Logger # Light & Fast Dart Logging Library Features #
utopia platform utils utopia_platform_utils # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
utopia queue Utopia Queue # Utopia queue is a powerful queue library. It is designed to...
utopia reporter utopia_reporter #
utopia rest utopia_rest # Utils for REST API communication based on Dio.
utopia save file utopia_save_file # Unified and correct implementation of file saving. General behavior #
utopia validation utopia_validation #
utopia widgets utopia_widgets # Miscellaneous, basic widgets. Highlights # FormLayout and TopBottomLayout #...
utp protocol About # This library implements uTorrent Transport Protocol with pure Dart , no any...
uudi card plugin uudi_card_plugin # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
uuid uuid # Version 4.x.x is a complete redesign of the underlying setup, but tries to...
uuid enhanced dart-uuid # Version 3.0.0 has breaking API changes Simple, fast generation of RFC4122...
uuid helper uuid_helper # Introduction # A flutter plugin for generating a unique...
uuid mpesa A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a...
uuid to hsl Features # This package can generate a color for given UUID v4. The...
uuid type UUID type for Dart # This package provides...
uuid type next This is a package for UUID Types, that includes serializers for built_value as well...
uuid v4 uuid_v4 # A Dart package for generating and parsing UUID version 4 (RFC4122) strings....
uuidv6 uuidv6 # UUID Version 6 for Dart
uvc A Dart package for controlling UVC compliant webcams. You can find more information about UVC...
uwuifer uwuifer # uwuify your texts :3 Note This is my first...
ux feedback Flutter UX Feedback # A Flutter plugin to use the UX Feedback.
ux images picker images_picker # Flutter plugin for selecting images/videos from the Android and...
ux improvements This package bundles small Widgets that are generally useful in different Projects. It is...
ux keyboard actions Keyboard Actions # Add features to the Android / iOS keyboard...
uyum package Features # Getting started # Usage # const like = 'sample';...
uzpay UzPay 🇺🇿 💳 # UzPay bu O'zbekistonda faoliyat olib boradigan to'lov tizimlari orqali OSON to'lov...
uzu flavored markdown Flutter Markdown # A markdown renderer for Flutter. It...
uzu md uzu_md # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
v2ray v2ray client package for flutter # package will includes codes both Android and Ios...
v4 navigation engine v4_navigation_engine # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
vader di vader_di # A simple, flexible and platform agnostic Dependency Injection library with convenient syntax.
vader flutter vader_flutter # A Flutter implementation of the Vader package Getting Started #...
vader popup Vader Popup # Vader Popup is a Flutter...
vajra VAJRA A HTTP Client Library Written In Dart👩🏽💻 Made with ❤️ by developers for...
val api val_api # This package provides an easy way to use the Riot games Valorant...
valida valida # Validators for Dart and Flutter. Create field, params and object validators from code...
validadores Validador (PT-BR) # Este projeto tem como objetivo principal aplicação de estudos Flutter, e colaborar...
validate Validate # Lightweight library for validating function arguments in Dart. This library is mainly...
validated Validated # The ultimate dart + flutter string validators . This library 45...
validate firebase auth validate_firebase_auth # A small package...
validate phone number Features # It is a simple textformfield that allows us to validate the...
validate rut RUT Validator # RUT Validator is a Dart package that provides utilities for the...
validation assistant Very simple and light form validation assistant. # Use your own validation functions with...
validation chain Validation Chain # ValidationChain,...
validation extensions validation_extensions # Flutter form field validations using dart extension methods. Available validation extension...
validation form Form Validation Library # Simplify form management in Flutter using the Cubit...
validation localizations Validation localizations delivers a prepeard localizations labels for most used validations messages. We recommend...
validation notifier ValidationNotifier # A ValueNotifier that validates a value against a collection of customizable rules.
validations Validations for Dart. # Validator setup #
validation textformfield Installation # Add the latest version of package to your pubspec.yaml (and...
validator annotation Defines annotations that will be used by packaged validator_generator to build class validator. Annotation...
validator dart validator-dart # This library is written entirely in pure Dart code, it includes a...
validator forge Validator Forge # Validator Forge is a Flutter package that provides a set of...
validator generator Provides [Dart Build System] builders for create validator class. The builders generate validator class...
validatorless Validatorless # This package provides a means to validate text inputs on the...
validator regex Validator_regex # Validator is a Dart package that provides simple and convenient methods to...
validators validators # String validation and sanitization for Dart. Dart 2-compatible version of...
validators2 validators2 # A fork of the validators package. https://github.com/dart-league/validators String validation and sanitization...
validify Table of contents # Features Installation
validtion example Validtion #
valorant api Features # Can do basic queries for main categories on dashboard at https://dash.valorant-api.com/...
valpi A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import 'package:valpi/valpi.dart';
valuable Valuable # About # What is Valuable ? Valuable is another state management...
value animation progress Value Animation Progress # This library helps explain the amount of user consumption...
value container ValueContainer # ValueContainer is a package that will help you to separate values and...
value cubit A dart package that helps to implement basic states for BLoC library to perform, load...
value extensions value_extensions # Set of extensions on ValueListenable that allows to use it as Streams...
value layout builder value_layout_builder # A LayoutBuilder with an extra value. It's useful when...
value listenable extensions ValueListenable extensions # This package includes a set of useful ValueListenable extensions as...
value listenable listener Features # The widget will help you to listen the changes of any...
value listenable test value_listenable_test # Assists in testing ValueListenable objects (ex: ValueNotifier). install #...
value notifier plus Value Notifier Plus # ValueNotifierPlus é um pacote que expande as...
value notifier saved Feature # Add controller save value easy
value notifier tools Value Notifier Tools # Helpful lightweight tools...
value retriever Value Retriever # A package that creates a...
values Values # A Codec implementation that serializes and deserializes key-value pairs with an =...
value selectable ValueSelectable # A Flutter package that provides computed values for ValueNotifier, inspired...
value selector Value Selector # The Value Selector package facilitates seamless synchronization between UI components and...
value stream About # Simple and easy to use set of basic streams with direct access...
value stream builder value_stream_builder # Don't wait for first value from BehaviorSubject in StreamBuilder - just...
value t2 annotation value_t2_annotation See value_t2_generator
value t2 generator value_t2 # Reasoning: # specifying clases with copywith, equals, toString, required constructor...
value watcher Super simple Builder widget to listen ValueNotifier changes Using # define your ValueNotifier
vamboai VamboAI #
vandan plgin vandan_plgin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
vania Introduction # Vania Dart Documentation Contributing to Vania Vania is a robust backend...
vania cli As a Flutter mobile developer, you might aspire to evolve into a full-stack developer. This...
vanilla pay international Vanilla Pay International Dart Package # With this module, developers can effortlessly integrate...
vanilla state A very simple way to manage immutable state in flutter without having too much dependencies
vanke boxing images vanke_boxing_images # A flutter widget for test flutter plugins. Features #...
vant flutter Vant Flutter # 参照 vant-v3.3.7 的 flutter 版本,参数、方法和 vant 基本一致。 添加依赖 #...
vants ui 学习用 copied to clipboard vants_ui # 仿 vant ui 组件 Introduction...