ccid 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cdasws 1.8.5 Synopsis This library provides a simple python interface to the heliophysics data and...
cataloguer 2.2 Media cataloguer Organize your media files using your preferred directory structure. ...
cashflow 1.0 This package provides a cashflow script that can easily be invoked from the command...
canadianhamexam 1.0.0 Canadian Ham Exam uses the official question bank from Industry Canada and allows aspiring...
ByteSplitter 1.0.4 Idea This is a tiny Python library and command line utility for splitting any...
bwplex 0.1.0 A tool for skipping intro and outro for plex. Features
burn 0.4.6 ‘burn’ is a command-line tool to create audio discs from MP3, Ogg Vorbis, or...
boschthermostathttpclient 0.7.2 bosch-thermostat-http-client-python Python3 asyncio package to talk to Bosch Thermostats via their gateway, especially for...
blockdistortion 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
billingyard 1.1.0 Billing Yard Billing Yard is an open source CLI tool written in Python 3...
babtools gentoo 0.4.0 Info and API: babtools_gentoo: Some tools for working with Gentoo.
audtekapi 0.3.0 Unofficial API helper for Audioteka - audiobooks service: This is set of functions...
atomicmixer 0.1.3 AtomicMixer RefundTool Installation python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install...
arte plus7 2.2.4 ArtePlus7 ArtePlus7 is a python script aimed at downloading the mp4 videos from
amuseph4 2024.6.0 This package installs the ph4 community code for AMUSE.
amdapy 0.1.1 amdapy Python package for AMDA amdapy is a python package for accessing heliophysics...
aiohomekit 3.2.3 aiohomekit This library implements the HomeKit protocol for controlling Homekit accessories using...
afro 0.7.0 Description AFRO is Another Free Ripping Orchestra Documentation...
admongo 0.1.0 About This code automates MongoDB administrative tasks without knowledge of mongo shell language (JavaScript).
adf2pdf 0.8.3 adf2pdf - a tool that turns a batch of paper pages into a PDF...
aastructures 2.14.1 Structures App for managing Eve Online structures with Alliance Auth.
abow 0.5.2 A Bottle of Wiki A Bottle of Wiki (abbreviated abow) is a personal wiki....
abatools 1.0.0 Android Boot Animation Tools Simple command line utility for working with Android Boot Animations
qrs 2.0.1 qrs qrs (kyu-arr-ess) is a tool for Quarrel...
qettbgenerator 1.3.1 Allows to generate terminal blocks and connectors for QElectroTech electrical diagram software.
qibuild 3.18 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyxdu 1.0.1 pyxdu Pyxdu — display the output of "du" disk usage tool in a window.
pywd 0.0.3 Pywd (pronounced py-woo-dee) is a command-line application written in Python. The application generates a password...
pytzmemcache 2014.4.33 latest version at pytz with memcache modified to be high performance that also...
pytrip98gui 1.5.0 pytripgui is the graphical user interface (GUI) built around TRiP98 planning system and pytrip package.
pytunes 13.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyTorify 1.0 Tool for redirecting all TCP traffic over TOR
PythOwO 1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pytonikcurl 2.0 Pytonik curl Pytonik curl...
pytonikagent 1.0.5 pytonik Agent Module pytonik Agent Module, gets user or visitor web browser and operating...
pythonbackup 0.0.5 python-backup Configuration file based file backup Installation pip install python-backup Usage
python3ping 2014.05.02.16245f0 A pure python ping implementation using raw sockets. Note that ICMP messages can only...
pyserialasyncio 0.6 Async I/O extension package for the Python Serial Port Extension for OSX, Linux, BSD...
pynfogen 1.1.2 pynfogen Scriptable...
pynetester 0.0.1 network tester for python 概述 pynetester模块是使用Python编写纠删码支持模块。 ...
pymodorogui 1.4.1 Pymodoro-gui, a python pomodoro app with a GUI for Windows A simple GUI python...
pyModis 2.4.1 Thank you for downloading pyModis pyModis is a Python library to download and process...
pyminiproj 0.0.28 refer to .md files in
pymd 0.5.5 pymd Description pymd is a command line wrapper for Python...
PyMassSpec 2.4.2 Python Toolkit for Mass Spectrometry
pymaschine 0.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pymarkdown minisite 0.2 Usage: [options] “YOUR WEBSITES NAME” PATH_TO_YOUR_FILES_DIR http://YOUR_WEBSITES.URL for default...
pymangaplus 1.1.4 PyMangaPlus PyMangaPlus is a Python client for the...
pymailtm 1.1.1 This is a command line interface and python web-api wrapper for The api...
pyloadprofilegenerator 0.1.0 pyLPG This package provides bindings and binaries to execute the LoadProfileGenerator (LPG) from python.
PyLoadBar 0.2.0 PyLoadBar Loading sequence/progress bar generator with options for users to customize start/finish...
pylssmart 0.0.1 This is the python library which implements the list directory command using python For...
pyloxoneapi 0.2.4 Pyloxone-api A Python API for communicating with a Loxone miniserver. ...
pyjams 2.2 A general Python package with a wide variety of miscellaneous utility functions. ...
pyhashfs 1.0.0 A hash file system (HashFS) is a content addressable file system, where the content (files)...
pygmentshack 0.2 pygments-hack ~~~~~~~~ Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. This hack adds code...
pygenomes 0.1.0 pygenomes (formally named pygenomes) is a Python module and also a command- line tool...
PyFortune 0.1 UNKNOWN
PyFormsGUI 5 If you find this project useful, please, do not forget to it. Pyforms GUI
pyfJmod 0.2.2 UNKNOWN
pyfindfiles 1.6.0 PyFindFiles Find files (text or binary) containing text or patterns...
pyFileFixity 3.1.4 pyFileFixity provides a suite of open source, cross-platform, easy to use and easy to...
PyFFI 2.2.3 The Python File Format Interface, briefly PyFFI, is an open source Python library for...
pycurl743zhongwenwendang 2024.3.4.0 PyCurl 7.43 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/pycurl-7-43-zhongwen-wendang docker run -tid...
pycrosswordgenerator 0.3.0 Crossword Puzzle Generator
pyconcd 0.1.0 pyconcd Countdown to the next PyCon! This script prints the time remaining until...
pyCastUSGS 4.0.2 An application for automating ShakeMap delivery to critical users and for facilitating notification of shaking...
pyCardDAV 0.7.0 pyCardDAV is a simple to use CardDAV CLI client. It has built in support for
pyblue 2022.8.1 A simple static site generator. Why another one? There are many static site...
pyAniSort 1.0.4 pyAniSort=========pyAniSort is a command line utility that will sort and rename animevideo files into folders...
pyactms 0.0.2 ActMS - python interface This is a library to enable mental simulation of multiple...
py3tts 3.5 Offline Text To Speech (TTS) converter for Python ...
pullyou 1.0.2 PullYou is a tool for opening the PR associated with a given git hash....
pspscan 0.9 PSP_Scan This is a library for reading Paintshop Pro files (.pspimage), and converting...
psdexport 1.0.32 psd-export Fast multi-threaded exporting of PSDs with [tagged] layers for variants....
prysenter 1.0 Prysenter is an absolutely minimal, text-only, terminal-only presentation runner. It shows a sequence of...
proxverter 0.5.3 Proxverter Cross platform system wide proxy server & TLS Interception library for Python. Basically...
prs 0.0.7 prs prs is a small utility that lets you pipe things to Python and...
providedir 0.1.2 provide_directory Function to create the given path, including potential parent directories. Writes to the...
prometheusgivenergy 1.0.3 prometheus-givenergy prometheus exporter for GivEnergy inverter metrics prometheus-givenergy is inspired by givenergy-modbus module.
procyonlexer 1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
presamples 0.2.7 presamples Package to write, load, manage and verify numerical arrays, called presamples. Initially...
pnuunicode2ascii 1.1.1 Installation pip install pnu-unicode2ascii UNICODE2ASCII(1), UNICODE2ASCII(3) This repository includes a command-line utility:
pnustrings 1.1.3 Installation pip install pnu-strings STRINGS(1), STRINGS(3) This repository includes a command-line utility:
pnurot13 1.0.6 Installation pip install pnu-rot13 ROT13(6), ROT13(3) This repository includes a command-line utility:
pls2upl 0.0.5 pls2upl is a command-line script that will convert a PLS playlist to a UPL...
plovervipe 1.0.2 Vipe (Norwegian stenography system) support for Plover. It remaps W to V and Z...
ploversyllabicchording 0.3.1 Plover Syllabic Chording A syllabic chording system for Plover, reminiscent of how the Veyboard...
ploverrussiantrillo 0.0.2 The Trillo Russian Realtime stenography system for Plover. Activating Trillo After...
ploverpythondictionary 1.1.0 Plover Python dictionary Add support for Python dictionaries to Plover. Usage A...
ploverportuguese 0.2.2 Portuguese stenography system for Plover. Release Notes 0.2.2: Fix plugin error...
ploverpluginsmanager 0.7.1 Plover Plugin Manager Release history 0.7.1 fix editable installation (ensure...
ploverplatformspecifictranslation 0.2.8 Plover Platform Specific Translation This Plover extension plugin contains a meta that...
ploverphenrsteno 0.2.3 Stenotype layout for Phenrsteno Non-rhotic phonemic system for Plover....
ploverpalantypegerman 0.0.25 Plover Palantype German Possum Palantype support for Plover for German with two additional keys.
ploveropenurl 0.0.2 Command plugin for Plover to open a URL, a folder, or files....
ploverofteva 0.2.7 Plover OFT EVA Add support for the OFT EVA keyboard: Release history
plovermodz 0.1.0 This plugin for plover provides the Plover Mod-Z system which is a minor modification of...
plovermidi4text 0.0.4 Midi4Text English orthographic system implementation for Plover. Warning: Updating the plugin does...