plovermidi 1.0.5 Plover MIDI Add support for MIDI keyboards/machines to Plover. Release history 1.0.5
plovermichela 2.0.0 Plover Michela Michela (Italian system) support for Plover. This include support for compatible...
plovermergewords 0.1.1 Avoid repeating yourself. Usage Prevent the Stacking of Characters {:merge:text}
plovermelani 0.6.0 Plover Melani Italian system for Plover based on the Melani method. Documentation...
plovermarkdowndictionary 0.2.0 Plover Markdown Dictionary This is a markdown file with embedded code blocks, in the...
pmailtui 0.1.8 Pmail Simple TUI mail client for Gmail. Introduction Pmail aims to be...
plutopluto 1.2.0 plutopluto - simple feed aggregator Overview Display posts from multiple feeds:
plonesocial.twitter.anywhere 0.1 Introduction plonesocial.twitter.anywhere integrates Twitter’s @Anywhere platform into Plone. It allows you to do
plonesocial.auth.rpx 0.815 plonesocial.auth.rpx plonesocial.auth.rpx is an addon product for Plone which allows users to authenticate...
plone.formwidget.masterselect 3.0.0 MasterSelectWidget This is a z3cform widget based on the orginal Archetypes widget which...
plmdgraham 0.5.3 Player Lineup Manager History Some variant of plm has been used privately since...
pitwi 0.5.2 Pitwi Librairy for create user interface...
piputils 0.0.6 Helper utilities for pip. Installation Download from PyPI: pip install...
pipl 0.2.0.dev4 pipl Package Index PipeLine Experimental pip/devpi based pipeline dependency platform Why...
pingplusplus 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Pimydoc 0.2.9 Pimydoc by suizokukan (suizokukan AT orange DOT fr) A (Python3/GPLv3/OSX-Linux-Windows/CLI) project, using no additional...
pilknogil 0.3.2 pilk-nogil fork from foyoux/pilk,在编解码过程中释放了GIL,适合多线程处理 python silk codec binding 支持微信语音编解码 pilk: python +...
photosorter 1.0.5 PhotoSorter is a small script in Python and Python 3 which can organize your photos....
photobooth 0.0.1b3 Photobooth Photobooth application purely written in Python. Controlling a dslr camera and...
pgnhelper 0.10.2 PgnHelper An application that can sort games in pgn file; add eco codes, opening...
perfana 0.0.8 The author of this package has not provided a project description
perdu 0.2.1 Perdu Python library and webapp for matching against standard industry and product classifiers. Comes...
penin 0.1.0 Information gathering and penetration testing framework PenIn (Information gathering and penetration testing framework) is...
perceptronAI 1.2 The perceptronAI library allows you to create and control a perceptron
pendfetch 1.0.1 Show off your terminal, in style. ...
pelimoji 1.1.1 Pelimoji Pelimoji is a Pelican plugin that adds...
pelicanmystreader 1.4.0 MyST Reader: A Plugin for Pelican ...
pelicanmorecategories 0.1.0 more-categories This plugin adds support for multiple categories per article, and for...
pelicanjupyterreader 0.3.1 pelican-jupyter-reader: A Plugin for Pelican This Pelican plugin provides a...
pelicanjinjafilters 2.1.1 Jinja Filters is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python.
pelicanjinja2content 1.0.1 Jinja2Content Plugin for Pelican This plugin allows the use of Jinja2 directives...
pelicani18nsubsites 0.9.0 This plugin extends the translations functionality by creating internationalized sub-sites for the default site.
pelicangesetze 0.1.0 Pelican plugin for py-gesetze pelican-gesetze links german legal norms, dependency-free & GDPR-friendly. Installation
pdfx 1.4.1 PDFx Introduction Extract references (pdf, url, doi,...
pdfnup3 1.0.0 Pdfnup is a Python module and command-line tool for layouting multiple pages per sheet...
pathins 0.5.4 Path Inspector Path Inspector...
patentclient 5.0.17 Summary A powerful library for accessing intellectual property, featuring: 🍰 Ease...
patcat 2021.12.23 Pat Outputs text from files with rainbow colors. Recommended installation pip install...
pastemngr 1.1.0 pastemngr A powerful pastebin manager for the command line Introduction Paste manager...
passtorage 0.0.5 The main objective of passtorage is to generate random passwords and store them in text...
passplz 1.33.78 UNKNOWN
passphraseme 0.1.5 passphraseme A quick and simple cryptographically secure script to generate high entropy passphrases using...
passphrasegen 1.1 Generate a passphrase consisting of words chosen from word list dictionaries. See the online...
passholder 0.1.4 See github for long description.
par parallel 1.0 UNKNOWN
panovel 0.51 Panovel Introduction How does this work? Installation Starting a...
PandoraChatGPT 1.3.5 Pandora 潘多拉 (Pandora),一个让你呼吸顺畅的 ChatGPT。 潘多拉实现了网页版 ChatGPT 的主要操作。后端优化,绕过 Cloudflare,速度喜人。 ...
pandocshortcaption 1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pandocsecnos 2.2.2 A pandoc filter for numbering equations and their references when converting markdown documents to...
pandocrunfilter 0.2.0 pandoc-run-filter A simple pandoc filter that runs an embedded command or script in a...
pandocpyrun 1.0.2 pandoc_pyrun Pandoc_pyrun is a pandoc filter used to execute Python...
pandocpm 0.2.1 Date: December 7, 2016 Contents package-manager
pandocfigure Installation
panda3dcharactercontroller 20.11.1 Panda3D Character Controller An extensive character controller system to be used with the Panda3D...
pancritic 0.3.2 Author: Kolen Cheung Date: April 5, 2019 ...
palpageproducer 1.3.0 Palette Page Producer Input: a SASS stylesheet (.scss), a LESS stylesheet (.less), a GNU...
paginatejson 1.0 paginate-json CLI tool for retrieving JSON...
packpath 0.9.4 packpath Automatically upload Signal stickers from a given path and YAML configuration Install...
oscillo 1.0.0 oscillo 记录命令执行过程中对系统产生的负载,以图片的形式展现出来 Record the system load at the execution of the command line...
orderPy 1.0 The documentation can be found on the project’s github page.
operun.linkportlet 1.1.5 operun.linkportlet Overview This package provides a portlet to display Links. Links can be...
openvk 1.8 Python module for OpenVK API project management platform (OpenVK API wrapper)
opentypesanitizer 9.1.0 ots-python Python wheels for the OpenType Sanitizer
opentsdb23zhongwenwendang 2024.3.5.0 OpenTSDB 2.3 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/opentsdb-2-3-zhongwen-wendang docker run -tid...
OpenSCADMinimizer 0.2 OpenSCAD Minimizer - Reduce the size of your .scad file <> Default syntax:
openpyxlsql 1.2 moved to excel-sql-engine
opencontestclient 2.3.0 OpenContest Client A very simple OpenContest command line client written in Python. The only...
opencontestcli 2.8.0 OpenContest CLI A very simple OpenContest command line client written in Python and requests.
olive2022 0.1.7 Olive 2022 Edge-native virtual desktop application that uses the Sinfonia framework to discover...
ofxstatementmastercardde 0.1.0 This project provides a plugin for ofxstatement that imports German Mastercard statements. ofxstatement is...
offstream 1.0.3 offstream Record your favorite twitch streams automatically and watch them later. ...
offstackapp 0.0.1a0 Locally store your Stackoverflow favorites, without the need to constantly look them up. Works only...
offlate 0.5 Offlate is a graphical interface designed for translators of free and open source software....
dax 2.13.49 DAX, is a python package developed at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA. It’s available...
dateblock 1.0.3 [![Paypal](]([![Patreon](]( Manipulation======================Datetools packages itself with 2 tools, dateblock and datemath.## DateblockDateblock allows you to block...
navhippython 0.1.32 Python communication library for Ledger Hardware Wallet products Requirements This API...
NaverTTS 0.3.1 NaverTTS NaverTTS (NAVER Text-to-Speech), a Python library and CLI tool to interface...
natu 0.1.1 Natural units in Python Warning This project is currently in a...
nattopyfork 0.9.0 What is natto-py? A package leveraging FFI (foreign function interface), natto-py combines the...
nattopy 1.0.1 What is natto-py? A package leveraging FFI (foreign function interface), natto-py combines the...
natspyworker 0.0.9 NATS Worker An opinionated utility for using NATS...
naspi simple-nas-pi Introduction Simple implementation of a NAS on raspberry PI with disk redundancy...
napoleontoolbox 3.14 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmvyos 0.2.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmmos 5.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmlogs 0.11.0 Python library to parse syslog messages from network devices and produce JSON serializable Python objects,...
napalmjunos 0.12.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmiosxrgrpc 0.0.1a1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmiosxr 0.5.6 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmios 0.8.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalminspector 1.0.0 NAPALM-Inspector The NAPALM Inspector is a web application aimed to help with troubleshooting the...
darkprop 0.3.0 Python wrapper of DarkProp, a Monte Carlo simulation code for the propagation of dark...
darkdetectangr 0.9.1 Darkdetect-angr This package allows to detect if the user is using Dark Mode on:
darkdetect 0.8.0 Darkdetect This package allows to detect if the user is using Dark Mode on:
dardrive 0.2.11b13 Dardrive Warning! needs beta testing! Dardrive is a command line backup tool which...
dashbar 2.1 dashbar A progress-bar designed to be useful and...
darwinframework 1.0 A framework for Neuroevolution & Evolutionary Algorithms
nanomethphase 1.0 Phase long reads and CpG methylations from Oxford Nanopore Technologies Table of...
nanolibpy 0.5.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
nanoinsight 0.0.3 NanoINSight NanoINSight is a repeat annotation tool for insertions called by NanoVar. Installation: