wagmi flutter web Wagmi SDK wrapper for Flutter Web # Features # Exposes Wagmi sdk...
Criar uma API RESTful capaz de gerenciar os restaurantes e os produtos do seu cardápio.
Biblioteca para geração de arquivos de importação e exportação de dados do sistema SYSPDV
wagon 1.0.1 See Official Github Repo.
wagon wheel A new Flutter package to create a custom wagon wheel widget for cricket applications....
wagtailaudioembed 0.1.2 Wagtail-Audio-Embed Wagtail-Audio-Embed allows you to use links to sound files using the embed...
wagtailaudittrail 1.3.0 This wagtail app keeps a global audit trail of changes to pages for compliancy...
wagtailautocomplete 0.11.0 An edit handler for the Wagtail content editor allowing single or multi autocompleted selection of...
wagtailbucketav 0.0.1 wagtail-bucketav Scan Wagtail uploads using BucketAV
wagtailcodeblog 0.5.4 A code blog for wagtail Built with wagtail-code-blog: Findwork.dev/blog
wagtailcolourpicker 0.0.6 A colour picker for Wagtail’s DraftJS editor. Installation pip install wagtailcolourpicker
wagtailcondensedinlinepanel 0.5.3 Condensed InlinePanel for Wagtail CMS This repository contains a drop-in replacement for Wagtail's InlinePanel.
wagtailcontentaudit 0.1 wagtail-content-audit Content audit utilities for Wagtail. Still a work in progress. For Wagtail...
wagtailcontentimport 0.12.0 Wagtail Content Import is a module for importing page content into Wagtail from third-party sources.
wagtailcopyablemodeladmin 1.0.0 Wagtail CopyableModelAdmin CopyableModelAdmin is an extension of the Wagtail ModelAdmin...
wagtaildocspreviews 0.0.1 Extend Wagtail’s Documents with image previews and metadata from FilePreviews Installing...
wagtaildonate 1.9.2 Copyright (c) 2021 Torchbox This is not free software. You may not use,...
wagtaildownloadcounter 0.0.1 Wagtail Download Counter Wagtail Download Counter is an add-on for Wagtail CMS that keeps...
wagtailfootnotes 0.12.0 Wagtail Footnotes Add footnotes functionality to your Wagtail...
wagtailformblocks 0.10.1 A Wagtail module that provides content blocks to display and process user defined forms...
wagtailfreezer 0.1.0 Wagtail Freezer Generates static HTML sites from a Wagtail project
wagtailfrichtext 1.1.0 Wagtail F Richtext An alternative Wagtail richtext filter that can be configured...
wagtailfroala 0.2.11 Extends Wagtail to use the amazing Froala editor. This Wagtail extension requires Wagtail 1.5.x,...
wagtailgenericchooser 0.6.1 Base classes for building chooser popups and form widgets for the Wagtail admin, matching...
wagtailhallo 0.1.0 Wagtail Hallo - Rich Text Editor This is the legacy rich text...
wagtailheadlessing 0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
wagtailheadlesspreview 0.8.0 Wagtail Headless Preview Overview With...
wagtailheroicons 0.2.2 wagtail-heroicons
wagtailhoneypot 1.2.0 Wagtail Honeypot Add optional form spam protection to your Wagtail forms...
wagtailinventory 2.6 wagtail-inventory Search Wagtail pages by block type. Wagtail Inventory adds the ability to...
wagtaillightadmin 0.13.1 Features This app customises the wagtail admin as follows: Rich text
wagtaillinkblock 1.1.7 A link block to use as part of other StructBlocks which lets the user...
wagtailliteyoutubeembed 0.1.0 Wagtail Lite YouTube Embed A Wagtail...
wagtaillocalize 1.9.1 Wagtail localize ...
wagtaillocalizegit 0.14.1 wagtail-localize-git This plugin enables translating Wagtail...
wagtaillocalizesmartling 0.3.0 Wagtail Localize Smartling An extension for Wagtail Localize...
wagtaillxp 23.8.1 E-learning platform for Wagtail 4.x. LXP stands for Learning eXperience Platform. Key features...
wagtailmailer 1.0.1 wagtail_mailer A Wagtail application to easily configure your email settings at runtime. Celery...
wagtailmaintenance 1.0.2 maintenance Wagtail maintenance mode support for easily managing available routes when in maintenance mode.
wagtailmakeup 1.1.0 Wagtail Makeup Tired of having no images locally when you...
wagtailmaterializecss 0.0.6 # wagtail_materializecssStyle your wagtail pages with materializecss!Run the demo project to see how it in...
wagtailmath 1.3.0 wagtail-polymath Links Documentation
wagtailmultiplechooserpanel 0.1.0 Wagtail Multiple Chooser Panel An InlinePanel variant allowing multiple items to be quickly selected
wagtailpublishpreflight 0.4 # Publish Preflight ## What is this? Ever wanted to be able to...
wagtailpurge 0.4.0 Wagtail Purge A simple admin UI for removing individual pages from your CDN's cache....
wagtailpurge 1.0 wagtailpurge Trigger cache purges from within the Wagtail CMS. The app is tested for...
wagtailrangefilter 0.2.1 Wagtail Rangefilter Integrates django-admin-rangefilter into Wagtail's ModelAdmin...
wagtailreactstreamfield 1.3.6 Drop-in replacement for the StreamField in Wagtail. This work was funded thanks to...
wagtailreadtime 1.0.1 wagtail_reading_time ... Quick start Add 'wagtail_reading_time' to your...
wagtailredisearch 0.4.0 wagtail-redisearch A Django app to use RediSearch as a search backend in Wagtail.
wagtailrelated 0.1.0 wagtailrelated A module for Wagtail that finds related pages and tags for your pages.
wagtailresume 2.9.0 Wagtail resume Wagtail-resume is...
wagtailreview 0.5 An extension for Wagtail allowing pages to be submitted for review (including to non-Wagtail users)...
wagtailstacks 0.2 An application that thoughtfull extends the excellent Wagtail CMS. Release Notes...
wagtailstacksembed 0.3 # wagtail-stacks-embed A Stacks application for handling embeddable media (like COVE Videos, YouTube Videos...
wagtailstacksfeaturedlink 0.1 A Stacks apps for creating links. Release Notes TBD
wagtailstorages 1.1.0 wagtail-storages This package fills the missing gap in...
wagtailstreamfieldmigrationtoolkit 0.2.0 This package aims to make it easier for developers using StreamField who need to write...
wagtailstreamfieldtools 0.3 A suite of tools that extends Wagtail’s already-awesome StreamField to make it even more flexible/versatile/useful!
wagtailstreamforms 4.1.0 Allows you to build forms in the CMS admin area and add them to any...
wagtailsurveys 0.2.0 See https://github.com/torchbox/wagtailsurveys for details
wagtailtextalignment 1.0.2 wagtail_text_alignment Why is this package better than other implementations? Other implementations often lack...
wagtailtextract 1.2 Text extraction for Wagtail document search This package is for replacing Wagtail's Document class...
wagtailthememanager 1.0.2 wagtail_themes ... Quick start Add 'wagtail_themes' to your...
wagtailtinymce Wagtail TinyMCE offers integration of the TinyMCE rich text editor into the Wagtail...
wagtailtinypng 0.0.3 For installation and settings see https://github.com/KalobTaulien/wagtail-tinypng
wagtailtrans 2.2.1 Wagtail multilanguage module Support multiple languages for your Wagtail site. Requirements
wagtailuiplus 1.3.14 Wagtail UI Plus This Wagtail app provides several ui improvements to the Wagtail admin.
wagtailuplift 0.0.9 UNKNOWN
wagtailword 1.1.3 wagtail_word A Wagtail module to display Word documents in the frontend. Converts your...
wagtailwordpressimport 0.3.0 Wagtail WordPress Import A package for Wagtail CMS to import WordPress blog content from...
Rust library for generating cryptocurrency wallets
Main class for Wahidin vendors
wai WAI - WebAssembly Interfaces # The WAI Package is a web...
An implementation of bower in PHP
waigen WAIGEN - Generate Bindings for WASM Interop and Usage in Dart # Waigen is an...
waimai plugin waimai_plugin # waimai_plugin Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
waiter Waiter # A Flutter package to display loading indicators, error messages, and progress...
waitforitto 0.0.21 waitforit What Badges
waitforoutput 1.0.1 Wait For Output Waits for a pattern to match output of a command or...
wait for port 1.0.2 UNKNOWN
waiting Introduction # Waiting is a part of any app: loading resources takes time and the...
waiting dialog waiting_dialog # Este plugin te ayudará visualmente a mostrar un CircularProgressIndicator mientras...
Provides shell scripts with access to kqueue(3)
waiz shapes Your Package Name # A custom painter for drawing polygons with configurable sides, radius,...
wajig 4.1.1 Wajig: Ubuntu System Administration Wajig is a simplified, all-in-one-place, system support tool for...
PB Web Media Audit Bundle for Symfony
bitrix wrapper core
Yii2 Base Application
wakatime api Wakatime Api # This package just wraps wakatime api and provides a simple interface...
wakelock plus wakelock_plus # A continuation of the original wakelock Flutter Plugin...
wakelock plus ohos wakelock_plus_ohos # The OpenHarmony implementation of wakelock_plus. wakelock_plus 在 OpenHarmony...
wakelock tizen wakelock_tizen # The Tizen implementation of wakelock. Usage # This...
Sends magic packets to wake up network-devices
wake on lan Wake-on-LAN # Dart library package to easily send Wake-on-LAN...
Silverstripe 5 module allowing you to proxy requests from your visitors to other servers