g json json # json package spirit by SwiftyJSON. Example # //...
toggle rotate 【pub地址 】 【github地址】 dependencies: toggle_rotate: 1.0.1 copied to clipboard ...
sticky infinite list Sticky Infinite List # Infinite...
open file safe plus open_file_safe_plus # A plug-in that can call native APP to open files...
keycloak flutter Keycloak Flutter # Easy Keycloak setup for Flutter...
page flip builder Page Flip Builder # A...
flutter map compass flutter_map_compass # A simple compass for flutter_map. It shows the rotation of the...
signals flutter Signals for Flutter # Signals features: 🪡 Fine grained reactivity: Based...
flame spine Flame Spine # Package to add Spine support for the Flame game engine....
contentful contentful-dart # This Dart package is a small abstraction on top of the...
bubble chart Bubble chart # A simple Dart implementation of bubble chart.
bottom sheet scaffold bottom_sheet_scaffold # Slide your bottom sheet by sliding the body of the scaffold!....
refresh base on pull_to_refresh and fox it to Flutter3
nice buttons nice_buttons # nice_buttons a beautiful, animated, and customizable 3D button for your flutter project.
uicons UIcons # Flutter IconPack of Uicons by RedLeaf Softs. To preview all...
mappls gl Flutter Mappls GL # This Flutter plugin allows to show embedded interactive Mappls maps...
flutter kurdish localization Demo App # Flutter Kurdish Localization 🌍 # This package...
flutter scan bluetooth flutter_scan_bluetooth # Flutter plugin to scan Bluetooth devices. Getting Started #...
status view status_view # Display status just like WhatsApp & Instagram. This package help to display...
currency symbols The currency_symbol package allows you to display currency symbols() by supplying the currency codes(i.e NGN,...
dynatrace flutter plugin dio Dynatrace Flutter Plugin support with Dio # This plugin adds support/instrumentation for...
neumorphic ui flutter_neumorphic # A complete, ready to use, Neumorphic ui kit for Flutter
flutter circular chart Flutter Circular Chart # A library for creating animated circular chart widgets with...
ironsource mediation ironSource Flutter Plugin # A bridge plugin for ironSource SDKs. ironSource...
flutter value notifier Widgets that make it easy to use ValueNotifier ⚡. Built to work with Flutter...
signin with linkedin A Flutter package that helps to Sign in with LinkedIn It also supports...
animated loading border animated_loading_border #
context holder Build Context Holder for Flutter # A flutter build context holder, init once, use...
shake gesture shake_gesture # This Flutter plugin detects shake gestures on Android and iOS. Usage...
animated checkmark Easy way to displaying, animating, and styling checkmark icon. Preview # ...
arc progress bar new Arc Progress Bar # The Arc Progress Bar is an open source...
superwallkit flutter In-App Paywalls Made Easy 💸 Superwall lets you remotely configure...
al downloader al_downloader # A URL-based flutter downloader that supports to download any type...
gherkin dart_gherkin # A fully featured Gherkin parser and test runner. Works with Flutter and Dart...
cached video preview Introduction # Cached Video Preview can help you get remote or local video...
edge alerts Edge Alerts # A Flutter package that shows alert from top or bottom of...
multiple image camera A Flutter package for both android and iOS which provides Take Multiple Images from...
json model 语言: English | 中文简体 json_model # 一行命令,将Json文件转为Dart model类。 安装 # dev_dependencies:
flutter onboard OnBoard Screen For Flutter # An awesome OnBoard ui for both android and ios
bottom bar with sheet Bottom bar with Sheet ...
fish redux Fish Redux What is Fish Redux ? # Fish Redux is...
build daemon This package provides support for running builds in a daemon.
flutter gallery 3d flutter_gallery_3d # 模仿哔哩哔哩漫画 example here
adhan dart Adhan Dart # Adhan Dart is a port of excellent Adhan JavaScript. Ported to...
video compress plus video_compress # Compress videos, remove audio, manipulate thumbnails, and make your video compatible...
byte converter ByteConverter # available on Pub Provides a simple interface for conversion of Digital...
serverpod serialization Serverpod # This package is a core part of Serverpod. For documentation, visit: https://docs.serverpod.dev.
textfield datepicker textfield_datepicker # A collection of three flutter widget TextfieldDatePicker, TextfieldDateAndTimePicker and TextfieldTimePicker. These...
timing Timing is a simple package for tracking performance of both async and sync actions Usage...
window to front window_to_front # Supports: Windows, Linux & MacOS After the authentication flow or...
flutter popup card Flutter popup card # A lightweight plugin to create a card...
mlkit scanner MLKit Scanner # A Flutter plugin to detect barcodes, text, faces, and objects using...
flutter face core Document Reader Core (Flutter) # Regula Document Reader SDK allows you to read...
georange georange # Georange is a package that helps with encoding geohashes, decoding geohashes,calculating...
encryptions encryptions # A plugin for using native AES /Argon2 algorithms in Android/IOS. Since...
flutter inapp notifications Flutter In-App Notifications # A simple Flutter package to generate instant in-app notifications.
touch indicator touch_indicator # When you are recording a screencast of your app, you often want...
fdottedline fdottedline Use the easiest way to create a dotted line view 👀!...
swipedetector swipedetector # A Flutter package to detect up, down, left, right swipes. Getting Started...
cupertino date textbox Flutter Cupertino Date Text Box # A text box with an...
flutter in store app version checker flutter_in_store_app_version_checker # Description # This package is used to...
mssql connection MSSQL Connection Plugin # The mssql_connection plugin allows Flutter applications to connect to and...
direct select Direct Select # This package allows you to scroll/select the value directly...
screen lock check screen_lock_check # This plugin allows you to check whether the user has some...
minio new MinIO Dart This is the unofficial MinIO Dart Client SDK that provides...
icon font generator icon_font_generator # The icon_font_generator package provides an easy way to convert...
uni links platform interface Uni Links Platform Interface # This is the platform interface for the
shelf hotreload shelf_hotreload # Wrapper to easily enable hot-reload for shelf applications. Usage #...
bech32 Bech32 # An implementation of the BIP173 spec for Segwit Bech32...
oauth1 OAuth1 # "RFC 5849: The OAuth 1.0 Protocol" client implementation for dart...
outline search bar This package allows you to create an outlined Material design search bar.
argon buttons flutter fix Argon Buttons (Timer and Loading) # Create beautiful Loading and Timer buttons...
json patch JSON Patch for Dart # A simple utility package for JSON Patch. Includes a...
custom radio group list Custom Radio Group List # Flutter package to create list of radio...
dlna dart dlna_dart # simple dlna client Getting Started # import 'dart:async'; import...
appscheme Flutter App Scheme # 中文说明 Configuration instructions # 1、Android configuration instructions #...
websocket universal websocket_universal # Dart and Flutter webSocket client package for all the platforms...
flutter star 一、描述 目标: 使用canvas手工打造,一个完美的星星评分组件。 ---->[StarScore 星星显示组件]---- [1] 比如显示4.2: 会有5颗星,...
markdown editor plus Markdown Editor Plus # This is a fork of simple_markdown_editor by zahnia88...
espresso espresso # Provides bindings for Espresso tests of Flutter Android apps.
w module w_module # Base module...
circular buffer dart-circularbuffer # A circular buffer with a fixed capacity supporting all Dart List operations.
gson dart-gson # Parses and encodes the json generated by GSON (Can parse minecraft's json)...
keyboard emoji picker The keyboard_emoji_picker package provides a simple way to use the device's native emoji...
matrix2d Matrix 2D 🧮 # With Matrix 2D, you can...
sliver fill remaining box adapter Sliver Fill Remaining Box Adapter # A flutter package...
flutter ume kit perf flutter_ume_kit_perf # flutter_ume 是由字节跳动 Flutter Infra 团队出品的应用内调试工具平台。 flutter_ume_kit_perf 是 flutter_ume 的性能插件包。接入方式请见...
string capitalize To uppercase first letter of the word Install # Dart #
merge images merge_images in flutter # 中文文档 Intro # Merge images (Image...
gender picker gender_picker 1.1.0 # An awesome gender picker widget comes with latest feature to support...
chaleno Chaleno # A flutter package for webscraping data from websites. This package contains a...
flutter highlighting flutter_highlighting # Code syntax highlighting library for over 190 languages. If you are...
disposable cached images A flutter package for downloading, caching, displaying and releasing images from memory. Features...
mask shifter v2 mask_shifter # This package provides a way to switch between two masks in...
pdf flutter pdf_flutter # Inspired by Pdf_Viewer_Plugin 😇 Wrapped around AndroidPdfViewer on Android....
pick or save Word from creator # Hello👋, This package is completely compatible with flutter and...
gradient like css gradient_like_css # The gradient_like_css package for Flutter allows you to experience CSS-like gradients...
lehttp overrides lehttp_overrides # A Flutter package to resolve Let's Encrypt SSL certificate problems with Android...
result type Result Type for Dart ...
win toast win_toast # a flutter plugin that allows users to create and display...