validadores Validador (PT-BR) # Este projeto tem como objetivo principal aplicação de estudos Flutter, e colaborar...
pushable button Pushable Button # A 3D pushable...
tencentcloud cos sdk plugin 本文介绍 tencentcloud_cos_sdk_plugin 如何快速入门以及 API 介绍。 相关资源 # SDK 源码下载
plugin wifi connect plugin_wifi_connect # This package is a continuation of the package below:
number to word arabic number_to_word_arabic # A new Flutter package that convert number to...
chat listview 一个可以从顶部或底部插入数据不引起位置改变的listview,用在聊天列表当查看历史消息或其他操作时新增消息而不会引起列表滚动。 # 1,创建CustomChatListViewController实例: controller controller = CustomChatListViewController([]);
signed spacing flex Modified versions of Flutter's Flex, Column and Row widgets that can space their children...
text mask text_mask # A package for mask textField and const text (eg. Date, phone number,...
maps curved line maps_curved_line # A package to help draw curved lines on Google...
executor Async task executor for Dart # Executes async tasks with a configurable maximum concurrency and...
webfeed plus WebFeed PLus # A dart package for parsing RSS and Atom feed. Features...
cc avenue cc_avenue # cc_avenue payment gateway non-seamless Getting Started # This project is...
shelf rate limiter Shelf Rate Limiter # It limits the number of requests made to your...
flutter inset shadow Flutter Inset Shadow # Flutter currently does not support the inset property for...
gql websocket link GQL WebSocket link to execute subscriptions as well as mutations & queries against a...
image picker plus Image picker plus When you try to add a package (like image_picker) to...
flutter callkeep callkeep # Showing incoming call notification/screen using iOS CallKit and Android Custom UI for...
daum postcode search README-EN README-KR DAUM Postcode Search Package # This package is for...
flutter ume kit show code flutter_ume_kit_show_code # flutter_ume 是由字节跳动 Flutter Infra 团队出品的应用内调试工具平台。 flutter_ume_kit_show_code 是 flutter_ume...
flutter svg image flutter_svg_image # Svg ImageProvider for Flutter. Use jovial_svg or WebView to parse svg...
fullscreen fullscreen # Introduction # This is a flutter plugin that makes it easy to...
three dart three_dart # Dart 3D library. an easy to use, lightweight, cross-platform, general purpose 3D...
flutter inline webview macos flutter_inline_webview_macos # Flutter plugin for inline display of native WebView on macOS
scrollable 🔥 A powerful set of scrollable widgets: haptics, keyboard dismissing, and more 🔥 #
route observer mixin route_observer_mixin # RouteObserveMixin provides easy access to didPush/didPop/didPushNext/didPopNext. Usage #
plist parser 📋 Plist Parser for Flutter # A Flutter Plugin for...
order tracker zen Order Tracker # Make a fabulous order tracker for you e-commerce app is...
flutter social content share flutter_social_content_share # Flutter Plugin for sharing contents to social media. Introduction...
pag 项目介绍 # 为Flutter打造的PAG动画组件,以外接纹理的方式实现。 注:如果遇到使用问题请在本仓库提 issue 与作者讨论,或直接提交 pr 参与共建。 PAG官网 快速上手 #...
another dashed container another_dashed_container # A Dashed Container plugin for Flutter, easy to implement dashed line...
kumi popup window ✨ kumi_popup_window # [Language] English | 中文文档 A simple and...
tmdb api tmdb_api # ...
adapty ui flutter Adapty UI AdaptyUI...
xpath selector html parser xpath_selector_html_parser # English | 简体中文 Usage # There are three...
icon forest icon_forest # A collection of 160k+ icons from 230+ icon libraries....
flame noise Integrates the different noises from the fast_noise packages into useful Flame components and effects....
metaballs Animated Metaballs for Flutter # About #
carp background location CARP Background Location Plugin # A background location plugin for Android and iOS...
flutter timeline calendar Timeline Calendar # How to install : # Add this to your...
easy geofencing EASY GEOFENCING # Easy Geofencing is a flutter geofencing package for flutter...
syntax highlight Syntax Highlight # The Syntax Highlight package uses the TextMate rules for highlighting code,...
alchemist 🧙🏼 Alchemist Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄 and...
console Console # A high-level console library. Features # Console Colors (ANSI)
extended phone number input A Highly customizable Phone input Flutter widget that supports country code, validation and...
barcode finder Barcode Finder # A flutter plugin for barcode scanner that works on both iOS...
super native extensions super_native_extensions # This plugin contains native functionality for super_clipboard and super_drag_and_drop.
image field flutter image field # Flutter package enables users to upload and manage images by...
animated Animated # Animated is a very simple (yet powerful) implicit animation library made for Flutter.
multi masked formatter multi_masked_formatter # Multple Masked TextInputFormatter Flutter plugin. It is useful for entering...
flutter des flutter_des # Java, android, ios, get the same result by DES encryption and decryption.
fs shim fs_shim # A portable file system library to allow working on io, browser (though...
fc native image resize fc_native_image_resize # A Flutter plugin to resize images via native...
flutter expandable text Flutter Expandable Text # A customisable flutter package that allows the expanding and...
flutter mobile vision 2 flutter_mobile_vision_2 # This is a simple non-null migration for
tus client dart A tus client # A tus client...
reselect Reselect for Dart # A Selector library for Dart, based on the original...
bottom navbar with indicator Bottom Navbar With Custom Indicator # bottom_navbar_with_indicator is a Flutter package for...
buddhist datetime dateformat sns Buddhist Calendar DateTime and DateFormatter for Dart and Flutter # If this...
lucide icons flutter lucide_icons # version: 0.438.0 Lucide Icons ( for Flutter. Visit the website...
installer info installer_info # Returns information about the method used to install your app.
objectbox sync flutter libs ObjectBox (with Sync) libraries for Flutter # This package provides...
country dial code This package allows you to get the dialing codes and the name of 250...
hashids2 Hashids2 # A Dart class to generate YouTube-like hashes from one or many...
native video view native_video_view # A video player widget displayed using the platform native player...
clean calendar Word from creator # Hello👋, Clean Calendar is in the early stages of development...
just debounce it just_debounce_it # A simple debounce library. Supports debouncing by function and stream debouncing.
sanitize filename Dart package, which is a clone of the popular sanitize-filename npm module by Parsha Pourkhomami.
dropbox client dropbox client # A flutter plugin for accessing Dropbox. Setup #
agconnect appmessaging AppGallery Connect App Messaging for Flutter # Introduction # You can use App...
more More Dart — Literally # ...
variable app icon variable_app_icon # A plugin to use multiple app icon on Android and iOS.
counter button counter_button # Counter Button is a flutter library that allows you to...
tencent cloud chat customer service plugin Tencent Customer Service plugin.
text divider 1. About 1.1. Introduction 1.1.1. Install Library 1.1.2....
simple tags simple_tags # A Flutter plugin for displaying simple string based tags inside...
hover menu Hover Menu for Flutter # A Flutter package for creating a hover menu for...
neumorphic button Neumorphic Button # This package lets you create Neumorphic Button with a number of...
easy ads flutter Easy Ads Flutter #
flutter svg icons Flutter SVG Icons A package to show svg asset files in icon widgets,...
five pointed star Features # Simple five pointed star control Getting started # Usage...
mock data Generate random data using Features # API provides generation of:...
airbridge flutter sdk Airbridge Flutter SDK # Airbridge SDK for Flutter More infos #...
cached annotation Annotations for cached. This package does nothing without cached.
flutter sfsymbols flutter_sfsymbols # A new Flutter package required SFSymbol icons. This plugin support all...
native shutter sound native_shutter_sound # A simple flutter plugin, that lets you play the native shutter...
flutter accessibility service flutter_accessibility_service # a plugin for interacting with Accessibility Service in Android. Accessibility...
flutter timeline framework: flutter platform: Android, iOS, Web, macOS, Linux, Windows tags: flutter, timeline, flutter...
flutter event calendar Event Calendar # How to install : # Add this to your...
flutter linear datepicker Flutter Persian (Jalaali) and Gregorian Linear Date Picker # This package...
scandit flutter datacapture core ScanditCaptureCore builds the foundation of all data capture related functionality offered by the...
app integrity checker app_integrity_checker # Flutter plugin to verify the integrity of the app and detect...
isolate image compress IsolateImageCompress # IsolateImageCompress is a package to compress and resize the...
list wheel scroll view nls ListWheelScrollViewX # A flutter project which add scroll direction to ListWheelScrollView...
spritewidget SpriteWidget # SpriteWidget is a toolkit for building complex, high performance animations and 2D games...
conduit Conduit is a fork of Stablekernel's Aqueduct, a modern Dart HTTP server framework. Getting Started...
recognition qrcode recognition_qrcode # 识别图片中的二维码的flutter插件,简单好用 Getting Started # 采用GoogleMLKit框架,支持识别条形码、二维码等,支持识别包含多个二维码、条形码的图片 使用方法 #
analytics Analytics # Made by Surf 🏄♂️🏄♂️🏄♂️ ...
adoptive calendar Adoptive Calendar #
word break text word_break_text # Text widget with word break support for CJK sentence.
app popup menu A Better Flutter Menu # A dynamic and more adaptive popup menu...