flutter focus watcher Flutter Focus Watcher # This widget is used to remove TextField focus if...
cbl flutter ce Companion package to cbl_flutter, which provides the Couchbase Lite Community Edition. Add...
solana web3 Dart implementation of Solana's JSON RPC API. # Android and iOS support.
universal disk space Universal Disk Space # A Dart package which parses total and available disk...
flutter text viewer flutter_text_viewer # flutter_text_viewer is a simple text viewer package to load and search...
fast base58 Fast Implementation of Base58 encoding # Base algorithm is copied from https://github.com/trezor/trezor-crypto/blob/master/base58.c And...
root access Root access Plugin # A Flutter plugin for requesting root access in Android apps.
widget to image Widget To Image # A simple package to convert any of...
root check root_check # Flutter Plugin used for Root Checker, Based on RootBeer https://github.com/scottyab/rootbeer...
redux dev tools redux_dev_tools # A Redux Store with a Delorean. This library...
modern form esys flutter share modern_form_esys_flutter_share # A Flutter plugin for sharing files & text with...
reactive file picker reactive_file_picker # Wrapper around FilePicker to use with reactive_forms Docs in progress....
web3auth flutter Web3Auth Flutter SDK # Web3Auth is where passwordless auth meets non-custodial key infrastructure for...
im flutter sdk 环信即时通讯 im_flutter_sdk 快速入门 # 通过本文可以实现一个集成聊天 SDK 的简单 app。 实现原理 # 下图展示在客户端发送和接收一对一文本消息的工作流程。
star rating flutter_star_raiting # A customizable Flutter widget to rating with stars. You are able...
proximity screen lock Proximity Screen Lock # A Flutter plugin that can be used...
derry Derry # Derry is a script manager for Dart. Overview # Derry helps...
extension Package including lot helpers for easy developing on dart language.
animated shimmer Animated Shimmer # Supports Null Safety A...
permission permission # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
zego uikit prebuilt video conference If you find this package helpful, please help by giving it a...
item count number button item_count_number_button # Item Count Number Button is a Flutter package...
geocoding resolver GeoCoding Resolver # Flutter Package that provides methods...
autoequal Defines the annotations used by autoequal_gen to create code for the props getter See the...
flutter web qrcode scanner 📷 flutter_web_qrcode_scanner # Flutter Web plugin for scanning QR codes 🛠️...
lindi sticker widget lindi_sticker_widget # Features # Rotate Resize Move Layer Update...
qonversion flutter Qonversion Qonversion - In-app subscription monetization: implement subscriptions and grow your app’s...
flutter camera Flutter Camera # A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android allowing access...
dashed line dashed_line # Draw dashed lines with any shape...
back pressed On Back Pressed # Easiest package which overrides the back button functions in your...
computer Computer # Computer is a lightweight library for concurrent computations, which provides Flutter's compute like...
hyper effects Hyper Effects # Hyper Effects is a Flutter package inspired from...
get test get_test # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
onboarding animation OnBoarding Animation # OnBoarding Animation provides page like animation to the onBoarding...
extra hittest area extra_hittest_area # Language: README.md | 中文简体 Manually add the extra...
image crop plus Image Cropping plugin for Flutter # A flutter plugin to crop image on...
signal strength signal_strength # A android flutter plugin to get the current signal strengths.
majascan majascan # pub link A QR code scanner flutter plugin project. Using method...
ringtone player ringtone_player # A player for system default ringtone, alarm and notification. ...
flutter chat reactions flutter_chat_reactions # flutter_chat_reactions Enhance your Flutter chat with expressive reactions. Need a...
awesome flutter extensions Awesome Flutter Extensions # Awesome flutter extensions to remove boilerplate...
m toast MToast # Toast Library for Flutter Supported Platforms #
dart notification center A lightweight and intuitive observer pattern manager for Dart/Flutter in the style of the...
checkdigit Checkdigit # A set of check digit algorithms used for error...
giff dialog 👏 Giff Dialogs # A beautiful and custom alert dialog...
diagram editor diagram_editor # Flutter diagram editor library for showing and editing diagrams of...
expandable menu expandable_menu # Expandable menu is an expandable menu with infinite horizontal item list with...
dob input field DOB Input Field package helps you to take dob from user manually. This package...
wallpaper manager flutter wallpaper_manager_flutter # A Plugin to set Wallpaper of HomeScreen,LockScreen and Both Screen without...
vertical tabs flutter Vertical Tabs # A vertical tabs package for flutter framework. Getting Started...
smartech nudges Smartech-PX # Smartech is a omni channel platform that delivers everything you need to...
scroll bottom navigation bar ScrollBottomNavigationBar # Hide or show bottom navigation bar while scrolling.
tabler icons Tabler Icons # Flutter Icon Base on tabler-icon.io Usage # ...
flutter bootstrap5 FlutterBootstrap5 🚀 This package is used to support the creation of responsive...
kkiapay flutter sdk kkiapay_flutter_sdk # Kkiapay is developer friendly solution that allows you to accept mobile...
battery indicator flutter_battery_indicator 🔋 # A battery indicator widget, you can use the phone battery value...
scroll to id Scroll to id # scroll_to_id is a Flutter library for Scroll to id...
time ago provider time_ago_provider # library for generating fuzzy timestamp e.g("9 minutes ago") ...
didomi sdk Didomi Flutter Plugin # Didomi is a leading Consent Management Platform that allows companies...
aws s3 upload lite aws_s3_upload_lite # Amazon S3 is an object storage service that stores data...
shadow shadow # The easiest way to Apply Shadow to any widget, It aint...
simple grid Indonesian documentation is here Introduction # Inspired by bootstrap...
dropdownfield dropdownfield # Custom Flutter Widget for a customizable dropdown field with auto-complete functionality This...
flutter seekbar flutter_seekbar # flutter 插件 flutter seekbar A beautiful flutter custom seekbar, which...
app store server sdk Apple App Store Server API https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi Features # App Store...
widget marquee A marquee widget that loops content seamlessly in a continous animation. The marquee will only...
sqlite viewer SQLite Viewer Widget # This Flutter package provides...
open share plus open_share_plus # Flutter Plugin for sharing contents to social media.You can use it...
waveform extractor waveform_extractor # A Lightweight dart library for extracting waveform data from audio...
lazy data table lazy_data_table # A Flutter widget data table that can be loaded lazily. The...
kommunicate flutter Kommunicate Flutter plugin # Flutter wrapper using the native modules of Kommunicate Android and...
ms undraw undraw/UnDraw # UnDraw is...
iconoir flutter Iconoir - Flutter # Iconoir is an open-source...
ali auth 🔵 国际化 # 中文文档 | English 这是一个阿里云号码认证服务中的一键登录的插件 由于项目的其他功能都采用阿里云的服务,在一键登录的功能上也采用阿里云利于后期的更好维护。 本插件免费开源,高定制,如果在使用中有什么问题,欢迎反馈,如果觉得本插件还不够好可以提供您的宝贵意见, 如果你想在自己项目中定制,请将本插件clone为本地进行修改,但是通过本插件进行修改后发布其他版本的插件也欢迎,
flutter map heatmap Flutter Map Heatmap plugin # A Simple heatmap plugin written for for flutter_map...
twilio phone verify Twilio_Phone_Verify # A Package that helps in verifying phone numbers and email addresses...
wear Flutter Wear Plugin # A plugin that offers Flutter support for Wear OS by Google...
geocoder buddy Features # Easy To Use Fast & Secure No Api...
tap to expand This package provides an easy and fast way to build expandable widgets with minimal...
w transport w_transport # Transport library for sending HTTP requests and opening...
nock Nock # HTTP requests mocking library for dart and flutter. Nock can be used...
shortid ShortId creates amazingly short non-sequential url-friendly unique ids. Perfect for url shorteners, MongoDB and Redis ids,...
flutter launch store flutter_launch_store # A Flutter plugin for launching a Store in the mobile platform....
asp ASP - Atomic State Pattern #
google maps apis google_maps_apis # General Information # This is the Dart Library for Google...
super cupertino navigation bar Super Cupertino Navigation Bar V2 Flutter Extension ...
gql dedupe link A GQL Link to deduplicate in-flight requests. Usage # A simple usage...
country picker pro Country Picker Pro # The country_picker_pro package provides a customizable Country Selector widget...
phone text field phone_text_field # Phone Number TextFiled is a Flutter plugin that allows you to...
flutter root jailbreak flutter_root_jailbreak # This plugin is very easy to get a status to detect...
flutter vpn Flutter VPN plugin # ...
fetch api Fetch API # This package provides WASM-ready Dart bindings to...
hive ce flutter Extension for hive please go there for documentation. #
get mac get_mac # A new Flutter plugin to get MAC Address of Android and iOS...
flutter camera overlay flutter_camera_overlay # This package provides a simple camera overlay to aid capture of...
root tester root_tester # It can be used to detect if device is rooted or not...
document viewer Document_Viewer # Introduction # A Flutter package which allows you to view any...
rate Rate # A simple star rating compnent Getting Started # In the pubspec.yaml...
native barcode scanner ___# native_barcode_scanner A fast flutter plugin to scan barcodes and QR codes using...
animated switcher plus Prebuilt transitions for Animated Switcher such as flip, zoom and translation. ...