emoji selector Emoji Selector # Emoji Selector is an emoji picker component for Flutter.
video uploader api.video Flutter video uploader api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast
clip shadow clip_shadow # Paint clip widgets with shadows. Getting Started #...
roller list roller_list package # This widget is a list of values distributed in a circle....
cbl dart Couchbase Lite is an embedded, NoSQL database: Multi-Platform - Android, iOS, macOS,...
flutter google places web Flutter Google Places Web #
network inspector Easy to use, http client class debugger & logger for multiple http client. This...
flutter scatter flutter_scatter # A widget that displays a collection of dispersed and non-overlapping children....
flutter voximplant flutter_voximplant # Voximplant Flutter SDK for embedding voice and video communication into Flutter applications.
pin plus keyboard pin_plus_keyboard # A flutter package that gives you custom input fields and a...
maps places autocomplete This is a simple implementation of google maps places autocomplete. Features #...
background remover Background Remover # Before After
assets This is a placeholder for a Dart asset bundle system.
mfilterit sdk mfilterit_sdk # The Flutter plugin for mFilterIt Android Java SDK. Getting Started #
stickable screen flutter Usage # Banner for new update. Banner for new sale...
flutter polyline points plus This repository is a fork of the original flutter_polyline_points plugin, which provides functionality...
template expressions template_expressions # Table of Contents Introduction...
asyncstate Async State
peerdart PeerDart: Simple peer-to-peer with WebRTC # PeerDart provides a complete, configurable, and easy-to-use peer-to-peer API...
flutter single instance Flutter Single Instance # Provides utilities for handiling single instancing in Flutter....
zsdk zsdk # Zebra Link OS SDK Flutter plugin. # This is a flutter plugin...
flutter nsd Flutter Network Service Discovery plugin # A Flutter plugin for Network Service Discovery (mDNS)...
async task async_task # ...
light sensor Light sensor # A Flutter plugin for Android allowing access to the...
d method D'Method is package to get value from several compute, to faster build app. Usage...
lazy loading list lazy_loading_list # Lazy loading Widget to load more by index item to incresent...
sms maintained This project is maintained # Took over from previous owner because he doesn't maintain...
flutter openim sdk Flutter Client SDK for OpenIM 👨💻💬 # Use this SDK to add instant...
wechat picker library Flutter WeChat Picker Library # ...
animated login Animated Login # Author: Bahrican Yesil # Animated Login...
cupertino radio choice Flutter Cupertino Radio Choice # Cupertino buttons which are used as radio buttons...
slidy Slidy # CLI script pipeline, package manager and template generator for Flutter. Generate Modules, Pages,...
qualtrics digital flutter plugin
easy app installer easy_app_installer # 为Flutter提供简便的应用内升级 下载并安装apk - 仅支持 Android 取消下载中的任务 -...
volume regulator Volume Regulator # A Flutter plugin to monitor and adjust device volume from 0...
arabic font arabic_font: # A Flutter package allows you to add arabic fonts in your flutter...
hsv color pickers HSV Color Pickers # Flutter package for...
iso duration parser iso_duration_parser # A package which parses ISO...
flutter feed reaction flutter_feed_reaction # A Flutter package providing you with highly customizable reactions list for...
hyperpay plugin HyperPay SDK Plugin # The HyperPay platform offers a complete, easy-to-use guide to enable...
base58check base58check # Base58Check and regular Base58 encoding implementation for Dart using dart:convert interface.
ocr scan text Flutter OCR Scan Text # OCR Flutter v1.3.1 Flutter OCR Scan...
easy dialog Easy Dialog package helps you easily create basic or custom dialogs. For extended documentation...
weather animation 🌇 weather_animation # Create weather scenes and animate as your heart desires. Simple and...
ping discover network plus ping_discover_network_plus # Dart/Flutter library that allows to ping IP subnet...
credit card form Flutter Credit/Debit Card Form # Preview # Usage #...
time chart time_chart # An amazing time chart in Flutter. Chart Types #
esptouch flutter esptouch_flutter # Flutter plugin for ESP-Touch to configure network for ESP-8266 and...
scrollable tab view scrollable_tab_view # This...
wifi ip details wifi_ip_details # This package allows Flutter apps to get Wifi IP...
countly flutter Countly Flutter SDK # This repository contains the Countly Flutter SDK, which can be...
input with keyboard control input_with_keyboard_control # The package provides an input that you can control whether...
foldable list Foldable List # An animated foldable list cells with dynamic widget list input, let...
flutter pollfish flutter_pollfish # Pollfish Flutter plugin, allows integration of Pollfish surveys into Flutter Android and...
flutter html to pdf plus flutter_html_to_pdf_plus # Flutter plugin for generating PDF files from...
flutter star prnt flutter_star_prnt # Flutter plugin for Star micronics printers. Native code...
device name device_name # A Flutter package for getting device name from device identifier. Getting...
replay kit launcher ReplayKit Launcher # A flutter plugin of the launcher used to...
reactive date range picker reactive_date_range_picker # Wrapper around flutter showDateRangePicker picker to use with reactive_forms...
gesture zoom box GestureZoomBox # A widget for gesture zoom. Usage # GestureZoomBox(...
langchain ollama 🦜️🔗 LangChain.dart / Ollama #
wechat kit extension wechat_kit_extension # An extension package for wechat_kit. Get...
share it share_it # A plugin to share text, images and files. The...
monnify payment sdk monnify_payment_sdk # Flutter plugin for Monnify SDK Getting Started #
stories for flutter Stories for Flutter # Visit on pub.dev. A customizable flutter...
transformable list view Scrollable widgets with easily customizable transform animations. Features #
socket io common socket_io_common # Socket.io common parser library for Dart 2 Version info: #
colored json Colored JSON # Convert JSON string into customizable widget. Getting Started #...
simple timer SimpleTimer # A Simple Timer Widget that displays the timer progress with various customizable...
ios platform images iOS Platform Images # A Flutter plugin to share images between Flutter and...
cp949 codec cp949_codec # null-safety cp949 decoder/encoder 다른 플러그인보다 좋은 점...
colorize lumberdash colorize_lumberdash # Plugin for lumberdash It prints your logs with different colors on...
devtools app shared Shared DevTools Components # This package contains UI, utility, and service components from
flutter map arcgis Flutter Map plugin for ArcGIS Esri # Currently support feature layer(point, polygon, polyline)...
reactive raw autocomplete reactive_raw_autocomplete # Wrapper around RawAutocomplete to use with reactive_forms Docs in progress....
mirai dropdown menu MiraiDevs [email protected] # Description # MiraiDevs developed the Mirai Dropdown Menu Package.
flutter observer flutter_observer # android BroadcastReceiver iOS NSNotification Supported Platforms ...
value layout builder value_layout_builder # A LayoutBuilder with an extra value. It's useful when...
refresh loadmore refresh_loadmore # A Flutter component that supports pull-down refresh and pull-up to load more...
direct select flutter direct-select-flutter # DirectSelect is a selection widget with an ethereal, full-screen modal popup...
properties Properties # Properties is a simple library to manage properties files (and something more) in...
junitreport JUnit Report # Introduction Installation License and contributors ...
flutter easy dialogs What is FlutterEasyDialogs ? It is an open-source package for the Flutter framework...
gviz A simple Dart package for writing GraphViz dot files.
flutter fimber flutter_fimber # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
custom switch custom_switch # Beautiful Custom Switch package created with Flutter. The source...
expandable bottom bar ExpandableBottomAppBar # Animatable bottom app bar with expandable sheet Preview...
newton particles Particle Emitter for Flutter # Newton is a highly configurable particle emitter package for...
outlined text Outlined Text # Apply multiple outlines/borders to text widget DEMO...
sliding sheet2 Sliding Sheet # The package is a fork of sliding_sheet.
patrol finders patrol # patrol_finders is a streamlined, high-level API on top...
date time picker widget date_time_picker_widget # This package brings us a way to pick...
scroll navigation scroll_navigation # My other APIs # Video Viewer Video Editor
euc euc # EUC-JP and Shift_JIS Encoding and Decoding Library for Dart Language ...
cuberto bottom bar Cuberto Bottom Bar # CubertoBottomBar widget in Flutter. CubertoBottomBar - Default Style...
argon buttons flutter Argon Buttons (Timer and Loading) # Create beautiful Loading and Timer buttons using...
d info D'Info # Flutter package for response info message. It's like bootstrap view but simple.
mek stripe terminal mek_stripe_terminal # A flutter plugin to scan stripe readers and connect to the...
ws WS: Cross-platform WebSocket client # ...
flutter searchable dropdown flutter_searchable_dropdown # Widget to let the user search through a keyword string typed...