audio metadata reader A pure-Dart package for reading and writing metadata for different audio format
size config Responsive UI is a must in today's world. We have devices of several sizes, like...
bit array Bit array implementation in Dart # A bit array (also known as BitMap, BitSet,...
parchment Parchment is a rich text document model for Fleather project based on Notus. If you...
flutter story view flutter_story_view # WhatsApp story view package, for apps with stories like Whatsapp and...
shopify flutter shopify_flutter # A flutter package that works as a bridge between your...
fluent result fluent_result # fluent_result is...
easy device info Easy Get Device Info # ** Easy get Device Info Not need request...
infinite scroll Infinite Scroll # This package provides InfiniteScrollList and InfiniteScrollGrid widgets to display lists or...
vpn check vpn_check # Get vpn active status for Android, iOS and MacOS Getting Started...
fast noise fast_noise # Fast noise is a direct port from the implementations by Jordan Peck.
video player control panel video_player_control_panel # A control panel laid on top of VideoPlayer....
kyc workflow digio kyc workflow plugin # Digio kyc workflow flutter plugin Getting Started #
languagetool textfield LanguageTool TextField # Providing powerful spell-checking and grammar correction capabilities.
snackbar Simple snackbar Usage # import 'package:snackbar/snackbar.dart'; // Simple snackbar snack("Hello World");...
material text fields Material Text Field # Material...
image gallery saver plus image_gallery_saver_plus # We have developed an updated version...
android flutter wifi android_flutter_wifi # Android Wifi plugin for flutter apps Getting Started #...
huawei iap Huawei IAP Flutter Plugin ...
tap canvas DEPRECATED # This package is no longer maintained. TapCanvas was originally added because...
glassfy flutter Glassfy Flutter SDK # Is the client for Glassfy: a subscription revenue optimisation infrastructure...
dart bip32 bip44 BIP32-BIP44 # An implementation of the BIP32 spec for Hierarchical Deterministic...
fancy dio inspector Fancy Dio Inspector # A Dio inspector that allows you to log &...
crc32 checksum The crc32_checksum library requires string input to calculate checksum. to know more about crc...
webview dart Dart Webview # Dart bindings for webview, A tiny cross-platform webview library to...
snowplow tracker Flutter Analytics for Snowplow # Snowplow...
json tree viewer Features # Pretty view the json data; Custom the json...
custom accordion Custom Accordion # Create dynamic, interactive, and visually appealing accordions in your Flutter app...
rebirth Features # A Flutter Package for give a rebirth of your app Installation #
jaspr router jaspr_router # A simple Router component for jaspr dart pub add jaspr_router...
let log let_log # LetLog is a logger that supports both IDE and in-app display, and...
firestore cache Firestore Cache #
dart nats TLS, Token, User/Pass, NKey, JWT support NOW. # Dart-NATS # A Dart client...
slang gpt slang_gpt # Use GPT to automatically translate your app at compile time. This...
kakao flutter sdk navi kakao_flutter_sdk # This document introduces how to use the Kakao SDK for...
carousel images Carousel Images # Carousel of images with reality (parallax) effect How...
flutter city picker 地址选择器 # 由于地址选择的数据来源会更新,为了统一,在后台配置一份城市数据,前端获取,否则各个平台都配置一份数据,维护会很麻烦,而且有可能每个平台城市的数据结构都不一样。 本库就是由此而来,数据从后台实时获取,只要解析成固定的数据结构就可以 Demo #...
flutx flutx # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter distributor flutter_distributor # An all-in-one Flutter application packaging and distribution tool, providing you...
flutter carousel media slider Flutter Carousel Media Slider # A Flutter package for creating a carousel...
podcast search A library for searching for podcasts, parsing podcast RSS feeds and obtaining episodes details. Supports...
positioned scroll observer Features # Using jumpToIndex and animateToIndex to scroll to...
uno UNO - Future based HTTP client for Dart and Flutter.
smart snackbars Creativity of using this package is endless. # This package facilitates you to create...
sorted list Dart Sorted List # A dart sorted list that keeps its elements ordered in...
time slot time_slot # A new Flutter package which helps in creating time slots with given...
aliyun log dart sdk Aliyun SLS SDK for Dart # ...
design system Design System Flutter design system package that provide a themed widgets to...
uc pdfview uc_pdfview # Base on Flutter PDF view for iOS and Android. onError throw...
android package installer android_package_installer # A Flutter plugin for installing Android package from apk file. Plugin...
bezier chart Bezier Chart # A beautiful bezier line chart widget for...
print remover Remove all print() in project files # Remove all print() used in the project...
youtube video player Flutter YouTube Player # A Flutter package for embedding a YouTube player with...
fastor app ui widget Features # Reduce 28% of chars in writing code &...
flutter provider flutter_provider # Author: Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học #
index generator Index Generator # Automatically generate index / barrel files with all the exports needed...
mobcommonlib mobcommonlib for flutter # Flutter plugin for common lib used by MobTech SDK. Getting...
draw graph Draw Graph # A dart package to draw line graphs in your flutter app.
super rich text Super Rich Text # Check it out at Pub.Dev The easiest way...
flutter slot machine Slot Machine # Simple, but customizable slot machine. Preview #
sudoku solver generator Dart-sudoku_solver_generator # A Dart library containing tools related to Sudoku puzzles. This includes...
stripe Stripe Dart # This implementation is based on the official Stripe Java and NodeJS API...
pull to refresh new flutter_pull_to_refresh # ...
os mime type os_mime_type # os_mime_type is a Dart package that aids in the conversion between...
forge2d # Forge2D -...
render metrics Render Metrics #
preference list preference_list # preference_list ...
logger plus Logger_plus # know whether this package might be useful for them. Small, easy...
radar chart radar_chart # A flexible Flutter radar/spider chart with super powers. Colors and Sizes...
sync sync # A library for managing asynchronous processes inspired by the Go sync package....
azure ad authentication azure_ad_authentication # Azure Ad package Msal login for Android, iOS and MacOs, AD...
fwfh just audio JustAudioFactory # WidgetFactory extension to render AUDIO...
fluttertagger FlutterTagger #
animated read more text AnimatedReadMoreText # A Flutter package that provides a customizable widget for displaying...
bitcoin base BITCOIN Dart Package # a comprehensive and versatile Dart library that provides robust support...
bluez Provides a client to connect to BlueZ - the Linux Bluetooth stack. import 'package:bluez/bluez.dart';...
cometchat calls uikit CometChat Flutter Calls UIKit # The CometChat Flutter Calls UI Kit provides a...
rive animated icon RiveAnimatedIcons #
ssh2 ssh2 # SSH and SFTP client for Flutter. Wraps iOS library NMSSH and Android library...
advance notification Advance_Notification # Advance_Notification is a Flutter package with custom snackabar. Development is continue...
the validator The Validator # A simple & lightweight form and data validation package for flutter
tabbar gradient indicator Tabbar gradient indicator # a custom tabbar gradient indicator for flutter, and it...
statsig Statsig Dart SDK # For SDK Documentation, visit
new face liveness FaceLiveness # It brings cutting-edge live facial verification and fingerprint authentication technology into...
base x base-x # Fast base encoding / decoding of any given alphabet using bitcoin style...
gradient elevated button GradientElevatedButton # A GradientElevatedButton is a custom button widget that provides...
flutter system ringtones flutter_system_ringtones # An Android & iOS (WIP) plugin to dynamically retrieve a list...
resource network fetcher Resource Network Fetcher! 🧰 # ...
text helpers Text overflow helpers for Flutter. Features # InlineText / InlineRow #
overlay tutorial overlay_tutorial # A Flutter package for displaying overlay tutorial. Feature #
flutter facebook auth web flutter_facebook_auth_web # A web implementacion for the flutter_facebook_auth plugin.
sunrise sunset calc sunrise_sunset_calc # Sunrise/Sunset calculation library ported from sunrisesunset Usage # A...
delete un used assets The delete_un_used_assets package provides a concrete way of deleting assets using Dart...
image compare image_compare # Comparing images for difference # Simple, extensible dart package
loader skeleton SkeletonLoader # A Facebook & Twitter Like Card Loading Shimmer Skeleton Library. 💻...
web ffi web_ffi # web_ffi is a drop-in solution for using dart:ffi on the web. This...
ethereum addresses ethereum_addresses # Usage # import "package:convert/convert.dart" show hex; import "package:ethereum_addresses/ethereum_addresses.dart";
sse channel sse_channel # The sse_channel package provides StreamChannel wrappers for Server Sent Event connections.
flutter audio capture flutter_audio_capture # Capture the audio stream buffer through microphone for iOS/Android. Required...
hero animation HeroAnimation # Hero-animates it's child from one layout position to another within the same...