playing cards playing_cards # The playing_cards package for Flutter allows you to easily render playing cards...
screen loader screen_loader # Why ScreenLoader? # With the help of stream_mixin, it...
better skeleton Glass effect - for your skeleton loading # Show a glass effect using a...
flutter wizard Flutter Wizard # Author: Jop Middelkamp # A library that makes it easy...
ellipsized text Ellipsized Text # ✏️ The package provides a one line ellipsized text with the...
sane uuid sane_uuid # A properly designed, efficient UUID library for Dart.
flutter data Flutter Data Persistent reactive models in Flutter with zero boilerplate #...
lecle social share lecle_social_share # A Flutter project support share file to social media (Facebook, Instagram,...
pushwoosh flutter Installation # Install the library from pub: dependencies:...
async locks async-locks # Effortlessly synchronize asynchronous operations in your Dart applications
es compression ES Compression: A Compression Framework for Dart # Description # Compression framework for...
objectdb ObjectDB # Persistent embedded document-oriented NoSQL database...
arb utils arb_utils # Common actions to perform over .arb formatted strings Usage #...
jaguar flutter asset jaguar_flutter_asset # Serve files from Flutter assets. Example showing how to...
git hooks git_hooks # 简体中文...
advertising identifier advertising_identifier # Flutter plugin for Advertising Identifier. try { final AdvertisingIdInfo info...
telegram A simple and light weight utility for sending messages via Telegram. Telegram is a globally accessible...
flutter azure tts flutter_azure_tts # Flutter implementation of Microsoft Azure Cognitive Text-To-Speech API. Getting Started...
diffutil sliverlist diffutil_sliverlist # A SliverList that implicitly animates changes.
theme mode handler theme_mode_handler # Flutter widget to...
stamp image stamp_image # Stamp Image is a library to create a watermark using any widget,...
khalti checkout flutter Khalti Payment Gateway for Flutter ...
info widget InfoWidget # The "InfoWidget" widget package is a customizable Flutter widget that displays a...
flutter io socket This is step to connect socket easly # Example: # // STEP1:...
flutter application id Flutter App Id # A command-line tool to update your Flutter app's Name...
candies analyzer plugin candies_analyzer_plugin # Languages: English | 中文简体 Description # The...
app upgrade flutter sdk App Upgrade: Flutter SDK # Flutter SDK for App Upgrade App...
polyline codec polyline_codec # Getting started # You should ensure that you add the polyline_codec...
selector wheel Selector Wheel # A Flutter package for creating customizable selector...
audio service platform interface audio_service_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the audio_service plugin. This...
vania Introduction # Vania Dart Documentation Contributing to Vania Vania is a robust backend...
device safety info device_safety_info (Null-Safety) # Flutter JailBreak, Rooted, Emulator/Simulator, External storage and Screen Lock detection.
vpn detector VPN Detector 🛡️ # A package created out of a real need for precuse...
wallet Crypto wallet package for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tron written in pure Dart. Getting started #
chess chess.dart # chess.dart is a library for legal chess move generation, maintenance of chess game...
svgaplayer flutter rhr SVGAPlayer-Flutter # 简体中文 支持本项目 # 如果 SVGA-Flutter 为您提供了便利与帮助,诚恳建议您通过以下方式支持作者、贡献者持续为该项目发电。 ...
speech bubble SpeechBubble # A flutter widget that emulates a speech bubble. This widget is...
instana agent Instana agent for Flutter # Changelog | Contributing Instana agent...
gradient app bar Gradient App Bar # Love the material AppBar? Do you want to add...
open url open_url # Simple package to open URLs on the user's default application,...
vibration platform interface vibration_platform_interface # A common platform interface for vibration. Usage #
shared aws api Shared protocol implementation and utilities for generated AWS API clients. # This is...
flutter device imei Flutter Device IMEI # Flutter plugin to get real and consistent...
mediasoup client flutter mediasoup_client_flutter # Android iOS
youtube player flutter quill Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame...
time zone list time_zone_list # A new flutter plugin get list of time zone name and...
twitter api v2 The Most Famous and Powerful Dart/Flutter Library for Twitter API v2.0 🐦
d input D'Input is a package that provide input widget to build faster input with default border...
poly geofence service This plugin is a service that can perform geo-fencing by creating a polygon geofence....
simple grouped listview Flutter Simple Grouped ListView # See on simple_grouped_listview is...
dart json mapper flutter This is a dart-json-mapper complementary package provides support for types in order...
animated expandable fab Animated Expandable Fab # A Flutter package for easily creating animated expandable fabs.
insta login Instagram Login/Connect # This package is intended to let developers easily integrate instagram integration...
flutter native screenshot Flutter Native Screenshot # Plugin ini berfungsi untuk mengambil screenshot dari layar device...
color models color_models # A package with models for defining colors in the CMYK, HSI, HSL,...
reorderableitemsview reorderableitemsview # A Flutter package for staggered grid view or ListView with ordering...
memoized 한국어 Memoized # The memoized package is designed to store the previously computed value...
barcode widgets Barcode Widgets is a Flutter library for simple and fast Barcode rendering via custom painter.This...
bip39 mnemonic dart-bip39-mnemonic # Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys a.k.a. BIP39 Getting started #
another brother another_brother # Another Bother SDK library for Flutter. For full demo app see Another-Brother-Demo-Prime...
stylish dialog stylish_dialog # A collection of stylish animated dialogs like Normal,...
slack notifier slack_notifier # Dart wrapper for posting messages to Slack using Incoming Webhooks.
image compare slider Image Compare Slider # Inspired by react-compare-slider, this package allows you...
yookassa payments flutter YooKassa Payments SDK #
speech to text platform interface speech_to_text_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the speech_to_text plugin....
flutter audio recorder flutter_audio_recorder #
firebase cloud messaging flutter Send messages with Firebase Cloud Messaging from your dart backend! Created using...
messagepack Streaming API implementation of MessagePack binary serialization format - msgpack. The...
flutter bluetooth serial ble flutter_bluetooth_serial_ble # Flutter basic implementation for Classical Bluetooth (only RFCOMM...
flutter swipe This library is updated version of: like for make changes and add...
inner shadow widget Getting started # Use InnerShadow ( Widget ) double blur; Color...
flutter html math flutter_html_math # Math widget for flutter_html. his package renders MathML elements using...
flutter chess board flutter_chess_board # A full-fledged Chessboard widget for Flutter. Includes the Chessboard widget, stores...
text sizer plus TextSizerPlus # Flutter widget that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its...
minio flutter minio_flutter # Unofficial MinIO Dart Client SDK that provides simple APIs to access any...
win32audio win32audio # A library to get Audio Devices on Windows. Also you can get...
string 2 icon String 2 Icons Flutter # This package convert a string to an IconData...
flutter stream listener flutter_stream_listener # Flutter...
activity ring Activity Rings # Library to create Progress bars in Apple Watch style...
flinq flinq # Extended capabilities for...
responsive responsive # Provide a easy way to make responsive...
aura box Aura Box # Flutter widget that combines multiple...
platform detector Platform Detector Library # Platform Detector Package : With this package, you can identify...
print lumberdash print_lumberdash # Plugin for lumberdash It prints to the terminal using print...
google places picker google_places_picker # Google Places Autocomplete for Flutter Getting Started # Setting...
flutter barrage flutter_barrage # A barrage wall flutter plugin. 一个弹幕墙插件。 Getting Started #...
floor annotation Floor # The typesafe, reactive and lightweight SQLite abstraction for your Flutter applications (iOS,...
web benchmarks web_benchmarks # A benchmark harness for Flutter Web apps. Currently only supports running...
ios keyboard action Features # Easyly show an action button for the user above the iOS...
listenable stream listenable_stream # Convert Flutter's Listenable (e.g. ChangeNotifier) to Stream. Convert Flutter's...
overlay progress indicator A simple overlay progress indicator with custom widgets and loaders. Features #...
flutter easy faq Features # Prepare your animated faq list easily. Installation # Add...
msal auth MSAL Auth # Microsoft Authentication 🔐 Library for Flutter. msal_auth plugin provides Microsoft...
nirikshak Nirikshak # Nirikshak is a lighweight Dio...
google cloud translation google_cloud_translation # A dart wrapper on the Google Could Translation API to be...
my logger MyLogger # MyLogger is improved fork of Flogs package developed in flutter that provides...
cleverpush flutter CleverPush Flutter SDK # Documentation #
disposebag disposebag # Author: Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học # ...
interpolate animated interpolate package # Sometimes you need to map value from one range to another....
number slide animation number_slide_animation # With this package you can display a number using a neat...