heap flutter bridge Heap Flutter SDK # heap_flutter_bridge is the official Flutter SDK for Heap....
angles Dart Angles # Official Dart package This package provides an Angle type seeking to...
fconsole fconsole # 一个用于调试的面板组件,类似微信小程序的 v-console:在页面上创建一个可拖拽的悬浮窗,点击悬浮窗可启用 log 列表面板。 主要功能: 显示悬浮窗,随时打开 Log 页面...
multi charts multi_charts # It is a library that provides different types of charts to plot...
blue print pos Introduction # This plugin to help use bluetooth printer in Android/iOS. Support for...
prefs Store and Read Your App’s Preferences # A Flutter Example What’s Your...
flutter install app plugin flutter_install_app_plugin # A Flutter plug-in helps to install iOS and Android apps.
appinio animated toggle tab AppinioAnimatedToggleTab is a Flutter package for creating a custom tab viewer with built-in...
random string generator random_string_generator # An easy to use, customizable and secure random string...
gradients gradients # Implementations of Flutter's [LinearGradient], [RadialGradient], and [SweepGradient] with support for the CMYK,...
overlay pop up overlay_pop_up # A new Flutter plugin to display pop ups or screens over...
flutter instagram storyboard This package allows you to create a storyboard like Instagram For now it's...
quick blue quick_blue # A cross-platform (Android/iOS/macOS/Windows/Linux) BluetoothLE plugin for Flutter Usage #
conditional parent widget stable but not actively maintained conditional_parent_widget # Conditionally wrap a subtree with...
widget visibility detector widget_visibility_detector # A new Flutter package can detect when the widget appears or...
xmlstream xmlstream # A lightweight api for parsing xml You can listen to xml encounters...
firebase notifications handler FirebaseNotificationsHandler For Flutter #
logo n spinner Logo and Spinner #
nigerian states and lga Nigerian States and Local Governments # This is a package that helps...
transition transition # A transition library that helps implement the page transition animation. 💫
progress hud progress_hud # A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your Flutter app https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/progress_hud
square progress indicator Create fully customizable square or rectangle progress indicators like native flutter CircularProgressIndicator widget!...
firebase ui storage Firebase UI Storage # Firebase UI Storage is a set of...
linkify plus linkify_plus # Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for...
matrix gesture detector pro class TransformDemo extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {...
dio cache interceptor isar store dio_cache_interceptor_isar_store # Isar cache store implementation.
oauth webauth OAuth WebAuth # This plugin offers a WebView implementation approach for OAuth authorization/authentication with...
unicorndial UnicornDialer # Easily create your own floating action button list ...
android metadata android_metadata # A flutter plugin to get metadata defined in AndroidManifest.xml Dart packages...
flutter razorpay web Flutter Razorpay Web Plugin "flutter_razorpay_web" is a Flutter plugin...
oauth dio oauth_dio # A customizable oauth client with token storage and interceptors for dio....
wallpaper manager wallpaper_manager # A Flutter plugin for changing the Home Screen, Lock Screen...
varioqub configs Varioqub Configs # Flutter plugin providing work with remote configs, experiments and...
paypal sdk Paypal SDK https://developer.paypal.com/api/rest/ Features # APIs implemented: Catalog Products...
advanced search AdvancedSearch # Flutter library provides advanced capabilitis for searching through a predefined list using...
raised buttons Raised Button Features # Verity of predefined Raised button Getting started #
webfeed revised WebFeed Revised # A dart package for parsing RSS and Atom feed.
android power manager Android Power Manager plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin for Android for...
casa vertical stepper The stepper widgets help you to show or collect information from users using organized...
ci ☁️ CI Detect whether you're running in a CI environment and retrieve information about the...
geopoint Geopoint # Geospatial data structures for Dart Models # GeoPoint #
flutter statusbar manager flutter_statusbar_manager # Now compatible with AndroidX thanks to https://github.com/lorenzOliveto Flutter Statusbar Manager,...
flutter pty flutter_pty # This is an experimental package to explore the...
turn page transition turn_page_transition # turn_page_transition provide simple Page-Turning Transition to your app. Demo #
ana page loop 简单的全局路由埋点处理插件 建议用在不太复杂的埋点场景中使用。 安装插件 # 在flutter项目中的pubspec.yaml,添加以下依赖项: dependencies: ... ana_page_loop:...
dyn mouse scroll Dynamic Mouse Scroll # A wrapper for scrollable widgets that enables smooth scrolling...
progress loading button progress_loading_button # progress_loading_button...
platform device id platform interface platform_device_id_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the platform_device_id plugin....
bs flutter selectbox Bs Flutter Select Box # Web HTML select option with serverside
flutter config plus Config Variables for your Flutter apps # Plugin that exposes environment variables to...
gradient progress indicator Gradient Progress Indicator # Introduction # This package shows a circular progress...
spannable grid Spannable Grid # The SpannableGrid is a Flutter widget that allows its...
vungle vungle # A plugin for Flutter that supports loading and displaying interstitial and rewarded video...
open dir open_dir # Open directory on the native desktop platform with its app (Finder on...
rangers applog flutter plugin RangersAppLogFlutterPlugin # For global version, please check global branch. RangersAppLog的Flutter插件。支持埋点上报。...
appcues flutter Appcues Flutter Plugin # Appcues Flutter...
time elapsed TimeElapsed # This package provides a way to facility how you getting elapsed time...
stash memory stash_memory # A stash in-memory storage extension ...
rating bar rating_bar # A customizable Rating Bar for flutter with half rating support
convenient test flutter_convenient_test # Write and debug tests...
stacked notification cards stacked_notification_cards # A Flutter implementation of iOS style stacked notifications. Features #
ulid4d ULID for Dart # Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) implementation...
heroicons flutter heroicons_flutter # Heroicons from Tailwind Labs as...
flutter ble peripheral FlutterBlePeripheral # This Flutter plugin allows a device to be used in Peripheral...
date range form field date_range_form_field # A Flutter package for adding a DateRange widget into a...
davi Ready for a large number of data. Building cells on demand. Focused on Web/Desktop Applications.
flutter colorful tab Flutter Colorful TabBar # A colorful TabBar for Flutter where each tab has...
dartdap An LDAP v3 Client Library for Dart # The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is...
quill markdown Quill Markdown # This package converts quill delta to markdown (.md) and vice versa...
flutter macos webview flutter_macos_webview # Flutter plugin that lets you display native WebView on macOS...
ticket clippers Flutter package that provides you clippers to create tickets. Getting started # To...
platform device id web platform_device_id_web # The web implementation of platform_device_id. Usage # Import...
wave linear progress indicator wave_linear_progress_indicator # Waved linear progress indicator for Flutter. Screenshot #
upi pay upi_pay # # Find installed UPI payment apps on your phone and make...
input slider input_slider # While Sliders offer a quick and visual way to change a value,...
flutter iot wifi flutter_iot_wifi # Connect to an IoT access point using Android or iOS...
flex dropdown Flex DropDown | Custom DropDown # Create elegant and customizable dropdowns effortlessly with the...
json reflectable This package allows programmers to annotate Dart objects for reflective invocation of the fromJson and...
on chain ON CHAIN Dart Package # Onchain Plugin for Dart—an advanced cross-platform solution that seamlessly...
parchment delta Implementation of Quill editor Delta format in Dart. Refer to official documentation for more...
gettext i18n Flutter i18n with gettext # This package helps internationalizing a Flutter application. It...
speedometer chart speedometer_chart # A library of velocity gauge charts for Flutter. Install...
f datetimerangepicker F-DateTimeRangePicker # Date and Time Range Picker for Flutter Installing:...
countries flag Why Countries Flag? # A Flutter package to show a SVG image of the...
leak detector 中文文档 leak_detector # flutter Memory leak detection tool Usage # initialize
responsive flutter responsive_flutter # A Flutter package for scaling the size your apps UI...
money input formatter MoneyInputFormatter # A flutter package to format currencies in inputs. Demo:...
huawei safetydetect Huawei Safety Detect Flutter Plugin
ymchat flutter ymchat-flutter # Documentation # For integration and usage refer documentation https://docs.yellow.ai/docs/platform_concepts/mobile/chatbot/flutter Demo...
gal linux Gal Linux # Table of Contents # Gal Linux
widget with codeview widget_with_codeview # A widget with side-by-side source code view....
flutter lock screen Flutter Pass Code Page or Pin Code Page Package # This package gives...
service worker Service Worker API for Dart # Dart-y wrappers for the ServiceWorker APIs. Warning:...
rtmp broadcaster Flutter RTMP broadcaster # Extend the functionality of the Flutter camera plugin with this...
focused menu custom Focused Menu Custom # This is an easy to implement package for adding...
flutter geo hash GeoHash Flutter # Firebase Solutions Geoqueries Geohash is a system for encoding...
instabug dio interceptor Instabug Dio Interceptor # This package is an add...
flutter launcher plus flutter_launcher_plus # Plugin to launch url and map coordinates Getting Started #
gs1 barcode parser gs1_barcode_parser # GS1 Barcode parser Example # Parse code-128 with FNC1
internet popup internet_popup # A package that shows a pop up alert when the internet connection...