wp json api WordPress and WooCommerce JSON API Dart package for Flutter # You can download...
langchain community 🦜️🔗 LangChain.dart Community # ...
langchain google 🦜️🔗 LangChain.dart / Google #
gradient slide to act About the creator # This package was created by SALAH EDDINE SALHI
flutter autoupdate flutter_updater # This library allows you to easily add auto-update functionality to your Android,...
native updater native_updater # Flutter package for prompting users to update with...
focus on it Focus on It is a Dart library that allows you to get notified when...
dialogflow grpc Auto-generated Flutter Dialogflow library for detecting intents using gRPC. A faster integration with the...
firestore ui firestore_ui # This project started as a Pull Request to the official...
flutter facebook auth platform interface flutter_facebook_auth_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the flutter_facebook_auth plugin....
flutter funding choices Flutter Funding Choices # Flutter Funding Choices is an unofficial Flutter implementation of...
flutter keycloak flutter_keycloak # Manage your Keycloak tokens in a Flutter app. This plugin exposes...
fade out particle FadeOutParticle is an animation for disappearing views like Text and Icon ...
smooth highlight Smooth Highlight # You can emphasize a specific widget by highlight animation when you...
audio recorder Audio recorder # Record audio and store it...
cli script Dart CLI Scripting # This package is designed to make it easy to write...
cached query flutter Cached Query Flutter Visit the documentation for more information. A set of...
json cache json_cache # ...
parallax rain Parallax Rain # Create a cool 3D rain effect, with plenty of customization!...
sunmi scanner sunmi_scanner # A packae for support sunmi scanners Important # THIS PACKAGE...
dough This package provides some widgets you can use to create a smooshy UI. ...
swagger parser Swagger Parser #
generic bloc provider generic_bloc_provider # A generic BloC Provider for your Flutter apps....
floating action bubble custom Floating Action Bubble Custom # A Flutter package to create an animated...
muskey Muskey # An actually useful pattern matcher and field input formatter library for Flutter....
phoenix wings phoenix_wings.dart # A Phoenix Channel implementation for Dart Attempts to feature match the...
thread Thread # A simple Isolated Thread wrapped with a type-safe Event Emitter for easier asynchronous...
flexible dropdown Flexible Dropdown Package # Features #
colorful circular progress indicator Colorful Circular Progress Indicator # Flutter Widget that shows Colorful Circular Progress...
amap search fluttify 高德地图 搜索组件 # 高德地图搜索组件. Dart接口基于Fluttify引擎生成. 接口文档. DEMO 与...
random date A Random generator for Dates given range of years. This package ability to take...
cloudflare Description # This package aims to be a dart SDK for the Cloudflare API....
freestyle speed dial This package provides a single lightweight widget called SpeedDialBuilder which allows you to build...
tealium Tealium Flutter Plugin # Documentation # For full documentation, please see the Tealium Learning...
implicitly animated list Often, your lists represent some kind of data. You can just pass the...
chopper built value This package provides a Converter based on built_value that can be used with Chopper...
janus client janus_client # It is a feature rich flutter package, which offers all webrtc operations...
webauthn webauthn # This plugin is meant to implement the WebAuthn Authenticator...
versionarte versionarte # Force update, show update indicator and disable the app for maintenance with total...
smartrefresh Add Refresh Controller # final RefreshController _refreshController = RefreshController(); copied to clipboard add...
banner listtile Banner Listtile # Banner_Listtile comes in handy when...
simple rsa3 Notice # This package is a fork of the original simple_rsa package, all the...
secrethero flutter Secret Hero Setup # Description # Secret Hero is a sdk designed to...
opus caf converter dart OpusCafConverterDart Package for Efficient Opus to CAF Conversion # OpusCAFCovnerter is a...
stack board Stack Board # A Flutter package of custom stack board.
flutter text styled flutter_text_styled # A Flutter helper class to add tag-styled text into your widgets.
optimization battery optimization_battery # check if the app is ignoring battery optimizations , open IGNORE BATTERY...
sbp sbp # Flutter plugin, with which you can get a list of banks installed on...
qiscus chat sdk Qiscus Chat SDK # Qiscus Chat SDK for Flutter
flutter mapbox autocomplete flutter_mapbox_autocomplete # A Flutter Package for MapBox Places autocomplete. Installation #...
coachmaker Coachmaker # Coach marks are temporary messages that educate users through new or unfamiliar product...
groovin widgets 🍪 groovin_widgets # A Flutter package containing widgets and utilities created and edited by...
mgrs dart mgrs_dart # Utility for converting between WGS84 lat/lng and MGRS coordinates (Dart version of...
echart flutter This is a library that make it easy to draw charts in Flutter. It...
hms room kit 100ms Room Kit 🎉 # ...
emoji keyboard flutter Flutter Emoji Keyboard # A Flutter package that provides a keyboard...
path provider tizen path_provider_tizen # The Tizen implementation of path_provider. Usage #...
signalr client signalr_client # A Flutter SignalR Client for ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET Core...
auto size widget Auto Size Widget # A Flutter widget that can resize the child widget...
test reflective loader Support for discovering tests and test suites using reflection. This package follows the...
flame kenney xml Adds support for parsing XML sprite sheets from https://kenney.nl, and other sprite sheets on...
nextcloud nextcloud # A Nextcloud API client written in Dart. If you want to implement...
animated sidebar Animated Sidebar # A highly customizable and styleable...
jh debug jh_debug # debug调试器工具,让你的开发更便捷处理bug!简单易用快速上手。 当真机调试时,更友好的捕获错误日志输出。 自动捕获错误及print相关信息,无需复杂配置。 带有全局捕获error回调钩子,可自定义上报错误日志...
flutter asa attribution flutter_asa_attribution # A apple search ads attribution plugin for flutter ios #
persian tools Persian tools Persian Tools dart package which you can use in all platforms...
riverbloc An implementation of BlocProvider based on #riverpod providers. The goal of this package is to...
go router paths Go Router Paths # Overview...
yaru window Yaru Window # Provides API for...
zego zpns zego_zpns # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
proxy manager ProxyManager for Flutter # Features # set/clean system proxy...
image viewer image_viewer # Flutter image viewer library gives you the opportunity to easly integrate full...
get server Get Server # GetServer allows you to write backend applications with Flutter. Everything here...
flutter flow chart Flutter Flow Chart # A package that let you draw a flow chart...
device preview plus This is a fork of device_preview to keep it up to date with newer...
overflow text animated A plugin that displays overflowed text in a different way: Installing...
flutter ume plus # flutter_ume # 简体中文 UME is an in-app debug kits platform...
ext video player ext_video_player # Clone of video_player plugin with support for Youtube & RTMP #
dropdown button3 Flutter DropdownButton2 #
commitlint cli commitlint # Dart version...
layout pro Layout Pro # A Flutter package that simplifies the creation of responsive GridView layouts.
routefly Routefly # Routefly is a folder-based route manager inspired by NextJS and created...
scroll app bar ScrollAppBar # Hide or show app bar while scrolling. This package works without...
syncfusion officecore Syncfusion Flutter OfficeCore # Syncfusion Flutter OfficeCore is a dependent package for the following...
kdgaugeview KdGaugeViewFlutter # KDGaugeView is a simple and customizable gauge control for Android inspired by KdGaugeView
csvwriter csvwriter # Lightweight, cross-platform Dart package to write CSV data to a StringSink. Supports and...
coast coast # PageView wrapper supporting Hero-like animations Example #...
sodium sodium # Dart bindings for libsodium, supporting both the VM and...
flutter bitcoin bitcoin_flutter # A dart Bitcoin library for Flutter. Released under the terms of...
dhttpd A simple HTTP server that can serve up any directory, built with Dart. Inspired by...
idb sqflite idb_sqflite # Indexed DB for flutter on top of sqflite. Supports...
bluetooth classic bluetooth_classic # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
date formatter Package for helping to format date from both String and DateTime. Format DateTime #
qr code vision This package provides both high-level and low-level functions to extract QR code data...
featurehub sse client SSE-Client # A client only library for using EventSource or Server-Sent Events (SSE).
serverpod auth google flutter Serverpod # This package is a core part of Serverpod. For documentation,...
qrcode barcode scanner QRCode & Barcode Scanner # Overview #
validators2 validators2 # A fork of the validators package. https://github.com/dart-league/validators String validation and sanitization...
ttlock flutter Developers Email list # [email protected] ttlock_flutter # Config iOS:
flexible grid view About Flexible grid view Installation Usage API Layouts