h3 flutter H3 Flutter # The package allows to use Uber's H3 library directly in your...
flutter debug overlay Flutter Debug Overlay # The Flutter Debug Overlay package allows you to implement...
floating overlay A widget wrapper that allows a floating widget be dragged and rescaled. Features #
flutter audio query Flutter Audio Query # A Flutter plugin, Android only at this moment, that...
combine coverage In monorepos with multiple Dart and Flutter packages, this CLI tool will combine all lcov.info...
animated list item animated_list_item # A flutter package whitch provide Animation of items in ListView, GridView,...
keymap Keymap # A keymap widget letting a developer easily allow end users to use keyboard...
barcode scan fix Barcode Scanner # A flutter plugin for scanning 2D barcodes and QR codes.
animated number Animated Number flutter package # This is an custom widget developed for flutter with...
shared preferences tools A DevTools extension for Flutter's shared_preferences package. Features # This package adds...
riverpod context This package brings back the context extensions for riverpod that were discontinued in version...
ff native screenshot ff_native_screenshot # A Flutter plugin to take or listen screenshot(support Platform Views) for...
firebase helpers firebase_helpers # A package that provides various Google Firebase related services helpers. Provides helpers...
pin entry text field 👏 PinEntryTextField # A fully customizable Pin Entry TextField. The source...
loadany LoadAny # A new Flutter loads more package. 中文说明 Support #
modbus client tcp Introduction # This is a set of packages implementing Modbus Client sending requests...
jalali table calendar New Package # This Package will receive updates no more use this package...
number to indian words Convert numbers to words in English in Indian style. Can be very helpful...
impression flutter_impression # This is a user behavior tracking (UBT) tool to analyze impression events for...
ele progress TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
flutter cache manager dio Flutter_cache_manager_dio # Language: English | 中文简体 flutter_cache_manager with dio
shuftipro onsite sdk Shuftipro Integration # https://developers.shuftipro.com/docs/mobile/intro/
scroll edge listener Needs to call some custom logic when the user reaches the end of the...
time change detector Time change detector. # About # A flutter plugin to detect change...
bs58check bs58check # A straight forward implementation of base58check extending upon bs58 for Flutter writing in...
platform device id v2 platform_device_id # get device id from android、ios、windows、linux、mac、web Description #
flutter socks proxy flutter_socks_proxy # flutter_socks_proxy is a dart package, HTTP/Socks4/Socks5 proxy Flutter version scope...
osrm OSRM Dart Client (Docs) # ...
paginated list paginated_list # A Paginated List widget that displays a list...
video url validator Video URL Validator validates URLs from Popular Video Platforms # Platforms Supported...
flutter midi pro flutter_midi_pro # The flutter_midi_pro plugin provides functions for loading...
flutter survey Flutter Survey # Inspired by Google Forms A simple yet powerful package that...
starsview AnimatedStarsView # AnimatedStarsView for Flutter Pure Dart implementation of AnimatedStarsView
freezed result Freezed Result # A Result<Success, Failure> that feels like a Freezed union. It represents...
flutter earth globe Flutter Earth Globe # Overview # Flutter Earth Globe is an interactive...
flutter shader snap flutter_shader_snap # Create the Thanos snap effect with a...
custom keyboard Custom Keyboard # "Custom Keyboard" is a plugin that you can use in your...
ipaddr ipaddr # Usage # import 'package:ipaddr/ipaddr.dart' as ipaddr;
kplayer kplayer # Flutter player (currently only audio) online preview: Go live...
lecle volume flutter lecle_volume_flutter # A Flutter plugin to control volume in Android and iOS devices...
byte flow Byte flow # Byte flow is a pure dart , dependency less...
audio plus audio_plus is a comprehensive package for playing audio files and URLs in Flutter applications. This...
expansion card Expansion Card # This package provides an easy implementation of a Expansion...
store version checker store_version_checker # Installing # Add App Version Checker to your pubspec:...
sugar Sugar - Standard Library Extension # Sugar...
iconforest flat icons social iconforest_flat_icons_social # flat_icons_social Search
flutter background executor flutter_background_executor # This plugin is created for background tasks. It supports scheduled...
flutter simple bluetooth printer flutter_simple_bluetooth_printer # A library to discover printers, connect and send printer commands.
console bars A package for creating an awesome progress bar in the terminal. Handy while developing a...
flutter ume kit console plus flutter_ume_kit_console # flutter_ume 是由字节跳动 Flutter Infra 团队出品的应用内调试工具平台。 flutter_ume_kit_console 是 flutter_ume...
cv cv # Content Values map helpers. These helpers are about mapping map fields to...
yust ui Yust UI # Build awesome apps with Flutter and Firebase. Yust UI provides widgets...
forex conversion A Flutter package to quickly fetch Forex prices and perform currency conversions. Features #
cloud text to speech Cloud Text-To-Speech #
overlay kit overlay_loading_progress # A flutter package of overlay kit. Content # ...
flutter donation buttons flutter_donation_buttons # Donation/Support buttons to allow you to add your favorite support buttons...
googlemaps flutter webservices google_maps_flutter_webservices # note: This is forked from dev-juju/flutter_google_maps_webservices which is also originally from...
alert flutter-alert # A Flutter plugin for showing native alert dialog in IOS and Toast messages...
i18n extension importer i18n_extension_importer # This is the standalone repo for importer library created by Johann...
rss dart rss.dart # This is a fork of https://github.com/sudame/dart-rss (which itself is a fork of...
gql build A package for Dart code generation from GraphQL source. Builders in this package let...
snappy list view Beta version SnappyListView provides you with everything to make your list snap to...
flutterwave Flutterwave Flutter SDK # We've moved to @Flutterwave/Flutter! # We have decided to move...
intent intent # A simple flutter plugin to deal with Android Intents - your one stop...
refena inspector The inspector for Refena. Usage # Add the refena_inspector_client and refena_inspector...
flutter money formatter FlutterMoneyFormatter # FlutterMoneyFormatter is a Flutter extension to formatting various types...
biopassid face sdk BioPass ID Face SDK Flutter ...
uqudosdk flutter uqudo SDK Flutter plugin # The Official uqudo SDK wrapper for the Android and...
face pile face_pile # Displays a stacked list of users. Each circle represents a person and...
smartech appinbox Smartech-AppInbox # Smartech is a omni channel platform that delivers everything you need to...
floating dialog Floating Dialog for Flutter # A Flutter package for creating draggable dialogs, allowing users...
flutter segment sdk Segment plugin # This library was originally created by...
files uploader Flutter Uploader # A plugin for creating and managing upload tasks. Supports iOS and...
sealed countries This ISO-driven, fully tested and pure Dart package provides information about world countries in form...
flutter bloc pattern flutter_bloc_pattern # Base class, BLoC provider and rxdart builder for BLoC pattern in...
ussd service Ussd plugin for Flutter # This plugin makes it possible to access Android's sendUssdRequest...
smooth list view A flutter plugin to implement smooth scrolling on desktop and web. Comparison #
simplytranslate SimplyTranslate-dart # GitHub | Pub Project info # A Dart package to translate...
dynamic fa icons Dynamic FontAwesome icons in Flutter # Original package to insert FontAwesome icons dynamically...
modal progress indicator Modal Progress Indicator #
hold on pop Hold on pop # hold_on_pop is a Flutter package that provides a widget...
eko jitsi eko_jitsi # Jitsi Meet Plugin for Flutter. Supports Android and iOS platforms. "Jitsi...
tamara flutter sdk Integrate Tamara Checkout Flow into Flutter App Features # Add...
screen capture restrictions screen_capture_restrictions # A flutter plugins to restrictions to screen capture and recording on...
payubiz cb flutter payubiz_cb_flutter # This is flutter wrapper built upon PayU's Custom browser SDK for...
randomstring dart Simple Random String # Simple, random string generator Features # ...
zalo flutter A Flutter plugin for Zalo APIs. Note: This plugin is still under development, and...
package signature package_signature # a easy way to get android package signature on flutter app....
sql conn sql_conn # A sql_conn is a plugin for connecting Flutter Android application to SQL...
webdev A command-line tool for developing and deploying web applications with Dart. Requirements # The...
opencv flutter_opencv # A Flutter™ plug-in providing a binding to OpenCV-4.x. ...
google gemini Google DeepMind Gemini # Google Gemini is a set of cutting-edge large language models...
multi state bloc multi_state_bloc 0.0.3 # multi_state_bloc is a straightforward solution allowing you to manage substates...
holiday jp holiday_jp-dart # 🎌 Japanese holiday for Dart...
stream feed flutter core Official Core Flutter SDK for Stream Feeds # The official...
flame texturepacker A flame plugin to import sprite sheets generated by Gdx Texture Packer and Code...
the country number the_country_number # A small library for flutter written in pure dart (doesn't use...
bdk flutter Bdk Flutter #
colorful iconify flutter Complementary package for iconify_flutter
image input Image Input A pacakage to be used for image input in flutter. It can...