reactive segmented control reactive_segmented_control # Wrapper around CupertinoSegmentedControl to use with reactive_forms Docs in progress....
nanodart NanoDart # A Nano and Banano cryptocurrency library for the Dart programming language
polyline polyline.dart # Polyline encoding is a lossy compression algorithm that allows you to store...
flutter carplay CarPlay with Flutter 🚗 #
select card select_card Flutter widget # A Flutter package with animated customizable items selection. Features...
sealed currencies This ISO-driven, pure Dart, fully tested and and 3rd-party dependency-free package provides information about world...
libphonenumber web libphonenumber_web # The web implementation of libphonenumber Usage # This package is...
flutter pay upi flutter_pay_upi #
text style editor TextStyleEditor # Text style editor widget for flutter...
fullscreen image viewer Flutter Fullscreen Image Viewer # A Flutter package that provides a customizable fullscreen...
all bluetooth all_bluetooth # This is a flutter plugin for communicating with bluetooth devices. Features...
flutter usb serial flutter_serial_port_to_usb # U转串Demo Getting Started # CH340芯片:在windows平台可直接视为串口使用,在android平台被视为Usb设备。 windows平台 CH340官方给了一个驱动文件安装完又卸了程序正常运行)...
bluetooth connector bluetooth_connector # A Flutter plugin to expose the features of Bluetooth Adapter for Android...
liquid engine A dart port of the liquid / django template engine. Created under a BSD-style
static shock For documentation, visit Static Shock # A static site generator for Dart.
presentation presentation # Set of tools providing presentation capabilities (transitions, animations, navigation,...) to a...
forui 📚 Documentation • 🖼️ Widgets • 🤓 API Reference ...
list picker List Picker # list_picker helps you to select an item from a list of...
field validation field_validation # This package provides an easy way to validate Your Email, PAN, Pic...
swiping card deck swiping_card_deck # A widget for swiping through...
nudgecore v2 nudgecore_v2 # Nudge Core v2 is the Mandatory SDK that is required for all...
ory client ory_client (EXPERIMENTAL) # Documentation for all public and administrative Ory APIs. Administrative APIs can...
multi image layout Description # Experience dynamic image layout capabilities with this Flutter package. Effortlessly...
digital signature flutter his library is used to capture a signature through drawing gestures. You can...
photo view v3 Flutter Photo View # A simple zoomable image/content widget for Flutter.
huawei ads Huawei Ads Kit Flutter Plugin
sorted sorted # Sort lists of complex objects with ease. Simple but...
zego effects plugin zego_effects_plugin # The AI Effects Flutter SDK provided by ZEGO is a Flutter...
apptentive flutter Apptentive SDK for Flutter # The Apptentive SDK is the best way to engage...
pubspec yaml pubspec_yaml # Dart library to access and manipulate content of pubpec.yaml files Class...
fixed The Fixed package allows you to store and perform math on decimal numbers with a fixed...
flute music player Flute Music Player Plugin Only # First Open Source Flutter based material design...
gzip A lightweight package for gzip, relying on dart:io and package:web for the actual implementations....
flutter biometrics flutter_biometrics # Documentation is under contruction. Flutter plugin which lets you to generate...
flutter pcm sound Send real-time PCM audio (16-bit integer) to your device speakers, from your Flutter app!
pbkdf2ns PBKDF2 Key Derivation Function # This is fork of pbkdf2_dart, as defined in RFC 2898.
json serializer JSON Serializer # A versatile Dart package for effortless JSON serialization and deserialization without...
news api flutter package News API Flutter Package # Flutter package for accessing News API. (
hid listener hid_listener # HidListener is a library that allows you to listen to hid events...
svg flag Svg Flag # A curated collection of all country flags in SVG...
state notifier test Package # Package is a port of felangel's bloc_test, modified to work with...
dev build dev_build.dart # IO utility run_ci # There is a convenient way...
randomizer randomizer # A new Flutter package which helps in picking random color, random element from...
flutter essentials kit flutter_essentials_kit # A kit of useful functions and widget to speed up development.
clever ads solutions CAS.AI Flutter Plugin # The CAS.AI SDK is mobile advertising featuring refined ad...
flutter paypal easy checkout ✨ Flutter Paypal Easy Checkout # Flutter Easy Checkout is a flutter...
flutter bdface collect flutter_bdface_collect # a baidu face offline collect plugin. Only Android and IOS platforms...
flutter bug logger flutter_bug_logger # Simple, pretty and powerful logger for flutter,It has the...
ubuntu logger Ubuntu Logger for Dart # A...
line awesome icons line_awesome_icons # The Line Awesome Icon pack available as Flutter Icons Getting...
calendar time calendar_time # Implementation of MomentJS's calendarTime function and some other helpful utilities. I...
upnp2 UPnP Client for Dart # This is a fork of the original upnp. But as...
sentry link Sentry Link (GraphQL) # Compatibility list # This integration is compatible...
video watermark Video Watermark # Simple Flutter package to add image as overlay in the video...
flutter overlay apps flutter_overlay_apps # Android plugin for displaying flutter app over other apps Usage...
drag ball # A flutter package, inspiration Indonesian e-commerce widget or similiar...
horizontal list horizontal_list # ...
strava client gir# strava_flutter Dart/flutter package to use Strava API v3 Follow the "new" Authentication...
open appstore open_appstore # A Flutter plugin for opening the AppStore or PlayStore ...
flashy flushbar Flashy Flushbar # A highly customizable, dismissible and animated flushbar (toast) for Flutter applications.
bluesky text The Easiest & Most Powerful Way to Analyze the Text for Bluesky Social 🦋...
senior platform authentication ui Senior Platform Authentication Ui # O objetivo deste projeto é prover uma...
senior design system Senior Design System # Projeto com a implementação dos componente do Senior Design...
referrer Referrer # This...
social auth buttons social_auth_buttons # Social Auth Buttons is a...
awesome calendar Awesome Calendar # An easy to use and customizable calendar...
native ios dialog Native iOS Dialog # A Flutter plugin which makes it straightforward to show...
add to wallet AddToWallet Flutter plugin # A flutter plugin exposing the native Add To Wallet...
intrinsic grid view intrinsic_grid_view #
jsonlogic jsonlogic # Jsonlogic is dart package that evaluates the json logic rules(logic) with the...
credential manager Credential Manager # Credential Manager is a Jetpack API that supports multiple sign-in methods,...
neon neon # A Flutter plugin that allows you to use beautiful neon signs...
stepper a Flutter StepperA # Key Features # Stepper A can easily build Stepper facility...
supertokens flutter SuperTokens Flutter SDK # About # This is a...
prometheus client prometheus_client # This is a simple Dart implementation of the...
polar polar # Plugin wrapper for the Polar SDK Note # This is an...
flutter 3d choice chip flutter_3d_choice_chip # This package provides a simple 3D choice chip.
flutter icon shadow Flutter Icon Shadow # Drop a shadow below your icons. Customizable color, blur...
app runner AppRunner Launch your Flutter app like a pro! AppRunner is...
flutter location search flutter_location_search # A Flutter package that provides Place search with history of latest...
awesome place search Awesome Place Search # Description # awesome_place_search is a Flutter package for...
json to model json_to_model # Command line tool for generating Dart models (json_serializable) from Json file.
flutter session flutter_session # Adds session support to Flutter. Works with mobile, web and (hopefully) desktop...
widget kit plugin widget_kit # A small library for interfacing with the very limited...
tencent im sdk plugin desktop 中文/英文 DEMO体验 # 源码 # ...
flutter text form field flutter_text_form_field # A new Flutter package that provide already made text form...
m3 carousel M3_Carousel # A flutter implementation of the Material Design 3 carousel. Built on...
fcuuid kit fcuuid_kit # Flutter plugin for fcuuid. iOS # FCUUID...
virtual keyboard flutter virtual_keyboard_flutter # About # A simple package for dispaying virtual keyboards on...
w popup menu w_popup_menu # A pop-up menu that mimics the iOS WeChat page.
mpflutter core MPFlutter 2.0 # MPFlutter 是一款用于构建小程序的开发框架,基于 Flutter 构建,开发体验无限接近于 Flutter 原生应用。 你可以基于 MPFlutter 开发以下平台的小程序:...
fhir at rest fhir_at_rest # More FHIR functionality in Flutter # FHIR® is the registered...
stellar flutter sdk Stellar SDK for Flutter # The Soneso open source...
colours Colours # An extended version of Flutter Colors with more swatches and more flexibility to...
custom pointed popup custom_pointed_popup # Popup that can be shown on any targeted widget with customized...
never behind keyboard Make your form area and its specific bottom never be put behind the on-screen...
dash Dash # Dash is a simple but efficient library that provides and dispose...
atlassian apis A client for the Atlassian REST APIs in Dart # This is a Dart...
black hole flutter 🛠 A package absorbing all Flutter utility functions, including extension functions and commonly used...
flutter google places sdk linux flutter_google_places_linux # The linux implementation of flutter_google_places.