swipe back detector swipe_back_detector # A detector to add "swipe to go back" functionality in custom...
number selector NumberSelector # Customizable widget designed for choosing an integer number. Features #...
conditional wrap Flutter Conditional Wrap 🌯 # A widget that...
utility Utility #
flutter alert flutter_alert # Flutter package which shows a crossplatform alert messages on Android...
world countries This ISO-driven and fully tested package provides information about world countries, currencies, languages, etc. in...
custom otp textfield A custom OTP style entering textfield with custom UI and supports device of any...
size setter Size Setter # Unlocking design adaptability, the size_setter package for Flutter elegantly recalibrates pixels...
android download manager android_download_manager # This package lets you download files via Android Native Download Manager.
pytorch mobile pytorch_mobile # A flutter plugin for pytorch model inference, supported both for Android and...
very good cli Very Good CLI #
weak map weak_map # This package contains the classes: WeakMap WeakContainer...
animated float action button Getting Started # This project is a starting point for a Dart
easy permission English easy_permission # Flutter 权限插件 描述 # 可以快捷简单地用于 Flutter 权限申请,告别繁琐的轻量级权限申请。如果能搭配 permission_handler使用,事半功倍。
http image provider HTTP image provider # This is an alternative to Image.network() which...
power file view PowerFileView # English | 简体中文 A local file preview plugin,...
flutter overpass Flutter Overpass Plugin # A Flutter plugin to get data from overpass api https://overpass-turbo.eu...
super hot key Features # System-wide hotkeys for macOS and Windows. Usage # final...
checkout screen ui A Widget representing a checkout screen that accepts native and credit card payments along...
ai awesome message ai_awesome_message | AiAwesomeMessage # A new Awesome message widget that is sames to...
easy debounce throttle Easy Debounce Throttle ...
flutter blue plus windows Flutter Blue Plus Windows # This project is a wrapper library for...
simple animated icon simple_animated_icon # An implementation of the "Simple" transitions for the animated icons defined...
overlay manager Overlay Manager # Group and manage easily flutter overlays: Create a...
dson adapter DSON # Convert JSON to Dart Class withless code generate(build_runner). A simple Object...
funvas funvas # Flutter package that allows creating canvas animations based on time and math functions.
googledrivehandler GoogleDriveHandler # "GoogleDriveHandler" package simplifies the integration of Google Drive into Flutter apps, allowing users...
stacked list carousel stacked_list_carousel # This package allows you to create a carousel of stacked items...
timetable 📅 Customizable, animated calendar widget including day & week views.
cached network Cached Network # This is a package use to fetch data from web and...
flexify Flexify # Flexify is a comprehensive Flutter package that simplifies the creation of responsive user...
redux remote devtools Redux Remote Devtools for Dart and Flutter # Redux Remote Devtools...
widget screenshot widget_screenshot # Widget截屏,支持长截图,如:ListView Screenshot for widget,support long screenshot like ListView, Support #
fp bt printer fp_bt_printer # This library allows printing receipts on bluetooth thermal printers (android only).
aes crypt aes_crypt # Introduction # aes_crypt is a library for Dart and Flutter developers...
http status http_status # ...
whatsapp bot flutter Whatsapp bot flutter # Whatsapp bot using whatsapp web...
flutter animate on scroll Flutter_animate_on_scroll # Enables you to create flutter animations on scroll, faster, efficient...
flutter pdf renderer flutter_pdf_renderer # Flutter Plugin to render a PDF file. Supports both Android and...
riverpod test Package # Package is a port of felangel's bloc_test, modified to work with Riverpod...
urwaypayment urwaypayment # A Urway is a payment gateway with payment solutions in Flutter. This...
wave blob Features # Blob Wave Animation # This package provide a blob wave animation...
camera filters Camera Filters # Realtime Camera Filters Description # This package will use...
native ads flutter TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
mustachex MUSTACHE EXtended for Dart # The features of the unmaintained mustache and mustache_template with the...
flutter snackbar plus flutter_snackbar_plus # A minimal library to handle SnackBars with elaborate list of configuration...
fl mlkit scanning fl_mlkit_scanning # 基于Google ML Kit 实现快速稳定扫码功能,支持Android\IOS Realize fast and stable code...
simply mentions Simply Mentions Support mentioning in your project with all the...
sticky footer scrollview sticky_footer_scrollview # A Flutter Widget that is scrollable with a sticky...
flutter instagram stories flutter_instagram_stories # If you need a help to implement stories in your app,...
velocity bloc Velocity Bloc #
bg launcher bg_launcher # A flutter plugin that brings an in-background android app to the foreground...
social media audio recorder https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/75131816/222947676-e48a8e88-4b5f-4847-ae65-3ca40145b53c.mp4 Android For Permission Handle: Upgrade...
fk toggle fk_toggle v0.1.4 # This is simple flutter toggle button widget. Supports show text...
drago usb printer drago_usb_printer # This plugin will allow develop send data and work with usb...
draw on image plugin draw_on_image_plugin # Flutter plugin for drawing text on images. Getting Started...
dashed rect Dashed Rect # This package allows you to draw dotted lines with Flutter. You...
flutter spinning wheel flutter_spinning_wheel # A customizable widget to use as a spinning wheel...
story maker story_maker # A package for creating instagram like story, you can use this package...
gallery zoom slides gallery_zoom_slides # Image zoomin & zoomout functionality Features # ...
microsoft graph api MSGraphAPI Class # The MSGraphAPI class serves as a primary point...
device user agent Device User Agent # Flutter plugin for building the user agent for the...
platform device id plus platform_device_id_upgrade # This pluggin is upgraded version of platform_device_id, Upgrade includes:
mappls place widget Flutter Mappls Search Widget # Mappls Search Widget contains Place Autocomplete and Place...
onmessage A stream wrapping JavaScript's window.onmessage that is safe to import even on platforms other than...
flutter native select flutter_native_select # A flutter plugin which can open a native select...
flowder ex Flowder # For Personal use only, It's forked from https://github.com/Crdzbird/flowder\ Handle your file...
deep collection DeepCollection # Extends List, Set and Map in order to add commonly used recursive...
app launcher app_launcher # A flutter plugin that launches an Android or...
cross local storage cross_local_storage # Wraps NSUserDefaults (on...
multiselect nested Multi Select Nested # Multi Select Nested is a package with nested options support...
flutter image carousel slider Flutter image carousel slider Features # Fast flutter image carousel slider...
biometric signature biometric_signature # Biometric Signature is a Flutter plugin that simplifies the process of integrating...
anythink sdk Anythink SDK Flutter Plugin # Anythink SDK Flutter Plugin for Android and iOS....
maths Advanced Math library for Dart with support for Complex, FFT and Convolutions. Getting Started #
activout firebase options selector Use this library from Activout AB to switch between different Firebase projects in...
mongo dart query mongo_dart_query # ================ # Query builder for mongo_dart
helpshift wrapper HelpShift Community Wrapper # A plugin to use helpshift sdk into your flutter app...
okra widget official Okra Widget Flutter SDK # Flutter SDK for implementing the Okra...
scrolling page indicator scrolling_page_indicator # View page indicator like Instagram Getting Started #
drift sqlite async drift_sqlite_async # drift_sqlite_async allows using drift on an sqlite_async database - the APIs...
curved navigation bar with label curved_navigation_bar_with_label # pub package This project forked from https://pub.dev/packages/curved_navigation_bar...
pls pls # pls is a lightweight library for parsing .pls files. Installation #...
youtube video info youtube_video_info # pub.dev/youtube_video_info # This is a lightweight⚡...
flutter uae pass uae_pass # Un-official UAE Pass Flutter plugin for Android and iOS.
adtrace sdk flutter Summary # This is the Flutter SDK of AdTrace. You can read more...
full screen menu Full Screen Menu for Flutter #
at lookup at_lookup library # Overview: # The AtLookup Library is the low-level direct implementation...
scrollable text indicator Scrollable Text Indicator # A Flutter package that provides a scrollable...
flutter cached video player plus Flutter Cached Video Player # A flutter plugin that has been...
context watch context_watch # Subscribe widgets...
flutter video compress flutter_video_compress # Generate a new path by compressed video, Choose to keep the...
whatsapp sender flutter WhatsApp Sender Flutter # WhatsApp...
before after image slider nullsafty 👏 Before After # A flutter package which makes it easier...
day night themed switch day_night_themed_switch # Custom Switch widget with day and night theme.
esptouch smartconfig esptouch_smartconfig # Espressif’s ESP-TOUCH protocol implements the Smart Config technology to help users...
angel3 framework Angel3 Framework #
slider controller slider_controller # ...
pretty print json Prints a prettified json string or object Getting started # import 'package:pretty_print_json/pretty_print_json.dart';
node io node_io # This library exposes Node I/O functionality in dart:io way. It wraps Node.js