flutter network image flutter_network_image # flutter_network_image is a flutter package that provides an ImageProvider automatically retries...
crypto font icons CryptoFont Icons for Flutter # Bringing AMPoellmann's CryptoFont to Flutter. This library is...
user inactivity detector User inactivity detector # User inactivity detector reacts to user inactivity For...
forked slider button Slider Button v2.0.0 # Forked from slider_button # This package...
any syntax highlighter any_syntax_highlighter # any_syntax_highlighter is a lightweight 'convention based' syntax highlighter which provides highlighting...
agconnect applinking AppGallery Connect Applinking Kit Flutter Plugin # Contents # ...
tex text This package is used to create text with LaTex math formulas Example: The equation...
just throttle it just_throttle_it # A simple throttle library for Dart. Supports throttling by function and...
platform proxy platform_proxy # Flutter support only limited Proxy configuration out of the box. All that...
stream mixin stream_mixin # State management using stream to avoid use of flutter's State/setState/StatefulWidget, boosting the...
async extension async_extension # ...
dart either dart_either # Author: Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học #
flutter latlong Flutter LatLong # A Flutter package for getting location and location distance and more...
dynamic cached fonts Dynamic Cached Fonts #
lipsum lipsum-dart # A lorem ipsum text generator for Dart.
square bishop This package consists of a series of convenience methods, intended to implement basic interoperability between...
flutter bluetooth printer platform interface flutter_bluetooth_printer_platform_interface # A flutter plugin platform interface for flutter_bluetooth_printer
list diff Offers a diff method that accepts two Lists and returns a list of Operations...
sim data plus Sim plugin for Flutter # This is forked and modified version of original...
pdf viewer flutter PDF Viewer Flutter # A plugin/package for Flutter for Android and iOS, Web,...
plausible analytics Features # Send pageviews and custom events to Plausible Analytics so you have privacy...
awesome loader null safety awesome_loader # A Dart plugin for using some Awesome Loaders in your...
lib LIB # lib, is a library of useful utils, widgets, extensions, and more for Flutter.
flutter ringtone manager flutter_ringtone_manager # A Flutter RingtoneManager (RingtonePlayer) allows developers to play default system sounds...
buildcondition BuildCondition # Synchronous conditional widget renderer. Lets you declaratively render a widget based on...
open location picker FormField to pick one or more locations from open streat map Features #
serverpod auth apple flutter Serverpod # This package is a core part of Serverpod. For documentation,...
bloc notification The bloc_notification package provides a mixin that separates the mechanism of responding to an...
session manager Session Manager package for Flutter. Supports iOS, Android and MacOS Features # Save...
sentry file Sentry integration for dart.io.File # package build
social embed webview Social Embed WebView (Developers Preview) # Currently non of the major social media...
dart pdf reader Features # 'Simple' PDF reader package. Does not do a lot of interpretation...
ios willpop transition theme iOS Willpop Transition Builder # A Flutter package to solve the conflict...
raygun4flutter raygun4flutter # The world's best Flutter Crash Reporting solution. Introduction...
blowfish ecb Blowfish ECB for Dart #
tencent calls engine Tencent Cloud Engine for Video Calls # English | 简体中文 TUICallKit is...
xpath selector xpath_selector # An XPath selector for locating Html and Xml elements...
sm crypto SM_CRYPTO 国家加密算法Dart版本 # Multiple encryption: # sm2 (coding) sm3...
mapbox api mapbox_api # This package aim to : be a Dart SDK...
popup menu 2 Popup menu 2 # SCREENSHOT a pupup menu,...
oscilloscope oscilloscope widget package for Flutter # Oscilloscope is a graphical display similar to the trace...
flutter collapsing toolbar Flutter Collapsing Toolbar # A Flutter package to create a Romantic Collapsing Toolbar....
nyxx nyxx # A complete, robust and efficient wrapper around...
flutter year picker Simple use this package for pick a year. Features # flutter_year_picker can...
count down time count_down_time # This widget render a simple count-down time.
pana A library for analyzing Dart packages. It invokes executables from the Dart SDK (or from...
flutter voice recorder flutter_voice_recorder # Flutter Voice Record Plugin that...
flutter telephony info Flutter telephony plugin #
clipboard manager clipboard_manager # simple flutter plugin to copy text to clipboard in both android and...
protoo client protoo-client # Dart version of the protoo-client js library. Minimalist and extensible Dart...
image to byte Image to byte # This package allows you to convert internet images to...
buttplug Buttplug Dart # Implementation of...
qr flutter scanner qr_scanner # QR FLUTTER SCANNER is a Flutter plugin for scanning and generating...
flexi productimage slider flexi_productimage_slider # An image slider to represents your products..:) Features #...
ubuntu localizations Ubuntu localizations for Flutter # Provides...
osm flutter hooks OSM_FLUTTER_HOOKS # Features # predefined hooks to manage...
corbado auth Corbado Auth for Flutter # An authentication SDK to enable authentication through passkeys (based...
rating bar flutter rating_bar_flutter # A customizable Rating Bar Flutter for flutter with half rating support
v platform this package serve some types v platform file is used...
video cast video_cast # Flutter plugin for casting videos on chromecast devices This is a...
get radio version plugin get_radio_version_plugin # A plugin to get radio version from native code (Android).
nominatim flutter Nominatim Flutter Plugin with Isolate Loading & Hive Caching # The Nominatim Flutter Plugin...
enough mail html Generate html code from any email mime message for displaying it. Usage #
inject js inject_js # This package can be used on dart2js and flutter web to inject...
stream duration # A dart package for stream duration, support countdown, countup, and countup infinity....
search widget Search Widget # This Flutter package provides a Search Widget for selecting an option...
social sharing plus social_sharing_plus is a Flutter plugin that allows you to share content, images and videos...
compassx CompassX # Provides reliable compass data and extensive documentation. # Usage #
multi image crop Multi Image Cropper package for Flutter # A flutter package to crop multiple...
whatsapp camera whatsapp_camera # This is a package to open a camera along with...
applist detector flutter Applist Detector Flutter # A Flutter ported library to detect suspicious apps like...
dice bear dice_bearFlutter Package DiceBear API wrapper. DiceBear is an avatar library for designers and developers....
pgw sdk PGW SDK # The 2C2P Payment Gateway (PGW) SDK allows merchants to build an...
logging on oslog Log using os_log on iOS or macOS so that you can check the logs
conduit core Conduit is a fork of Stablekernel's Aqueduct, a modern Dart HTTP server framework. Getting...
mnc identifier face mnc_identifier_face # Flutter package for liveness detection using mlkit face recognition...
model viewer 3D Model Viewer for Flutter # ...
vimeoplayer trinity Vimeo Player Trinity # A Flutter package for...
instamojo Instamojo Plugin # Plugin to implement Instamojo Payment Gateway on your...
smart bluetooth pos printer smart_bluetooth_pos_printer # A library to discover printers, and send printer...
geofencing Author's Note: this plugin is not officially supported and is meant to be used as an...
mpflutter wechat mapview mpflutter_wechat_mapview # The map view widget in wechat miniprogram
image size getter heic Heic support # heic support for image_size_getter Installation # Add...
material theme builder Material Theme Builder for Flutter # Simple Flutter interface for the Material Theme...
lottie player lottie_player # Flutter lottie player is support to Android iOS and Web. https://pub.dev/packages/lottie...
wx divider A widget that displays a divider with a configurable style, pattern, and child. It can...
flutter point tab bar flutter_point_tab_bar # A tab bar widget with point indicator. Demo #
native image Native image # A flutter plugin for handling images on iOS and Android...
dsbridge flutter DSBridge for Flutter # Modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge,...
research package Research Package # Research Package is...
tap apple pay flutter ApplePay-Flutter # A flutter sdk provided by Tap Payments, to accept Apple...
flutter tab indicator styler flutter_tab_indicator_styler # ...
sms consent for otp autofill sms_consent_for_otp_autofill # Flutter plugin for otp auto fill, used SMS Consent...
native webview native_webview # A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline WebView....
flutter ios security suite flutter_ios_security_suite # A Flutter...
flutter ume kit show code plus flutter_ume_kit_show_code # flutter_ume 是由字节跳动 Flutter Infra 团队出品的应用内调试工具平台。 flutter_ume_kit_show_code 是...
video player tizen video_player_tizen # The Tizen implementation of video_player based on the Tizen...
data filters Features # Converts your existing data into Filters. Demo # ...
back button behavior Back Button Behavior # Flutter plugin for handling back button tap.
video 360 video_360 # Simple 360 video player plugin (Android, iOS support) Notice #