spider chart spider_chart # A simple spider/radar chart library for Flutter. Quick Start...
reflection factory reflection_factory # ...
testfairy flutter TestFairy Flutter Integration # This is TestFairy integration for Flutter, bundled with the native...
arabic roman conv Arabic Roman Conv (WIP) # a flexible, easy-to-use Flutter package that...
iadvize flutter sdk Flutter Messenger SDK Plugin # Take your app to the next level and...
alphabet search view Flutter component for list and search a simple or complex data items, similar to...
stormberry Stormberry ...
lean sdk flutter Link SDK Flutter # The Flutter wrapper for LinkSDK allows you to connect...
kadena dart sdk Overview # This is an SDK in dart for interacting with the Kadena...
dropdown cupertino You can use this widget that can perform any enum selection on iOS and Android...
cached storage Cached Storage Visit the documentation for more information. A Storage addon to the...
auto localized auto_localized # auto_localized is simplifying Flutter localization by using code generation. This approach...
flutter place picker Flutter Place Picker # A Flutter plugin which provides 'Picking Place' using Open...
shared map shared_map # ...
open file android open_file_android # The Android implementation of open_file. Usage # This package...
open file mac open_file_mac # The MacOS implementation of open_file. Usage # This package...
sticker view sticker_view # A Flutter plugin to rotate, resize, move, delete any text, image or...
june June # The main reason you need a state management library...
tnk flutter rwd tnk_flutter_rwd # 티엔케이팩토리 오퍼월 광고 flutter plugin 입니다. TnkAd SDK는 Tnk의 광고...
horizontal stepper step This is a horizontal stepper can be used to indicate the progress in multiple...
numpad layout Numpad # an numeric Keyboard Layout supports english and arabic digits Features #
swipeable button Swipeable button # A swipeable button widget. Features #
flutter ble lib ios 15 FlutterBleLib for iOS 15 # This is a forked version of...
kakao flutter sdk friend kakao_flutter_sdk # This document introduces how to use the Kakao SDK for...
flutter open street map A flutter place search and location picker plugin that uses Open Street Map.
yoda Yoda Flutter plugin # Flutter widget that let you slice any kind of child widget...
custom alert dialog box Usage # First, add custom_alert_dialog_box as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
flip widget flip_widget # Flip your widget. Usage # It is very...
fluid kit FluidKit # With the Fluid widget, you can build responsive interfaces based on width...
vertical tabs Vertical Tabs # A vertical tabs package for flutter framework. Getting Started #
leancode lint leancode_lint # An opinionated set of high-quality, robust, and up-to-date lint rules...
lazy load refresh indicator LazyLoadRefreshIndicator # A simple Flutter Widget which provide PullToRefresh and LoadMore functionality...
triple test triple_test # Test Helper for Store of flutter_triple with Mocktail. ** Inspired by...
sliding number sliding_number # Show the change of a number beautifully with a dynamic sliding animation.
appium driver appium_driver # An appium binding in Dart About # Flutter...
prompts prompts # Rich, simple, synchronous command-line prompt library for Dart. Now with...
log export log_export # A flutter plugin that help you export logcat on Android or stdout...
tencent cloud chat message Tencent Cloud Chat UIKit Message Component # Welcome to the Message component...
flutter desktop context menu Desktop Context Menu # A package that spawns a context...
usb serial for android usb_serial_for_android # Serial lib for android devices. IMPORTANT! # This...
custom calendar viewer Custom Calendar Viewer #
twitter oauth2 pkce The Optimized and Easiest Way to Integrate OAuth 2.0 PKCE with Twitter API in...
lordicon Lordicon Flutter # This library allows you to easily integrate the playback of Lordicon icons...
ory kratos client ory_kratos_client (EXPERIMENTAL) # This is the API specification for Ory Identities with features...
flutter chat list Chat List # Chat list library is based on flutter list view library...
particle auth core particle_auth_core # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
flutter camera overlay new flutter_camera_overlay_new # Support Android 13 # This package provides a simple...
nutrition ai Passio Nutrition-AI Flutter SDK # Overview # Welcome to Passio Nutrition-AI Flutter SDK!
the widget marker overview # A package to convert Widget, Local image, Netwok image, Svg file...
dio5 log dio5_log # HTTP Inspector tool for Dart which can debugging http requests,Currently,...
animated styled widget animated_styled_widget # Powerful styling, serialization, animation, and custom components all in one place.
cuid2 Cuid2 # Secure, collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling...
easy tooltip easy_tooltip # An easy to integrate flutter library to create modern tooltip with customized...
mecab dart mecab_dart # MeCab(Japanese Morphological Analyzer) wrapper for Flutter on iOS/Android. Usage #...
netease common ui kit.netease_common_ui # 提供路由注册以及通用组件、UI基础库等。 Declaring dependencies # 如需添加 CommonUI 的依赖项,您必须将 pub 库添加到项目中。
doc widget DocWidget # Do you need to create documentation that contains...
built redux built_redux # built_redux is a state management library...
type plus Type Plus # Give your types superpowers and spice up your generics....
countdown widget countdown_widget # A package timer works correctly even if the app is locked issue
simple downloader simple_downloader # A flutter package for handle downloading file using http in more simple...
reactive flutter rating bar reactive_flutter_rating_bar # Wrapper around flutter_rating_bar to use with reactive_forms Docs in...
http methods List of Registered HTTP Methods # This package provides a list of all registered...
settings yaml Provide a very simple method to use yaml files for reading/writing an app's configuration....
agora chat uikit Get Started with Chat UIKit for Flutter # Overview # Instant messaging...
flutter bouncing widgets Flutter Bouncing Widgets # Bounceable Flutter Widget Kit Demo #
provide NOTE 2019-02-21: There's a discussion in the Flutter community over the difference between this package,...
phoenix native phoenix_native # Restarts app using native methods (full Flutter engine restart) Getting Started...
huge icons flutter huge_icons_flutter # 28+ Pixel-perfect svg HugeIcons for your next Flutter project...
segmented button slide Segmented Button Slide #
qrcode flutter qrcode_flutter # introduce # pub.dev Flutter plugin for scanning QR codes.You can...
country phone validator Country Phone Validator # The Country Phone Validator Dart package provides functionality to...
flutter screwdriver Flutter Screwdriver # A flutter package aiming to provide useful extensions and helper functions...
connectivity plus tizen connectivity_plus_tizen # The Tizen implementation of connectivity_plus. Usage #...
flutter firebase recaptcha Flutter Firebase Recaptcha Widget # flutter_firebase_recaptcha provides a set of building blocks for...
flutter clickpay bridge Flutter Clickpay Bridge # Flutter ClickPay plugin is a wrapper for...
rut utils Rut Utils # Rut utils library for validation and formatting of the Chilean RUT.
simple rc4 simple_rc4 # RC4 cryptor that encodes/decodes bytes and UTF8 strings. Credit...
responsive context responsive # This is a resposive extension which allow you to spefic screen and...
bindings compatible Flutter bindings compatible # Provides compatible bindings instance across different Flutter version. Start...
open file linux open_file_linux # The Linux implementation of open_file. Usage # This package...
flutter showcaseview ShowCaseView # A Flutter package allows you to Showcase/Highlight your widgets step...
hash cached image Hash Cached Image # hash_cached_image is a powerful Flutter package designed to streamline...
matomo matomo # A Dart Client for Matomo. This is completely written in Dart and works...
finger painter Painting package that let you finger paint with different brushes and different blend modes. The...
upgrade In App Upgrade # A Flutter plugin for prompting and help users to upgrade when...
niku Niku # Create Flutter UI, easier, faster, smarter Fluently developing without headache and Nested...
fastpay merchant FastPay Flutter SDK # FastPay Developers Arena # Accept...
blurry Blurry Dialog # Features # Display...
flat 3d button 🔮 Flat 3d Button # ...
screens screens # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
cry cry # 一个Flutter组件包,包含button、form、dataTable、dialog、imageUpload、root、toggleButton、transfer、treeTable 安装 # dependencies: cry: <latest_version> copied to clipboard
coordtransform dart coordtransform_dart # The Dart/Flutter version of ipcjs/coordtransform. It provides...
simple annimated staggered #simple_annimated_staggered Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row children....
z time ago This package is used to get time duration from now and given time for...
flutter country code picker Flutter Country Code Picker # A flutter package to select a country...
color filter extension Color Filter Extension # Overview # The Color Filter Extension library is...
chart components Chart_Components # Animated bar chart for Flutter # Customizable bar chart for Flutter.
iconic Enhance Flutter projects with stunning icon fonts for a seamless and iconic user experience.
union state Union State # Made by Surf 🏄♂️🏄♂️🏄♂️ ...
timetable view Flutter Timetable View # Timetable Widget Package for Flutter This is a fork...