xml rpc xml_rpc # A library to communicate through the XML-RPC protocol. Usage...
in app comments A Flutter plugin that lets you display the AppGallery comment pop-up in your app....
libphonenumber platform interface libphonenumber_platform_interface # Provides platform interface, method channel with utils classes and enums for...
flutter dropdown plus flutter_dropdown_plus # Single or Multi Selection Dropdown with search dropdown item, and easy...
xmpp plugin xmpp_plugin # Connect to the xmpp server ...
lunar calendar converter new Using # Import the library: import 'lunar_solar_converter.dart'; copied to clipboard
clean nepali calendar Clean Nepali Calendar # Flutter package to display Nepali Calendar. Inspired greatly from...
haishin kit HaishinKit Plugin # A Flutter plugin for iOS, Android. Camera...
textwrap textwrap # Text wrapping and filling. It's a pure...
custom calender picker Intro # This package is a customizable calender_picker # List Example #
phlox animations 📱 Phlox Animations plugin # Phlox Animations is...
rules Introduction # Rules - Powerful and feature-rich validation library for both Dart and Flutter....
sound library Features # Easy and free 🆓 UI sounds library 🎶 for your general purposes...
flutter provider utilities provider_utilities # A set of utilities for provider package. Mixins #...
flutter apns x flutter_apnsX # A new Flutter project for IOS Notification using apns token...
camera process Camera Process plugin # This plugin, Recognize face and text from photos or camera,...
blinkcard flutter BlinkCard SDK Flutter plugin # AI-driven identity credit card scanning for Flutter apps....
desktop context menu Spreadsheet with superpowers! ...
m3u nullsafe M3U format parser # Simple parser for M3U and M3U_Plus files. How...
paginated search bar Paginated Search Bar # A search bar library that let's you search for...
ethers Ethers For Flutter # Ethers is a dart library that connects to interact...
alphanum comparator alphanum_comparator # Porting of "The Alphanum Algorithm" in Dart. The Problem #...
cr logger cr_logger # Web example Flutter plugin for logging ...
flutter ticket Flutter Widget Ticket # A new Flutter package project. ...
ninja prime prime # Utility functions and methods to generate random BigInt, generate random prime BigInt...
dylib dylib # A set of helpers for...
soundpool web soundpool_web # A Flutter Sound Pool for playing short media files.
interactive media ads interactive_media_ads # Flutter plugin for the Interactive Media Ads SDKs. ...
epson epos [WIP] Flutter Epson ePOS SDK # This plugin allows Flutter apps to discover printers...
progress dialog fork progress_dialog # A light weight package to show progress dialog. As it is...
image loader image_loader # Image loader is a helper library to load image from many resources...
flutter login yandex flutter_login_yandex # Flutter plugin for authorization with Yandex LoginSDK for iOS and Android
language detector Language Detector # Detect language of any text. Getting started #
esc pos bluetooth updated esc_pos_bluetooth # The library allows to print receipts using a...
dart git hooks dart_git_hooks # 简体中文
event hub Event Hub # What # Dispatch and listen events...
epub plus epub_plus # It package is dart-epub fork Flutter UI implementation Epub Reader...
banuba sdk banuba_sdk # Banuba SDK for Flutter Getting Started # Try the minimal...
hd wallet kit hd_wallet_kit # A Flutter HD Wallet package which provides implementation of:
dashed path Turns any path into a dashed path. Preview # Installation #
photox PhotoX # An all-in-one solution for displaying interactive images Features #...
url launcher tizen url_launcher_tizen # The Tizen implementation of url_launcher. Usage #...
network type reachability Network_type_reachability # This plugin allows Flutter apps to detect network changes. You can...
jivosdk plugin Jivo Mobile SDK # The Jivo Mobile SDK allows you to embed a chat...
swipe widget Swipe Widget # A Flutter Widget to make your widgets swipe to the sides.
tron Dart API Library for interacting with the TRON Network through gRPC and Rest APIs.
bip32 ed25519 bip32-ed25519-dart # The Dart implementation of the BIP32-Ed25519 the deterministic key generation...
at chops Package for Cryptographic and Hashing Operations (CHOPS) such as encryption, decryption, data signing and...
converter converter - Convert between different units of measurement # ...
open file ios open_file_ios # The iOS implementation of open_file. Usage # This package...
blurhash flutter blurhash # This library is a Blurhash algorithm implementation for dart. For more information...
api request Api Request # ⚡ Classes that take care of one specific task. This...
webviewtube Play YouTube videos on mobile devices with WebView # Use IFrame Player API and WebView...
declarative animated list Declarative animated list # An implementation of animated list widget that will be...
flutter gbk2utf8 gbk2utf8 # A flutter package to convert gbk to utf-8. It is a fork...
image v3 image # Overview # A Dart library providing the...
balloon widget balloon_widget # a simple balloon widget.
animated native splash Animated Native Splash # Getting Started 🚀 #...
yahoo finance data reader This project started as a migration of the pandas datareader functionality to read...
amplify secure storage dart amplify_secure_storage_dart # A Dart-only implementation of secure storage, intended for use in...
chaquopy Chaquopy Flutter plugin # This is an unofficial Chaquopy Flutter plugin to run Python code...
a magic # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
daily pedometer2 Pedometer # THIS PACKAGE IS FORKED FROM https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/pedometer This plugin allows...
dartpy Usage # Dartpy is a library that allows dart to call out to python code
master utility Master Utility Package # A package that enables you to use a comprehensive set...
rhttp rhttp # Make HTTP requests using Rust for Flutter...
pretty qr code plus pretty_qr_code_plus # Pretty QR code for Flutter. You can round the edges...
image gradient image_gradient # This package can be used to apply gradient to image in Flutter.
take screenshot take_screenshot # Package to take screenshots in different ways and be able to share...
flutter webview plugin new NOTICE # We are working closely with the Flutter Team...
tafqit Tafqit a Dart/Flutter package to convert a number to its text representation in Arabic words....
animated infinite scroll pagination Animated Infinite Scroll view # load and display small chunks of items...
easy cron Parse cron string to schedule and generate previous or next schedule item Parsers #
ansix AnsiX #
flutter custom text input formatter flutter_custom_text_input_formatter # TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: 'please input...', border:...
turf pip turf_pip # A small library for detecting if a point lies inside a polygon.
eip55 Utility to convert an upper or lower case Web3/Ethereum address to a checksum address (EIP55)....
validator regex Validator_regex # Validator is a Dart package that provides simple and convenient methods to...
elevated ticket widget A Flutter package which will help you to generate ticket shaped widget with elevation,...
unique simple bar chart unique_simple_bar_chart # The simple bar chart is indeed a simple design, it...
stacked page view Stacked Page View! # pub.dev/stacked_page_view # Hi! This...
countdown I need help to update this package because I'm not playing with dart anymore #...
hyper webview flutter Hyper WebView Flutter # A Flutter Plugin that enables UPI Intent App transactions...
flutter stripe payment flutter_stripe_payment # Add Stripe to your Flutter Application to Accept Card Payments using...
phone email auth phone_email_auth plugin # Flutter plugin for authenticating phone number. this plugin send OTP...
flutter phone number field ##International Phone Field Package pub v1.0.1 A customised Flutter TextFormField to...
remove background Remove background package will allow you to manually remove the background from the image....
gainer crypto GaiNeR Crypto # This is a package developed by GaiNeR Technologies to generate Common...
starflut starflut # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
serverpod chat server Serverpod # This package is a core part of Serverpod. For documentation, visit:...
bones api Bones_API # ...
flutter bs ad calendar Calendar widget that can switch between Nepali Date [BS] and English Date [AD].
nowa runtime Contains library of widgets and functions used by https://nowa.dev
circular progress bar circular_progress_bar # https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33044667/147800076-5e187d00-776c-448a-811f-f75690980159.mp4 Property Description
gallery Replaced by Gal🖼️ # chack here
flutter install apk silently Flutter Install APK Silently # Explain # This plugin...
audio wave url package Voicey - Flutter voice message player #
date picker timetable DatePickerTimetable # This package is a fork of https://pub.dev/packages/date_picker_timeline by Vivek...
style cron job Style Cron Job is periodic operations executor and definator with basic syntax. You can...
shared prefs cookie store shared_prefs_cookie_store # A Flutter shared preferences plugin for managing HTTP cookies. This...