see more An interactive text widget that supports collapsible and expandable content. Features # There...
dospace DOSpace # Client library to interact with the DigitalOcean Spaces API. Usage #...
flutter audio recorder3 flutter_audio_recorder3 # English
anthropic sdk dart Anthropic Dart Client # Unofficial...
notify inapp notify_inapp # show custom in-app notification with any Widgets. Getting Started...
polkadart keyring Polkadart Keyring # Polkadart Keyring is a manager for sr25519-based key pairs in the...
flutter email validator Email validator # This is a updated fork of email_validator package. #...
flutter corner banner flutter_corner_banner # A widget that build a...
pray times Prayer Times # Islamic project aimed at providing a Dart library for calculating Muslim...
storage view StorageView 🔎 Flutter inspector tool for any database, storage and shared_preferences. Check and modify...
mmoo forbidshot flutter_forbidshot # A Flutter plugin to prevent capture and record screen on...
flutter rename app plus3 flutter_rename_app_plus3 # Rename Flutter...
flutter boot receiver flutter_boot_receiver # A Flutter plugin for registering Dart callbacks when the Android device...
moca chains Moca Chains # Chains package for Moca App. This library gives the developer common...
google navigation flutter Google Navigation for Flutter (Beta) # Description # This repository contains a...
ir sensor plugin ir_sensor_plugin # This plugin allows Flutter applications to make use of the Infrared...
draggable menu Flutter Draggable Menu (draggable_menu) # Create custom draggable menus that provide a familiar, customizable,...
whatsapp stickers plus whatsapp_stickers_plus # A Flutter plugin for adding stickers to WhatsApp. Notes #
statusbarmanager 🎨 StatusBar Manager # Managing the colors of your StatusBar and NavigationBar is...
easy dashboard Easy Dashboard # Provides an easy way to build dashboard layout for...
ticketview TicketViewFlutter # TicketViewFlutter is a simple and customizable Ticket/Receipt View for Flutter. The source...
htmlwhitelist Html Whitelist # Introduction Usage License and contributors...
ffmpeg cli Execute FFMPEG CLI commands from Dart. This project is a...
native camera sound native_camera_sound # A simple flutter plugin, that lets you play the native camera...
currency code to currency symbol Currency Code to Currency Symbol Package # This Dart package provides...
search app bar page search_app_bar_page # A Flutter package to give you a simple search page.
gtext GText is wrapper for Text widget that can translate its content to another language using Google...
vertical tab bar view vertical_tab_bar_view # Flutter's Material TabView but scrolls vertically and without snapping....
flutter expandable widget flutter_expandable_widget # An expandable widget with the easy control expands and closes...
platform metadata platform_metadata # A flutter plugin which will help you to get metadata values defined...
bolt11 decoder A decoder for BOLT #11 invoices. Usage # A simple usage example:...
cached query Cached Query Visit the documentation for more information. A small collection of dart...
json text field JSONTextField # Enhance your Flutter apps with JSONTextField, a comprehensive package designed for...
dismissible carousel viewpager This is a view pager provides carousel effect and dismissal animation when page was...
international phone input international_phone_input # International Phone Number Input For Flutter ...
animated progress bar Animated Progress Bar # A Flutter plugin to show animated progress bar with...
nakama Nakama Dart/Flutter Client # Nakama is an open-source server designed to power modern games and...
dartzmq dartzmq # A simple dart zeromq implementation/wrapper around the libzmq C++ library Features #
flutter epub viewer A Flutter package for viewing Epub documents, developed by combining the power of Epubjs...
real time chart Real-time Chart # A Flutter package for displaying real-time charts with flexible customization...
flutter native admob flutter_native_admob # Plugin to integrate Firebase Native Admob to Flutter application Platform...
tonic Tonic # Tonic is a Flutter-compatible Dart package that models...
flutter z location flutter_z_location # Flutter开源免费定位插件 # 现如今几乎每一个 App 都存在定位的逻辑,方便更好的推荐产品或服务,获取当前设备的经纬度、所在城市几乎是必备的功能了!iOS定位经纬度及反向地理编码原生均能很好实现。然而Android由于系统原因,反向地理编码获取地址信息需要使用谷歌服务。大多需要依赖高德/百度三方定位库实现该功能。...
cookie consent Display a cookie consent banner in your Flutter app or website. Features #...
myket iap myket_iap # Myket In-App Purchase plugin android apps. This plugin is for android apps...
flutter whatsnew flutter_whatsnew # A Flutter Plugin to Show a Whats New page....
flutter image clipboard flutter_image_clipboard # A Flutter plugin that enables copying images to the clipboard on...
flutter verification box 引入 # dependencies: flutter_verification_box: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard 导入包:...
mp audio stream A Flutter plugin for multi-platform, simple audio stream playback with real-time generated audio data...
html parser plus Html Parser # This is a package use to parse html document into...
number selection Example # How to use # Import number_selection.dart...
state extended StateX # ...
zebra datawedge zebra_datawedge # NOTICE: This package is forked from here to support for null-safety...
flutter secure file storage Flutter secure file storage # An implementation for flutter secure...
custom splash Custom Splash Screen # A Flutter package to custom splash screen: change logo icon,...
abushakir Abushakir (ባሕረ ሃሳብ) # The words Bahire Hasab originate from the...
device manager Device Manager for Flutter # device_manager is a simple transmitter for the WM_DEVICECHANGE message.
mercury client Mercury_Client # ...
flutter native view flutter_native_view # • • • Embedding native windows & components directly into...
global assert A micro-library for asserting at build time. It's a common practice to...
flutter callkit incoming yoer This is a fork project, please use the original project
amplify db common dart amplify_db_common_dart # Common utilities for working with databases such as sqlite....
vector map tiles mbtiles vector_map_tiles_mbtiles # A TileProvider for flutter_map that adds support for MBTiles....
level map level_map # A Flutter library to add level-map feature with...
flutter tinder swipe flutter_tinder_swipe # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # See example
picovoice flutter Picovoice SDK for Flutter # Picovoice # Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice
twitter intent twitter_intent # The twitter_intent package helps you build Twitter Web Intents (URLs) and...
br validators BRValidators # Descrição # O pacote BRValidators fornece uma série de funções para...
fast charts Fast Charts library # This is a set of widgets to render different customizable...
flutter balloon slider Balloon Slider Widget # Balloon slider widget with floating balloon animation, inspired from...
flutter polygon clipper Flutter Polygon Clipper # A Flutter package to create polygon shapes. From now...
custom floating action button custom_floating_action_button # This plugin allows you to create a FloatingActionButton with multiple...
firebase database mocks firebase_database_mocks # A library that makes it easy to...
md2 tab indicator md2_tab_indicator / MD2 Tab Indicator # MD2TabIndicator is a tab indicator influenced by...
fl amap 高德地图定位flutter组件。 目前实现获取定位和监听定位功能。 1、申请一个key 直接在dart文件中设置key ios # ...
flutter nfc reader Flutter NFC Reader & Writer # A new flutter plugin to...
flutter ume kit device plus flutter_ume_kit_device # flutter_ume 是由字节跳动 Flutter Infra 团队出品的应用内调试工具平台。 flutter_ume_kit_device 是 flutter_ume...
unrar file unrar_file # flutter wrapper around junrar library for extracting RAR files. It additionally...
wifi pro wifi_pro # wifi_pro is a plugin to get wifi related information from Android....
custom signin buttons Custom Sign-In Buttons :3 # A package designed to create sign in buttons...
id3tag ID3Tag # ID3Tag is a small library for reading common ID3 meta data from mp3-files...
flutter device name flutter_device_name # A Flutter for retrieving the user's defined device name. Currently works...
browser image compression Browser Image Compression # This is a flutter plugin package that...
clean dialog A Flutter package that creates a clean and minimalist dialog Supports null-safety and Flutter 3
country provider2 country_provider2 Flutter Plugin # Country Provider is a flutter library wrapper around...
ambilytics Enable Google Analytics for all Flutter platforms: Android, iOS, macOS, Web, Windows, and Linux. The...
flutter sanity portable text Flutter Widget for rendering Sanity's Portable Text # Renders the...
pusher channels pusher_channels is a not official pure Dart pusher channels client. This client is work...
open file web open_file_mac # The web implementation of open_file. Usage # This package...
open file windows open_file_windows # The Windows implementation of open_file. Usage # This package...
swiper detector Swipe Detector # Author: woodjobber # A package to detect your swipe directions...
agconnect auth AppGallery Connect Auth for Flutter # Introduction # Most apps need to identify...
animated stream list nullsafety Animated Stream List # A Flutter library to easily display...
actions toolkit dart Actions Toolkit for Dart # A third-party toolkit for GitHub Actions written in...
date cupertino bottom sheet picker This is a date package in the form of Cupertino and you...
flutter awesome calculator Flutter package for adding calculator to your app using Flutter Awesome Calculator Widget....
circular gradient spinner CircularGradientSpinner # A Flutter package that provides a customizable, animated, gradient circular progress...
instagram share plus instagram_share_plus # Forked from Flutter plugin allowing to share media to...
floating pullup card floating_pullup_card # A beautiful and custom floating pull up style Card for flutter
resp client resp_client # A RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol) client for Dart. This package contains 3...