native contact picker native_contact_picker # A new version of contact_picker with IOS 8 supporting.
flutter screen scaler flutter_screen_scaler # A package to resize your widgets according to the screen size...
cloud kit CloudKit # CloudKit is a simple Flutter package to access on iOS devices the...
blitzllama flutter About Blitzllama # Blitzllama makes it easy for product development teams to rapidly collect...
device check device_check # Flutter plugin for using the Apple's DeviceCheck API on iOS. NOTE
flutter curve25519 Axlsign # Ed25519-like signatures with X25519 keys, Axolotl-style. Functions #...
animated path Animated Path # A Flutter package that is used to create trim path animation...
r tree RTree # A recursive RTree library written in Dart. This R-tree implementation is used...
github sign in dart-github-sign-in # Sign In With GitHub Getting Started # Add package...
ve sdk flutter Banuba Video Editor Flutter plugin # Overview # Banuba Video Editor SDK...
pincode input fields Pincode input fields # A Flutter plugin that provides a pin/otp code input...
language tool LanguageTool API # Dart library for checking text...
simple sensor simple_sensor # Flutter plugin for accessing the Android and iOS accelerometer, gyroscope,...
markup text markup_text # Flutter widget to use Markup to easily create...
stream Stream # Stream is a Dart web server supporting request routing, filtering, template engine, WebSocket,...
flutter phone state Flutter Phone State Plugin # A Flutter plugin that...
protect protect #
loading progress loading_progress # A flutter widget of loading progress Indicator. You can easily customize as...
curl generator curl_generator # A Dart package to create simple curl (bash) with params, headers and...
swipe button swipe_button package for Flutter # A Flutter package for iOS and Android...
king cache 🌟 King Cache 🌟 This package is used to cache API results so the...
image comparator Image Comparator # The Image Comparator is a powerful Flutter package designed for creating...
stream d StreamD # Stream that triggers the onDone event handler even when cancel() is called...
h3m shimmer card Shimmer Card # A package provides an easy way to add shimmer effect...
loading progress indicator loading_progress_indicator #
askless Askless for Flutter # Build Flutter Apps with PostgreSQL, MySQL, or any database, stream data...
marker crafter Marker Crafter # Marker Crafter, harita üzerinde kullanıcı tanımlı metin etiketlerini işaretçilere...
rusty chacha Rusty ChaCha 💃🦀 # A Flutter library for fast ChaCha20-Poly1305 encryption, leveraging the capabilities...
step tracker step_tracker plugin # A Flutter step_tracker plugin is collect information from user and display...
password field validator Password Field Validator # Password Field Validator help you to validate...
wordpress api WordPress REST API client for Dart | Flutter #
simple kalman Simple Kalman # A project to implement a one-dimensional Kalman filter in Dart language
add to gallery Add to Gallery # Adds images and videos to the Android Gallery and...
single child two dimensional scroll view Single Child Two Dimensional Scroll View #
angular quill Angular Quill # An angular dart component for the Quill rich text editor...
fragment navigate Fragment Navigate # Check it out at Pub.Dev A controller to make the...
dim loading dialog dim_loading_dialog # Customizable progress dialog for Flutter applications with smooth animation for background...
better polls Polls # GitHub ScreenShots #
flowder v2 Flowder V2 # Handle your file downloads status in a more simple and easy...
srt parser 2 .srt parser 2 # Supports null safety / Dart 3 # description...
zolozkit for flutter zolozkit_for_flutter # The plugin for inject to zoloz sdk Getting Started #
awesome stepper awesome_stepper # Awesome Stepper with beautiful UI and Animations Features #
cached video player fork Cached Video Player # A flutter plugin that has been forked from...
html template html_template # A server-side HTML template engine in Dart. Features #
textless T E X T L E S S # Less is More; Widgetless...
idkit inputformatters idkit_inputformatters # Provide text input formatter. The package is simple to use, powerful, stable,...
bloc enhancer bloc_enhancer # bloc_enhancer is an annotation package designed to simplify and enhance the development...
segment analytics plugin firebase @segment/analytics_plugin_firebase # DestinationPlugin for Firebase. Wraps firebase_analytics. Installation # Manually...
quill format Implementation of Quill editor Delta format in Dart. Refer to official documentation for more...
flutter esp ble prov flutter_esp_ble_prov # Plugin for provisioning ESP32 Devices over BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy).
flutter incoming call flutter_incoming_call # A Flutter plugin to show incoming call in your Flutter app!...
flutter split view flutter_split_view # A Navigator 2.0 based Flutter widget that automatically splits the screen...
flutter chrome cast FlutterGoogleCast is a Flutter plugin for Google Cast SDK. It supports both iOS and...
hive cache manager A wrapper package that lets you write minimum amount of cache related code...
flutter circle chart Flutter Circle Chart # A Flutter package to create a Circle Chart with...
vital health vital_health # Introduction # The Vital SDK is split into three...
place picker v2 Flutter Place Picker # The missing location picker made in Flutter for Flutter....
exponential back off Retry failing processes like HTTP requests using an exponential interval between each retry #
flutter pro barcode scanner Virva Infotech Flutter Pro Barcode Scanner # The flutter_pro_barcode_scanner Flutter package is...
edfapg sdk edfapg_sdk # View SDK Wiki | Report new issue EdfaPay Flutter SDK &...
some widget extensions some_widget_extensions # some_widget_extensions is a Dart library that provides a collection of convenient...
dateofbirth Date of birth # DateofBirth package is a package that helps you to pick date...
flutter bugly latest flutter_bugly_latest # 支持Android/iOS 运营统计、原生异常上报、flutter异常上报; # 支持到官方最新SDK功能,无Google关联问题,SDK中心可信任
dengage flutter dengage_flutter # D·engage Customer Driven Marketing Platform (CDMP) serves as a customer data platform...
dadata DaData Suggestions # Yet another DaData Suggestions library....
serverpod cloud storage s3 Serverpod # This package is a core part of Serverpod. For documentation,...
flutter dropdown x Flutter Dropdown X # Flutter Dropdown X is a dropdown field using a...
vtable A Flutter table widget featuring virtualization, sorting, and custom cell rendering. Features #...
flutter facebook sdk Facebook Sdk For Flutter # LinkedIn...
easy engine Easy Extensions # The easy_engine package is the counter part of the easy-engine built...
dart snmp An snmp library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example:...
web color picker A Flutter widget that displays the native web color picker for browsers for use...
go provider GoProvider # GoProvider aims to simplify provider scoping within go_router routes, offering:
external link account external_link_account # Flutter iOS plugin for ExternalLinkAccount API This functionality is only...
carousel animations This is a very early fork, recommend using the original for now. #
we personalization flutter WebEngage Personalization Flutter SDK # For more information checkout our website and documentation.
simple drawer simple_drawer # simple_drawer offers an easy way to implement your own widget as a...
simple url preview v2 simple_url_preview_v2 # Flutter package to show...
newsfeed multiple imageview A package provides an easy way to add facebook type multiple newsfeed imageview....
flutter mask view create mask view for your application, like image progress bar, or guide view for...
signalr netcore3 signalr_client # A Flutter SignalR Client for ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET Core...
zwidget ZWidget creates a 3D-like visual by stacking widgets one above the other and transforming them adequately.
xml crypto xml-crypto # Port of awesome Node.js library - xml-crypto - in Dart.
debug overlay debug_overlay # 🐛 View debug infos and change settings via a central overlay for...
dispose scope DisposeScope # DisposeScope reduces the amount of boilerplate related to disposing/canceling/closing objects when no...
snapshot A library that can be used to implement data classes A Snapshot simplifies accessing and...
latinize Latinize # Simple library to convert accents (diacritics) from strings to latin characters. Installation...
flutter gemma Flutter Gemma # Gemma is a family of lightweight, state-of-the art open models built...
app upgrader flutter App Upgrader Flutter # A Flutter package for prompting users to upgrade when...
backdrop modal route Backdrop Modal Route #
pinch to zoom scrollable PinchToZoomScrollable A widget that makes another one pinch zoom, and...
flutter quick video encoder Quickly encode raw RGB images & PCM audio to MP4 video using the...
gma mediation ironsource Google Mobile Ads Mediation of ironSource for Flutter # This repository...
sizer pro sizer_pro # sizer_pro is...
stripe flutter stripe_flutter # A flutter plugin for stripe. Getting Started # Check out...
video frame extractor Video Frame Extractor # A Video Frame Extractor to extract frames from video...
animated stack Animated Stack # Custom animated stacked pages, to create customisable side menu buttons....
circularbox Circular Box # Circular Box - Convert your container to special box with radius. Put...
snapx scroll physics Features # Getting started # This is a product that...
open whatsapp Flutter Open WhatsApp # A Flutter plugin to open WhatsApp and send message to...