sms retriever api plus sms_retriever_api_plus # A new Flutter plugin to retrieve the SMS on Android...
power image PowerImage # A powerful plugin that fully uses the native image library's ability to...
flutter draft flutter_draft # 实现了一个用来展示 Draft.js 文本编辑器生成的富文本文档 的Flutter Widget —— DraftTextView. DraftTextView...
authorize net plugin authorize_net_plugin # A simple wrapper around the AuthorizeNet android and ios sdk...
datetime picker field platform datetime_picker_field_platform # A flutter widget that...
flutter mdetect mdetect # Idea is base on the mdetect android by the Myat Min Soe....
provider for redux provider_for_redux # With Provider you can inject your state, but it's your...
decorated dropdownbutton Use decorated_dropdown button to add DropdownButton with decoration properties like box shadow, border, background color,...
uae pass flutter uae_pass # Un-official UAE Pass Flutter plugin for Android and iOS. Getting...
ir datetime picker Jalali date picker - Gregorian date picker - Time picker # Jalali (Persian...
flutter input chips flutter_input_chips # FlutterInputChips is a Flutter widget that builds the input field with...
color picker field Color Picker Field # Color Picker field for Material and Cupertino,...
infinity page view astro infinity_page_view # A Flutter infinity page view. Showcase #
vertical picker vertical_picker # vertical_picker is flutter package that you can use it as item selector....
user agent analyzer User Agent Analyzer # Replacement of package:user_agent...
duration iso parser duration_iso_parser # Package for parsing ISO 8601...
num remap An implementation for the “Arduino map” function in Dart, which allows numbers to be remapped...
delta e DeltaE - Quantify Color Difference # CIE color difference algorithms in Dart. This is...
utf convert UTF converters # Provides common operations for manipulating Unicode sequences. Features and bugs...
phonenumbers core phonenumbers_core # A simple phone number parsing & validation library used by phonenumbers....
any base Any Base # Convert numbers from any base (radix) to any other base using...
etag Create simple HTTP ETags Highly inspired from , almost all the code and the...
super string Super String # Some of the most common and useful...
swiss knife Swiss Knife #
sweetalertv2 sweetalertv2 # sweetalertv2 for flutter. Showcases # Getting started #...
regex router regex_router # Material router with regex path support. Usage # Just define...
via cep flutter ViaCepFlutter Este repositório é um fork atualizado de Leocardoso94 com suporte para null...
color hex color_hex: # A package helps you to convert Hex color to Color() , and...
reorderable staggered scroll view reorderable_staggered_scroll_view # A Flutter package for creating reorderable and draggable...
cnpj cpf formatter nullsafety Fork from, cnpj_cpf_formatter, to null safety. This library helps with CNPJ and...
volume volume # Controll Volume in Android programatically. No IOS Implementation yet . Pull Request...
animated line through Animated Line Through # A super simple package to add animated line through...
dialog Dialog.dart # Modern modal dialog implementation containing remakes of alert & confirm dialogs supplemented by...
riff switch RiffSwitch # ...
squares A flexible chessboard widget for Flutter. # Squares is a chessboard like you've never seen...
wear plus Flutter Wear Plugin # A plugin that offers Flutter support for Wear OS by...
modern player ModernPlayer # Enhance your video playback experience with modern_player—a feature-rich Flutter package for flutter_vlc_player....
js packer js_packer # Decoder for Dean Edwards' JavaScript Packer Usage # First call...
nullx nullx is a Dart toolkit that enhances handling of nullable types, providing utilities for null-checking, navigating...
flutter calendar carousel updated flutter_calendar_carousel # Important Message # This is a fork of the...
single item shared prefs single_item_shared_prefs # SharedPreferences/UserDefaults persistent Storage implementation. This package is an addon...
lucide icons svg Features # This packages is a port of feather_icons_svg, but with the icons...
flutter mimir A batteries-included NoSQL database for Dart & Flutter based on an embedded Meilisearch instance.
buttons flutter Flutter Buttons # A Flutter package to create different type of buttons.
releasenotes Presentation # The package was built using ideas taken from the upgrader and flutter_app_version_checker...
flutter slick Flutter Slick # Slick patterns for Flutter.
anitex AnimatedTextWidget # Getting started # Anitex - is a simple package, which give you...
tailwind colors tailwind_colors # Dart package exposing Tailwind Colors to be used in flutter in a...
flutter subscreen plugin Flutter 双屏支持插件 # 该插件支持双屏安卓设备,主副屏均使用 flutter 进行开发,提供方法实现双屏间的通信交互。 使用方式 # 在pubspec.yaml文件中进行引用: dependencies:
background geolocation firebase background_geolocation_firebase # Firebase Proxy for Flutter Background Geolocation. The...
tinycolor tinycolor # TinyColor is a small library for Flutter color manipulation and conversion
fnv fnv # FNV hash implementation in pure Dart. Usage # A simple usage...
hoverover Hoverover # A Flutter package that will give hover effect for Web and Desktop....
normalizer Normalizer # An extension to normalize strings(removes accents and diacritics) Hecho en 🇵🇷 por...
validate rut RUT Validator # RUT Validator is a Dart package that provides utilities for the...
stream disposable Stream Disposable # Package to help disposing Streams and Sinks. Simple Usage #
notus format Notus is a rich text document model for Zefyrka project.
dart websocket Original Project dart_websocket # Websocket universal depdency-free package for Dart, compatible with web,...
tinkoff acquiring Flutter Tinkoff Acquiring SDK Read this in Russian Acquiring SDK allows...
match match # match extension methods for Dart. Inspired by pattern matching from functional programming...
flexible tree view Features # Expand / Collapse the tree nodes; Show lines...
supercluster Supercluster # This package contains two very fast point clustering algorithms: Supercluster:...
langchain core 🦜️🔗 LangChain.dart Core # ...
vnpay flutter VNPAY Flutter Package # Introduction # This is a package help interactive with...
validation textformfield Installation # Add the latest version of package to your pubspec.yaml (and...
fbutton nullsafety FButton From then on, developers only need to master one Button component,...
bitcoin flutter bitcoin_flutter # A dart Bitcoin library for Flutter. Released under the terms of...
kafkabr Dart Kafka # Kafka client library written in Dart.
flutter calendar flutter_calendar # A calendar widget for Flutter Apps. Borrowed DateTime utility functions from...
flutter flipperkit flutter_flipperkit # Table of Contents generated with DocToc
flutter circular slider flutter_circular_slider # A customizable circular slider for Flutter. Getting Started...
amap map amap_map # 基于高德开放平台地图 SDK的 flutter 插件
mobile pos BankBox Mobile POS Flutter Plugin # A Flutter Plugin that enables you connect to...
open file macos open_file_macos # A flutter plugin for macOS to open files or view files...
input calculator input_calculator # With Input Calculator widget you can add functionality of calculation to a...
native id NativeId Plugin (Android, iOS) # Get current device unique id...
chunked downloader Dart downloader that lets you set a custom chunk sizes for a lot faster downloads.
country code text field Installing # To use this package: Run this command: flutter...
fine stepper Fine Stepper # A horizontal stepper that does the job just fine by offering...
insta like button Insta Like Button #
tecfy basic package tecfy_basic_package # Tecfy Core For Mobile Client Projects This package for internal...
flutter kiosk mode flutter_kiosk_mode # Kiosk for Android Usage # pubspec.yml...
svgator player flutter svgator_player_flutter # SVGator's animation player implementation for Flutter. Getting Started #...
langchain mistralai 🦜️🔗 LangChain.dart / Mistral AI # ...
custom flutter painter Flutter Painter 🎨🖌️ # A pure-Flutter package for painting. Summary...
upi chooser Flutter plugin to get the list of UPI apps that are installed on the device.
flutter install app flutter_app_installer # A Flutter plugin for installing and/or updating applications. Supports Android &...
kochava measurement Flutter KochavaMeasurement # The Kochava Flutter SDK is a lightweight plugin which can be...
playbook ui A library for isolated developing UI components and automatically taking snapshots of them. Playbook...
flutter html reborn flutter_html (reborn) # A Flutter...
tusc A tus client # A tus client written in pure dart for resumable...
langchain chroma 🦜️🔗 LangChain.dart / Chroma #
conversion units DartUnits # The main...
khmer fonts Khmer Fonts # A Khmer fonts Flutter package for Android...
slide button Sliding Button # A sliding Flutter widget, based on the slide to unlock function...
animated widgets flutter animated_widgets_flutter # This package is extended from another package called Animated_widgets with some...
phone number text input formatter Phone Number Text Input Formatter # This is a Flutter package...
flutter force directed graph Flutter Force Directed Graph # Flutter Force Directed Graph is a high-performance,...
inngage plugin inngage_plugin # This SDK inf lutter aims to enable integration with the Inngage platform