android physical buttons android_physical_buttons # A flutter plugin for listening android physical buttons. Buttons #
fitted text field container Fitted TextField Container # A Container that automatically resizes it's width to...
easy paypal Easy Paypal # Native Paypal Checkout Module by InspireUI company
responsive spacing This plugin helps to design and develop beautiful responsive and adaptive flutter apps. Lightweight,...
nim conversationkit kit.nim_conversationkit # 提供会话列表业务层实现 Declaring dependencies # 如需添加 ConversationKit 的依赖项,您必须将 pub 库添加到项目中。...
supercharged dart ⚡️ Supercharged Dart # Development discontinued # See here.
flutter scene Flutter Scene # 3D library for Flutter. Now running on a...
flutter native api flutter_native_api # A Flutter Plugin for calling and using Native API Note...
response Response # Flutter UI package which will help you to build your responsive UI design...
unicode emojis unicode_emojis 🎉 # A Dart package that gives you all the Unicode emojis, skin...
timer snackbar Timer Snackbar # Timer Snackbar package let you to add a beautiful live timer...
flutter easy search bar Easy Search Bar # A Flutter plugin to help you handle search...
facebook auth facebook_auth # Simple facebook authentication plugin for flutter. Configuration # Suppose your...
remote config Remote Config Utility Class # RemoteConfig is a wrapper class that works with the...
smooth compass plus Smooth Compass Plus # Updated Version of the original Smooth Compass with latest...
flutter appavailability Flutter AppAvailability Plugin # A Flutter plugin that allows you to check...
local image provider Local Image Provider Plugin # A library for searching and retrieving...
location2 A simple way to get the user location without thinking about permission.
jmlink flutter plugin Jmlink Flutter Plugin # 安装 # 在工程 pubspec.yaml 中加入 dependencies //pub...
cp949 dart cp949_dart # null safety version of jjangga0214/dart-cp949 c949 encode,...
spa Solar Positioning Algorithm - Calculate the position of the sun at arbitrary coordinates. # About...
code input code_input # A Flutter widget for inputting content with a fixed length, visually treating...
dni nie validator dni_nie_validator # Validate if the DNI or NIE entered is valid in format...
json string json_string # A simple and lightweight JSON data container for Dart and...
gbk2utf8 gbk2utf8 # A flutter package to convert gbk to utf-8 目的 # 现在这个版本官方的http还不能支持中文gbk的解析,这个项目就是为了解决这个问题
serial serial is a wrapper around the window.navigator.serial. This package does not provide any additional API, but...
dlcov DLCOV - CLI to verify code coverage threshold (CI/CD, git hooks, etc.) # Main features:...
crossword NEW: LetterPop Animation # Crossword # ...
flutter elegant number button Flutter Elegant Number Button (iOS & Android) # Description # Flutter...
flutter audio output flutter_audio_output # Get the current output audio device Listening to...
fswitch nullsafety FSwitch An interesting and practical switch component. Supports setting tips, slider...
flutter sunmi printer plus flutter_sunmi_printer_plus # This is plugin inspired by SunmiPrinterDemo Platform Support #
finance The fundamental package for financial computing with Dart. This package provides...
scroll to animate tab scroll_to_animate_tab # A Flutter widget that is customizable and syncs the ScrollView...
sum types sum_types and sum_types_generator # sum_types and sum_types_generator packages together define a code generator enabling...
system boot time system_boot_time # A Flutter Plugin for getting system boot time. Getting Started...
flutter auth ui flutter_auth_ui # Unofficial firebaseui package for flutter. This library aims to provide support...
voice to text VoiceToText # The VoiceToText class is a Dart class that provides functionality for...
spinner dropdown Alert # This project is cloned from I have added few improvements and...
background task background_task # Developed with 💙 by Never inc. Motivation...
flutter telegram login flutter_telegram_login # A Flutter plugin providing the required functions in order to implement...
password policy A simple package that helps you quickly set up a password policy for your application...
fft dart # An implementation of Cooley-Tukey. Also included are the windowing functions Hann and Hamming
spaced repetition Implementation of SM-2 in DART. Credit to author(s) of Forked from and...
flutter group sliver flutter_group_sliver # Add a grouping background by customizing the RenderSliver. ...
widget toolkit otp widget_toolkit_otp # The widget_toolkit_otp package contains a number of useful widgets that can...
sliver fab sliver_fab # A wrapper widget allowing to place a widget on the edge of...
enough ascii art An ASCII art library for Dart developers. Available under the commercial friendly...
simple file saver simple_file_saver # A Flutter plugin that allows you to save files...
scroll to hide bottom navigation bar scroll_to_hide_bottom_navigation_bar # A package that provides a simple wrapper to...
infinity view infinity_view # Infinity View allows you to easily create an infinite viewport...
native screenshot widget native_screenshot_widget # Using # //PlatformView: e.g: WebView final screenshotController...
shelf secure cookie shelf_secure_cookie # Encrypted cookies use base64Url encoding. See example/example.dart for details. Based...
timezone dropdown Flutter TimezoneDropdown Flutter simple and robust TimzeonDropdown with...
experiment sdk flutter Amplitude Experiment implementation for Flutter. This is a non official package provided by ProductMinds.
shimmer image Flutter package for loading image with shimmer and fade in effect for smooth transition...
cached firestorage Cached Firestorage # A Flutter utility...
klocalizations flutter KLocalizations # Wrapper around flutter_localizations, adding some extra functionality and abstracting some...
google distance matrix Google Distance Matrix
ps code checking ps_code_checking # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
haptik sdk haptik_sdk # This is an implementation of the HAPTIK's SDK library in Flutter....
animated page transition Animated page transition # This package for page transition animation. With this package...
open geocoder open_geocoder # Plugin to get address using location name or using latitude & longitude
animated dashed circle Animated Dashed Circle # With this flutter package, you can add animated dashed...
mati plugin flutter title: "Flutter Changelog" excerpt: "MetaMap's Flutter SDK Changelog" slug: "flutter-changelog" category:...
wonderpush flutter WonderPush Flutter SDK # Mobile push notification delivery with the WonderPush service. The WonderPush...
version tracker VersionTracker # Local version and build tracker plugin. Provides the ability to keep track...
asbool A simple tool (really simple, about 25 lines of code) to convert a dart object, including...
xml map converter XML Map Converter # XML to Dart map converter and vice versa....
banners Often, you want to be able to dynamically display banners at the top of the screen.
custom mouse cursor custom_mouse_cursor # This package provides custom system...
sqlcipher library windows SQLCipher(SQLite3) V4.5.0 library for windows X64 # This package help you bundle SQLCipher(SQLite3)...
plain optional plain_optional # plain_optional package defines a type Optional<T> containing an object of type T,...
quantity quantity # Facilitates working with physical quantities such as angles, lengths, masses and temperatures....
inflection3 Forked # IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a hard fork of the original inflection package,...
hybrid logging hybrid_logging # The logging library of the Hybrid SDK.
flutter libphonenumber ios flutter_libphonenumber_ios # iOS platform implementation for flutter_libphonenumber.
coingecko api Simple Dart wrapper for the CoinGecko API Table...
flutter sunmi printer flutter_sunmi_printer # Plugin allows to print thermal receipts using Sunmi device with a...
ant design flutter Ant Design Flutter A Flutter UI framework designed for web /...
dart levenshtein Dart Levenshtein # Levenshtein distance implementation in Dart. Usage # Here's an...
bottom indicator bar bottom_indicator_bar # A flutter bottom tab with indicator, similar to the bottom tab...
imgly sdk Flutter plugin for IMG.LY SDK # ⚠️ This library is automatically integrated when adding...
sidebar bigeagle SideBar BigEagle # This package adds a Sidebar widget which is convenient...
flutter skeleton Flutter Skeleton # [pub packages] | 中文说明 Flutter skeleton screen.
flutter intl phone field International Phone Field Package #
app rename App Rename # App Rename Code is copied from I have just updated...
flutter tutorial flutter_tutorial # Provides a Tutorial API to display tutorial overlay and highlights certain items.
tuple dart Tuple dart # A library providing a tuple data structure for Dart.
flutter hms scan kit Flutter华为扫码 # 华为统一扫码服务 # 华为统一扫码服务(Scan Kit)提供便捷的条形码和二维码扫描、解析、生成能力,帮助您快速构建应用内的扫码功能。 得益于华为在计算机视觉领域能力的积累,Scan Kit可以实现远距离码或小型码的检测和自动放大,同时针对常见复杂扫码场景(如反光、暗光、污损、模糊、柱面)做了针对性识别优化,提升扫码成功率与用户体验。 Scan...
page route transition Page Route Transition # A Page Route Transition library that helps implement the...
riverpod analyzer utils A package internal to Riverpod, used to parse providers using the analyzer.
suggestion input field SuggestionTextField # SuggestionTextField is a Flutter package that provides a text field with...
nui mini program nui_mini_program # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
libadwaita Libadwaita ❤️ Flutter # Libadwaita's...
cnic scanner cnic_scanner # A Flutter package that let's you to scan your CNIC and ID...
flutter onboarding flutter_onboarding # A new flutter package that assists developers to create good looking onboarding...
card scanner Fast, Accurate and Secure Credit & Debit card scanner for Flutter
alphabetical scroll A Flutter package to achieve alphabet scrolling. Based on flutter_sticky_header # Features #...
remove bg Usage # Lets take a look at how to use Flutter Package....