grid staggered lite grid_staggered_lite # A Flutter staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows...
autostarter autostarter # A Flutter plugin for managing the autostart permission feature on Android devices....
wordpress client WordPress Client ...
contextual menu contextual_menu # This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to create native context...
number precision number_precision # Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations precisely using dart Why...
fancy drawer Fancy drawer # A beautiful drawer experience for your flutter app .
otp input editor otp_input_editor # A customizable OTP (One Time Password) input field package for Flutter...
simple animated button Simple Animated Button # This package contains efficient and simply designed animated buttons...
custom navigator Custom navigator # A flutter package that makes it easy to create your own...
persian fonts persian_fonts # A Flutter package for using free persian fonts. The persian_fonts package...
elevarm ui Elevarm design system for Flutter. Features # Color: ElevarmColors Typography:
size helper size_helper # SizeHelper is a Flutter package for developing a responsive UI, with more...
money converter money_converter # A Flutter plugin for converting the currencies. Sample Use Getting...
infinite scroll tab view 📜 infinite_scroll_tab_view # A Flutter package for tab view component...
flutter screenshot callback screenshot_callback # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
byte util byte_util # byte utility (static functions) read string to bytes array
openai api openai_api # Features # APIs have been supported by...
flutter exif plugin Flutter Exif # A flutter plugin for reading and writing Exif tags in...
argon2 argon2 #
vibrate Vibrate # A Flutter plugin to vibrate the device. This uses all...
fl geocoder fl_geocoder # A Flutter package for Forward and Reverse geocoding using Google...
expandable reorderable list Expandable Reorderable List # A wrapper around ReorderableListView that allows you...
borsh annotation Annotations for the borsh generator # See borsh generator.
requests plus 🚀 requests-plus # A powerful Dart library for making HTTP requests, based on the...
timezone utc offset timezone_utc_offset # Dart package for getting UTC time offsets for timezones [fully offline]
google place plus google_place_plus # A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android and Web that provides...
heart overlay Heart Overlay Widget 💖 # The HeartOverlay widget can be used to create a...
flutter filter dialog customized SmartSelect.. # SmartSelect allows you to easily convert your usual form select...
sliver bar chart sliver_bar_chart #
random color scheme Random Color Scheme # Making a coherent Material Design theme is hard. This...
sumup sumup # A Flutter wrapper to use the SumUp SDK. With this...
bubble showcase BubbleShowcase # BubbleShowcase is a small but powerful flutter package that allows you to...
aes256gcm aes-256-gcm-dart # AES 256 GCM encryption algorithm in Dart Use # var text...
repro flutter Repro Flutter Plugin # Repro plugin for Flutter. Support all the...
tart Tart is a Twirp library for Dart This is a runtime library to support .pbtwirp.dart...
canonical json Canonical JSON Encoder/Decoder # This package provides an encoder and decoder for encoding/decoding...
stringr stringr 🧵 # String manipulation in dart/flutter on steroids! ⚡⚡ This dart plugin is...
photo browser photo_browser # PhotoBrowser is a zoomable picture and custom view...
jhtoast jhtoast # jhtoast - Flutter toast package. 支持的效果:文字,图文,加载中,水平垂直两种布局 pub地址:
page indicator plus Page Indicator Plus # The Page Indicator Plus library was developed as an...
geocoder plus geocoder plus # Forward and reverse geocoding. Usage # Import package:geocoder_plus/geocoder.dart, and...
fluttium The core package for the Fluttium user flow testing framework.
fps monitor 已适配 null-safe ,对应版本:2.0.0 导语: # 对于任何一款应用而言,页面的流畅度一定是影响用户体验最重要的几个指标之一。作为开发者,优化页面流畅度也是自己技术实力的体现。但在决定进行优化之前,还有两个更重要的问题摆在我们面前:1、如何发现卡顿的页面?、2、如何衡量我的优化效果? 为了解决这两个问题,本期给大家带来一个很有意思的小工具:fps_monitor 一、What's this...
flutter google places sdk windows flutter_google_places_windows # The windows implementation of flutter_google_places.
chatwoot sdk Integrate Chatwoot with Flutter app # Integrate Chatwoot flutter client into your flutter app...
azul envato checker azul_envato_checker # The "azul_envato_checker" package is a Dart language package developed for business...
unique ids unique_ids # This plugin help to make uuid to identify anonymous user or application...
android window android_window # A flutter plugin allows you to create native android floating window....
flutter badged flutter_badged # Badge for showing with icon How to use # This...
flutter signature view Signature Widget library # Signature widget library Installing
pwa update listener pwa_update_listener # A Flutter package for checking if there is a new PWA...
feather icons svg Feather Icons SVG for Flutter # Feather Icons port to Flutter. This package...
php serializer php_serializer # Serialize and deserialize Php-Serialized strings Basically the equivalent to the php-functions
ar location view ar_location_view # Augmented reality for geolocation. Inspired HDAugmentedReality Demo #...
dart sm dart_sm # 基于Dart语言实现的国密SM2、SM3、SM4算法。 实现内容 # SM2 ✅...
vertical barchart vertical_barchart # Need large item on bar chart? Here is Vertical BarChart,...
simple gravatar Simple Gravatar # Gravatar library for Dart 2. Usage...
easy signature pad Easy Signature Pad # Easy Signature Pad is the flutter plugin that allows...
remove from coverage Remove from Coverage # Author: Jack Warren
cool stepper reloaded Cool Stepper Reloaded # Cool Stepper Reloaded is a widget that...
flutter redux dev tools flutter_redux_dev_tools # A Widget you can use to show a...
sherpa onnx Supported functions # Speech recognition Speech synthesis
quantupi Requires merchant upi id for receiver! Getting Started # This project is a starting...
firebaseapis Firebase APIs for Dart # Generated Dart libraries for accessing Firebase APIs. This...
jwt io JWT_IO # JSON Web Tokens are...
dart chromecast dart_chromecast # Dart package to play videos to a chromecast device. package:
ubuntu service Ubuntu Service # Simple service locator...
dialog queue A dialog queue for you to manage your dialogs to display on flutter platform...
code scan Code Scanner # A flexible code scanner for QR codes, barcodes and many others....
sealed unions ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS # This library is a port of JavaSealedUnions originally created by Francisco (Paco)...
base codecs A set of codecs for encode and decode data. Features # ...
flutter paystack payment A Paystack Plugin for Flutter Apps # Flutter plugin for making payments with...
scan gun flutter:实现扫码枪获取数据源,禁止系统键盘弹窗(不会触发键盘唤起,不会触发中文乱码) # 实现扫码枪获取数据源,禁止系统键盘弹窗。依赖 EditableText 原理,实现 flutter 端扫码能力支持。 (不会触发键盘唤起,不会触发中文乱码) 引入 # 在pubspec.yaml文件中进行引用:
new pinput Flutter Pinput From Tornike & Great Contributors
flutter zoom sdk Flutter Zoom SDK # A Flutter plugin for the...
scroll screenshot scroll_screenshot # A new Flutter package 'scroll_screenshot' function allows you to capture a full-size...
flutter serial communication About Flutter Serial Communication # This library aims to ease Flutter Developers to...
qr widget QR.Widget is a Flutter library for simple and fast QR code rendering via a Widget...
flutter touch ripple Touch Ripple For Flutter # Customizable touch ripple for flutter widget #...
ansi styles 🌈 AnsiStyles Create colorful terminal output with ansi styled text in io environments....
yet another json isolate Yet Another Json Isolate # Dart package for simple JSON parsing using...
flutter data table Features # Support Android, IOS. This package is used to...
geocore Geospatial data structures (points, geometry, features, meta) and parsers (GeoJSON, WKT) for Dart.
cupertino progress bar Cupertino Progress Bar for Flutter #
gsform This package helps to create forms in Flutter by removing the boilerplate needed to build a...
kiwi generator kiwi_generator # Generates dependency injection code using the kiwi package...
web date picker web_date_picker # The Web date picker provides a date picker rendering library for...
calendar day view BREAKING CHANGES in version 3. please prefer to Changelogs # Example here:
flutter address from latlng Provide convenient way to get address from latitude and longitude. Also provide...
js shims js_shims # Common js utils to help porting node.js and javascript libs...
thumbhash Dart implementation of ThumbHash algorithm — a very compact representation of an image placeholder. Usage...
flutter rx bloc A Flutter package that helps implement the BLoC Design Pattern using the power of...
configcat preferences cache ConfigCat Flutter Preferences Cache # Flutter Cache...
rfc 6901 RFC 6901 JSON Pointer # JSON Pointer (RFC 6901) implementation in Dart. Features:
scanbot image picker Scanbot Image Picker for Flutter # A simple plugin that implements a very...
flutter custom cards Flutter Custom Cards # Flutter Custom Cards help developers to create beautiful custom...
flutter pax printer utility flutter_pax_printer_utility # This package based on PAX Device with NetptuneLiteApi SDK...
weibo kit weibo_kit # flutter版新浪微博SDK 相关工具 # flutter版微信SDK
flutter draggable list FlutterDraggableList # A new Flutter package which handles all aspects of drag and...
powersync attachments helper PowerSync Attachments Helper for Dart/Flutter # PowerSync Attachments Helper is a package that...