scheduled timer ScheduledTimer # A simple timer that can be scheduled to run at a specific...
karte in app messaging KARTE In-app Messaging for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use the...
flutter web pagination web pagination # example (
ternav icons Ternav Icons # This package includes 552 icons of TernavIcons in 3 Type Bold,...
dartchess Chess and chess variant rules written in dart for native platforms (does not support web)....
indent indent # Change indentation in multiline Dart strings while...
flutter tagging Flutter Tagging # A flutter package with tagging or multi-select functionality....
qr image generator Generate and save QR Code Image. Basic Usage #
flutter wall layout flutter_wall_layout - Layout child having different shape into a vertical or horizontal list #
mentionable text field mentionable_text_field # A flutter plugin to create customizable text field that has a...
cryptoutils A small utility library for crypto. It declares a class names CryptoUtils which can replace the...
storage info storage_info # Get the information about free, Used and total disk space for you...
iso8601 duration A flutter package to parse ISO 8601 duration. Features # This package helps...
flutter gauge Chart Types # Getting...
flutter native text input Native Text Input for Flutter # A text input widget built using...
drawerbehavior Drawer Behavior - Flutter # Drawer behavior is a library that provide an extra behavior...
gma mediation pangle Google Mobile Ads Mediation of Pangle for Flutter # This repository...
matrix homeserver recommendations Matrix Homeserver Recommendations # Find, filter and benchmark public Matrix homeservers. Features...
yandex mapkit lite Yandex Mapkit Light # Fork of yandex_mapkit library, but...
hive listener hive_listener # A tiny widget to listen hive box changes How to use...
keybinder keybinder # A utility class used to bind callbacks to a combination of...
gigya flutter plugin Flutter plug-in for SAP Customer Data Cloud # A Flutter plugin...
form bloc form_bloc # Package Pub ...
phonenumbers phonenumbers # Phone number validation and filed written in pure dart without any native dependency.
google places flutter api google_places_flutter_api # ...
casbin dart-casbin # An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in...
drawing animation drawing_animation # From static SVG assets
anydrawer Anydrawer # Introducing...
ffcache ffcache # ffcache(Flutter File Cache) is a file based key value store. It...
anchored popups anchored_popups # A package to show context menus on right-click or long-press. [...
sync scroll controller SyncScrollController that keeps two ScrollControllers in sync. Similar to LinkedScrollController but has an...
refena flutter This package adds Flutter support for Refena. # pubspec.yaml dependencies: refena_flutter: <version>
audio service web audio_service_web # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
tensorflow lite flutter tensorflow_lite_flutter # A Flutter plugin for accessing TensorFlow Lite API. Supports image classification,...
push notification Push Notification #
flutter amazonpaymentservices flutter_amazonpaymentservices # Amazon Payment Service Sdk Flutter package Installation # Add below...
breakpoint breakpoint # View the online demo here! Overview # Follows Material Design Docs.
flutter webview plugin ios android Flutter WebView Plugin # About # Hi I...
flutter uvc camera flutter_uvc_camera # A Flutter plugin based on AndroidUSBCamera to enable Flutter apps to...
lint staged lint_staged # Run linters on git...
direct caller sim choice Direct Caller with SIM Choice # direct_caller_sim_choice is a Dart library for...
ios open subscriptions settings app_settings # A Flutter plugin for opening iOS phone settings subscriptions from...
flutter flurry sdk Flutter Flurry SDK (flutter_flurry_sdk) # A Flutter plugin for Flurry SDK
latlong to osgrid Latitude and Longitude to OS Grid Reference translator (and vice versa) # This...
oidc core oidc_core # An OpenId Connect RP...
intercom flutter web intercom_flutter_web # The web implementation of intercom_flutter. Usage # This package...
rollbar flutter rollbar-flutter # Flutter notifier for reporting exceptions, errors and log messages to Rollbar....
simple vcard parser simple_vcard_parser # A simple and easy to use parser to extract information from...
vosk flutter Vosk Flutter Plugin # Flutter plugin for Vosk...
file picker writable file_picker_writable # Flutter plugin to choose files which can be read, referenced and...
html editor enhanced plus Flutter Html Editor - Enhanced - Plus # Flutter HTML...
flutter local auth invisible flutter_local_auth_invisible # This Flutter plugin is a fork of the official local_auth
excel to json Excel to Json # A package that converts XLSX files to JSON files.
flutter dialogflow Dialogflow v1 & v2 for Flutter apps. # ❤️ Star ❤️ the...
zefyr Zefyr # Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications. You are viewing...
flutter watermark A new Flutter package helps you add watermarks globally. Screenshot # ...
daylight Daylight # Get the sunset and sunrise times for...
flutter decorated text Flutter DecoratedText # The DecoratedText widget allows you to style and interact with...
clover clover # Clover is an open source framework for building MVVM applications with Flutter....
flutter country picker flutter_country_picker # A Flutter Country Picker Widget with support to country dialing codes
new keyboard shortcuts Flutter Keyboard Shortcuts # Keyboard shortcuts to add where you want
porcupine flutter Porcupine Binding for Flutter # Porcupine # Porcupine is a highly accurate and...
flutter fcm Firebase Messaging Plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Cloud...
surf lint rules Surf Lint Rules #
services services # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
card stack widget 📦 card_stack_widget # A vertical dismissible and customizable stack of cards for a...
octopus Octopus: A Declarative Router for Flutter # ...
macos secure bookmarks macos_secure_bookmarks # Flutter plugin to create secure bookmarks to keep access...
is ios app on mac is_ios_app_on_mac #
day A date library Day.js in dart.
edit distance edit_distance # Implementation of string distance algorithms. Description # Edit...
tf dio cache dio-http-cache # 中文介绍 Dio-http-cache is a cache library for Dio...
svg icon Package for using SvgPicture.asset with data inferred from the IconTheme. Usage # import...
youtube metadata youtube_metadata # # Hi! This is a lightweight⚡...
environment sensors Environment Sensors # Flutter plugin for accessing ambient temperature, relative humidity, ambient light, and...
infinite widgets infinite_widgets # Infinite layout widgets like lists, grids... Infinite list # InfiniteListView...
cometchat sdk CometChat SDK for Flutter # The CometChat SDK is a robust toolkit that developers...
ultralytics yolo Ultralytics YOLO for Flutter # A Flutter plugin for integrating Ultralytics YOLO computer vision...
walletconnect modal flutter WalletConnect Modal Flutter # WalletConnect Modal implementation in Flutter. Setup #...
heart bpm heart_bpm # Widget to measure heart rate in beats per minute using the camera...
media cache manager media_cache_manager # Helps you to cache and encrypt media (Audio, Video, Image, etc...)...
form builder cupertino fields Form Builder Cupertino Fields # Additional form inputs fields with Cupertino style...
kakao flutter sdk auth kakao_flutter_sdk # This document introduces how to use the Kakao SDK for...
chessground Chessground is a chessboard package developed for It doesn't handle chess logic so you...
tuna flutter range slider flutter_range_slider extend from flutter_xlider # Now supports null safety....
cupertino date time picker cupertino_date_time_picker # Flutter 的日期选择器控件,iOS 样式 原作者 #
simple waveform progressbar Simple Waveform Progressbar # A simple progressbar made using wave-like bars. Usage...
js interop js_interop_dart # Simple utilities to help adding JS scripts to the document. Example:
aws s3 client AWS_S3_client # Client library to interact with the AWS S3 API (and other...
flutter onboarding screen flutter onboarding screen # A new Flutter package for both android and iOS...
stream bloc stream_bloc # ...
hashtagable v3 hashtagable_v3 # Widgets and functions to implement hashTag decorated text.
dynamic fonts dynamic_fonts # The dynamic_fonts package for Flutter allows you to (relatively) easily add...
collection ext collection_ext # A set of extension...
ezanimation ezanimation # Easy Animations - No Controllers, No Tickers, Only the necessary parts. Easily...
flutter radar Radar is the leading geofencing and location tracking platform. The Radar SDK abstracts away...
scrollable list tabview scrollable_list_tabview # A Flutter widget which synchronize...
flutter esim Flutter eSIM Plugin # ...
based battery indicator 『 based_battery_indicator - Based Battery Indicator! 』 Latest update: 2023-07-27 16:30:49
slugid Slugid - Compressed UUIDv4 # A slugid is a URL-safe base64 encoded UUID version...