jenny Jenny # The jenny library supports building dialogues, interactive conversations, narratives, or non-linear story-telling....
expandable search bar Animated Search Bar # Animated Search Bar package lets you add a beautiful...
woozy search Woozy Search # A super simple and lightweight client-side fuzzy-search library based on Levenshtein...
ninja ninja # Cryptography dart library to encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify messages RSA #
cupertino battery indicator This package provides a single widget: BatteryIndicator. It resembles the battery icon used...
dynamic widget Flutter Dynamic Widget # A Backend-Driven UI toolkit, build your dynamic UI...
hive ui Hive UI # A Flutter package that allows you to easily work...
flutter image editor flutter_image_editor # A plugin to edit brightness, contrast and rotate the image....
timeline tile nic TimelineTile # A package to help build customisable timelines in Flutter.
data class plugin Data Class Plugin # Data Class Plugin...
sidebar with animation Description # Animated collapsible sidebar for Flutter apps " macOS & Web &...
flutter animated progress bar Animated Progress Bar
sfmc Salesforce Marketing Cloud SDK for Flutter # This module enables the integration of the Marketing...
lottie tgs Lottie for Flutter # Lottie is a mobile library for...
audio manager audio_manager # A flutter plugin for music playback, including notification handling....
chalkdart Chalk'Dart #
another telephony Telephony # We create this fork because the original package is not maintained anymore....
flutter doc scanner flutter_doc_scanner # A Flutter plugin for document scanning on Android and iOS using...
file downloader flutter file_downloader_flutter # A Flutter package that allows you to download image/file from url.
flutter adaptive ui Flutter Adaptive UI # Flutter provides new opportunities to build apps...
html viewer elite html_viewer_elite # A Flutter widget...
dynamic multi step form # Dynamic Multi Step Form copied to clipboard Most of the...
flutter midi command flutter_midi_command # A Flutter plugin for sending and receiving MIDI messages between Flutter...
elliptic dart-elliptic # In cryptography, the Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) offers a variant of the Digital...
add to google wallet Add To Google Wallet # A Flutter plugin that provides the Add...
s3 storage S3Storage Dart This is the unofficial S3 (AWS, MinIO) Dart Client SDK...
validate Validate # Lightweight library for validating function arguments in Dart. This library is mainly...
flutter radio player flutter_radio_player # Online Radio Player for Flutter
stash stash #
advance expansion tile Advance Expansion Tile # It allows you to manually...
animated switch Customizable animated switch widget for flutter apps Custom Switch button made to...
benchmark harness The Dart project benchmark harness is the recommended starting point when building a benchmark...
flutter blue elves flutter_blue_elves # A flutter plugin witch includes platform-specific implementation code for Android 18+...
dialogflow flutter dialogflow_flutter # dialogflow_flutter is a flutter plugin that helps the user to use Dialogflow...
flowder Flowder # Handle your file downloads status in a more simple and easy way 💓
selectable container selectable_container # A Selectable Container for Flutter. Easy to implement and customize. Demo...
json2dart safe json2dart # Chinese There is an book_reader,you can try it;...
bezier bezier.dart is a simple open-source Dart library for handling 2D Bézier curve math. The library...
safemap safemap # Safely get value with Type from JSON map. Will return null value when...
flutter close app A simple and flexible Flutter close app plugin (Android press 2 times to...
kakao flutter sdk talk kakao_flutter_sdk # This document introduces how to use the Kakao SDK for...
ditredi DiTreDi (D 3D) # A flutter package that displays large 3D datasets on a transparent...
curved nav bar curved_nav_bar # Bottom nav bar with FAB and center text, You can use...
hotreloader hotreloader (Dart) # What is...
filling slider Filling Slider # This is IOS-like slider widget
reactive flutter typeahead reactive_flutter_typeahead # Wrapper around flutter_typeahead to use with reactive_forms Docs in progress....
iirjdart iirjdart # An IIR filter library written in Dart. Highpass, lowpass, bandpass and bandstop...
restart restart # A Flutter plugin to restart the application. The plugin works by creating...
flutter chart Flutter绘制图表,支持 android 和 ios # 绘制曲线,折线,柱状,饼图,包含动画效果和触摸操作 怎么使用? # 添加依赖...
incrementally loading listview incrementally_loading_listview # An extension of the Flutter ListView widget for incrementally...
flutter health connect Flutter Health Connect # Flutter plugin for Google Health Connect integration....
sqlparser sqlparser # SQL parser and static analyzer written in Dart. At the moment, this library...
google places for flutter Google Places for Flutter # A Flutter package which uses the Google...
cupertino range slider improved Cupertino Range Slider # Widget is a slider that help you to...
google maps webapi google_maps_webapi # General Information # This is the Dart Library for Google...
custom cupertino picker custom_cupertino_picker # The default cupertino picker does not allow customization to the border...
qr scanner with effect qr_scanner_with_effect # A Flutter widget that will use for scanning QR Code...
r scan r_scan # A flutter plugin about qr code or bar...
mason cli Mason CLI allows developers to create and consume reusable templates called bricks powered by the...
tripledes nullsafety tripledes-dart # Triple DES and DES block cipher implementation ported from CryptoJS
file picker pro file_picker_pro # Flutter plugin for selecting files from any devices file library, and...
flutter insta Flutter package to get Instagram user details and download reels videos. How to Use...
ticket material ticket_material # A ticket view widget. Platform compatibility # Plugin was tested...
flutter checkout payment Flutter Checkout Payment # Explain # This plugin is for...
conditional builder ConditionalBuilder # Synchronous conditional widget builder. Declaratively renders a widget based on a...
flutter pin code widget A Flutter package that helps create a PIN Code screens. Inspired by...
simple time range picker simple_time_range_picker # A simple_time_range_picker is simple time range widget. Overview #
flame isolate Adds support for integral_isolates to your Flame games. ...
mobx widget ObserverFuture, ObserverStream and ObserverText Widget - A simple way to consume MobX Observables through widgets....
gma mediation applovin Google Mobile Ads Mediation of AppLovin for Flutter # This repository...
get upi Get UPI # Flutter plugin for Getting installed upi apps in the device,...
simple auth flutter [![Join the chat at](]( Most apps need to make API calls. Every...
flare loading flare_loading # Loading widget based on a Flare animation, allow you to...
ellipsis overflow text ellipsis_overflow_text # Flutter widget that automatically sets the number of lines...
win ble WinBle # Use the WinBle plugin to enable Bluetooth Low Energy in...
material icons named Table of Contents material_icons_named Table of Contents...
statemachine State Machine # ...
midtrans sdk midtrans_sdk # A Flutter plugin for Midtrans Mobile SDK. Visit ...
dotted separator dotted_separator # A Flutter package that provides a customizable Dotted separator and Dotted widgets.
rsa pkcs rsa_pkcs # Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) parser, RSA, PKCS#1, PKCS#8, X.509 openssl genrsa -out...
checkout sdk flutter Checkout SKD for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that wraps the's tokenization...
dio flutter transformer2 dio_flutter_transformer2 # A dio transformer especially for flutter, by which the json decoding...
flutter document reader core doctype Document Reader Core (Flutter) # Regula Document Reader SDK allows you...
timer controller timer_controller # A timer library that provides controls (play, pause, restart, etc) and widgets...
dart internal ☠☠ Warning: This package is experimental and may be removed in a future version...
opencv 4 OpenCV_4 This package contains the implementation of OpenCV modules, the version used is 4.3.0...
toasty box Toasty Box # Toasty Box is a flutter plugin for showing beautiful animated toasts...
functional data functional_data # Simple and non-intrusive code generator for boilerplate of data types. The package...
tencent cloud chat vote plugin 插件内容 # 从tencent_cloud_chat_sdk 5.1.5版本之后,您可以集成腾讯云即时通信官方提供的投票插件tencent_cloud_chat_vote_plugin,此插件为闭源插件,集成后,您可以在群里(Community和AVChatRoom除外)集成投票功能。投票功能包括发起(单选、多选)投票、查看投票结果,参与投票等。Flutter端与Native、Web端的投票能力互通。 注意,投票是增值付费功能,当前处于内测阶段,请联系腾讯云商务为您开通后体验完整功能。 ...
flutter aliplayer flutter_aliplayer # A new flutter plugin project , The project supports Android and iOS...
dart scope functions dart_scope_functions # dart_scope_functions is a Dart utility library that implements Kotlin-inspired scope functions....
choose input chips choose_input_chips # Flutter library for building form fields with multiple values represented as...
sms autodetect Getting Started # Flutter plugin to provide OTP code autofill support. For iOS,...
flutter paystack max A Flutter package for making payments via Paystack Payment Gateway ( ...
rolling bottom bar Rolling Bottom Bar # This packages, based on this demo by Kabo showing...
immutable device identifier immutable_device_identifier # It supply device identifier for iOS / Android device. (That...
superellipse shape Superellipse Shape # A package for creating superellipse shapes in flutter....
custom zoom widget A custom zoom widget which can be used in a scrollable screen's to properly...
dyte core dyte_core # Dyte Flutter...
universal file A cross-platform File & Directory that works in all platforms (browsers, mobile, desktop, and server-side)