swk foreman 0.0.2a6 This is not a standalone program nor a library. You should use it in...
swk zabbix 0.0.2a4 This is not a standalone program nor a library. You should use it in...
swmmtoolbox 4.0.14 swmmtoolbox - Overview The swmmtoolbox is a Python script to read the Storm Water...
swutils 0.11.1 # swutils## Introductionswutils is a Python library for interacting with [ScraperWiki](https://scraperwiki.com/products/data-science-platform) boxes.With swutils, you can-...
sylajone 0.3.1 Sylajone: Arabic syntax Analyzer library مكتبة سيلجون للتحليل النحوي...
SymbolicFileSystem 2.0.0 SFS (Symbolic File System) A command line utility that provides a lightweight setup for...
symbolplease 1.2.0 Symbol Please is a visual log parsing helper for Project 1999 with a built-in spell...
symmetr 0.9.8 Python package for determining symmetry properties of crystals. See bitbucket repository for more details.
symmetria 0.3.0 Welcome to symmetria Symmetria provides an intuitive, thorough, and comprehensive framework for interacting...
synapseclient 4.5.1 Python Synapse Client Branch Build Status...
synapseformation 0.0.3 synapseformation Client for using Synapse Formation Templates. Given one of...
sync 1.0.0 UNKNOWN
synclinks 0.1 UNKNOWN
syncme 0.1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
syncs3 0.1.1 syncs3 To give a document sync experience(and eficciency) like 'repo sync', or 'awscli s3...
syncstar 0.1.0 SyncStar Service for creating bootable USB storage devices at community conference kiosks Instruction
syncstart 1.1.1 SYNOPSIS Command line help: usage: syncstart [-h] [--version] [-v] [-b BEGIN] [-t TAKE]...
syncsterioc 0.1.2 Synchro-State Tracking IOC This is a simple IOC...
syncthingmanager 0.1.0 # syncthingmanagerA command line tool for the Syncthing API. Designed to make setting up remote...
syndot 2.1.0 Dotfiles Management syndot is a python library for Linux and macOS dotfiles management....
synergyscheduler 2.3 Synergy Scheduler breaks time into intervals, associates every interval with a job and makes sure...
synergyschedulermanager 2.6.0 The Scheduler Manager Synergy is as a new extensible general purpose management OpenStack service.
synergyservice 1.5.3 Synergy is as a new extensible general purpose management OpenStack service. Its capabilities are...
SynFlood 1.1.4 SynFlood Description This package implements a SYN flood attack (DOS attack: Denial Of...
syng 2.0.0 Syng Syng is an all-in-one karaoke software, consisting of a backend server, a web...
SynGenes 1.0.2 SynGenes Welcome to the SynGenes Documentation!
synko 0.9.0 sync application configuration and settings across multiple multiplatform devices
synoindexwatcher 0.11.5 Synoindex Watcher - Automated media index updates Synoindex Watcher is a media index updater...
synonymdict 0.2.5 synonym_dict A class that allows retrieval of a given object by any of its...
synthesized3 3.2 Synthesized SDK3 The SDK generates high quality, privacy-preserving datasets for machine learning and data...
synthesizedinsight 0.7 synthesized-insight Installation 1. Install python requirements: macOS (make sure...
syntheticfaker 1.0.7 SYNTHETICFAKER Introducing "Synthetic Faker", the new Python library for generating realistic and business-specific fake...
syntheticstellarpopconvolve 0.3 Synthetic Stellar Pop Convolve (SSPC) This repository contains the code and documentation...
synthforc 0.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
synthmappinghelper 1.5.0 Synth Mapping Helper Toolbox for manipulating the JSON-Format used by Synth Riders Beatmap Editor...
synthtiger 1.2.1 SynthTIGER 🐯 : Synthetic Text Image Generator
syntribos 0.5.0 ========================Team and repository tags========================.. image:: http://governance.openstack.org/badges/syntribos.svg :target: http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/index.html.. image:: http://img.shields.io/badge/docs-latest-brightgreen.svg?style=flat :target: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/syntribos/.. image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/syntribos.svg :target:...
Synx 0.0.3 Synx Python GUI Framework Updates shareWithSynx() has been depreciated. Use Synx('windowVarString',windowVar)...
syphon 2.0.1 Syphon A CSV data storage and management engine.
syrah 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
syrpc 1.0 Library to access and provide syrpc rabbitmq services.
sysbacklight 0.1 Set Linux display brightness from console=========================================The ``backlight`` program is a commandline interface to adjust your...
syscon 0.8 syscon 0.8 is a python package providing remote control tools for other computers in...
sysdweb 1.1.5 sysdweb Control systemd services through Web or REST API Installation Prerequisites...
syseleven.cloudutils 0.1.3 python-cloudutils=========This repos contains several useful library to talk to OpenStack APIs and has some wrapper...
syseleven.cloudutilslibs 0.2.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sysframe 0.4.1 Sysframe A collection of modules useful for low-level development tasks. Introduction This...
sysfsgpio 0.3.0 sysfsgpio Python GPIO library, using Linux sysfs interface. This is a fork of trimarlib-sysfsgpio
sysinfoapi 0.0.1 System Information API for Linux, BSD, and MacOS Alpha-phase development, not ready for production...
sysinfolib 0.0.1 sysinfolib Library for obtaining system information and user information. ...