reclaimer 2.11.2 Reclaimer What is this repository for?
reclassrs 0.4.0 reclass-rs: A Reclass implementation in Rust Reclass is a library which defines a syntax...
recliner 0.3.1 Recliner========
reclusivecli 0.5.0a3 # ReclusiveCLI - The Reclusive Command Line Interpreter This is just a small lib...
Recolor 0.1.4 Recolor Recolor is a powerful Python module that allows you to set console colors...
recombinator Recombinator - Statistical Resampling in Python Overview Recombinator is a Python package for...
recommenderblackboxes 0.0.2 recommender-blackboxes Easy to use free python recommendation package (under development)
recommenderengine 0.3.0 Recommender is a recommendation application using either item-based or user-based approaches. Recommender is at...
recommenders 1.2.0 Recommender Utilities This package contains functions to simplify common tasks used when developing and...
recomphdbprovx 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
recomprwlock 0.1 ### ReComp RWLock library This module includes a class that offers a readers-writer file...
reconchesstools 0.2.1 reconchess-tools: utilities to aid bot development for reconchess Getting started developing bots in python...
reconic1 1.7.0 Reconic | All-in-One Reconnaissance Tool Reconic is a network scanning and discovery tool designed...
reconplogger 4.16.1 reconplogger - omni:us python logger This repository contains the code of reconplogger, a python...
reconstatsldax 0.0.4 The repo is an update fix version for sburns/recon-stats. The original repo seems to be...
reconstruct 2.03 ReConstruct is a continuation of the excellent ‘Construct’ library by Tomer Filiba <tomerfiliba [at]...
ReconstructOrder 0.0.1 ReconstructOrder Reconstruct birefringence, slow axis, bright-field, and degree of polarization from polarization-resolved images. The...
Record 4.1 Overview Record provides special objects used in some Zope internals like ZRDB. Records...
recOrderbasetest 0.0.1 recOrder record Order (recOrder): A framework for live-processing birefringence data dependencies
RecordFlux 0.24.0 RecordFlux RecordFlux is a toolset for the formal specification and...
RecordFluxparser 0.13.0 RecordFlux Parser This is the parser for the RecordFlux language which is based on...
recordkit 0.1.10 record-kit A simple record toolkit generating human-readable data record in experiments. Installation...
records 0.6.0 Records: SQL for Humansâ„¢ Records is a very simple, but powerful, library...
recordscsp Records: SQL for Humansâ„¢ Records is a very...
recordsfork 0.5.5 Records: SQL for Humans™ ☤ The Basics We know...
recordtype 1.4 NOTE In Python 3.7 a better solution than recordtype is to use dataclasses....
recoursegame 0.1a1 Recourse Game This repository contains the original implementation of the Multi-agent, Multi-time step...
recoverpy 2.1.9 Recover overwritten or deleted data.
RecoVoc 1.0.5 .. raw:: html <h1 align="center">RecoVoc.. raw:: html </h1>.. raw:: html <h4 align="center">Projet de reconnaissance vocale...
recsysmetrics 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
recsysslatesdataset 1.0.3 Slate Dataset for Recommender Systems We release the slate dataset...
recsystem 6.0.0 Some long description sazing the same
rectanglepacker 2.0.2 Pack a set of rectangles into a bounding box with minimum area ...
rectanglepackingsolver 0.0.5 rectangle-packing-solver
rectify 2.2 rectify rectify is a tiny Python package whose sole purpose of life is generating
rectiou 0.0.1 rectiou Rectiou is a pytorch implementation of the intersection over union (IoU) between two...
RecTools 0.8.0 RecTools
recurrent 0.4.1 See
recurring 2.0.0 Recurring This is a simple library for running a function or callable...
recurringicalevents 3.2.0 ICal has some complexity to it: Events, TODOs and Journal entries can be repeated,...
recurringsched 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
recursetreeprocess 0.0.2 A Functional util for recursive tree processing Usage from tree_utils.fs_recursion import RecursionStrategy, ProcessingFunctions,...
recursionvisualizer 0.0.1 recursion-visualizer Stop drawing recursion trees by hand. RecursionVisualizer creates beautiful,...
recursivecompression 3.5.2 Introduction This tool relies on Tinyscript and allows to recursively (de)compress nested archives according...
recursivedecorator 1.0.7 Decorator to apply a given decorator recursively on all function, inside a function/method, recursively....
recursivedictionaryupdate 0.1.0 Recursively Update a Dictionary Free software: MIT license
recycle 1.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
redashstmoswathi 2018.24.8 The author of this package has not provided a project description
redbean 0.6.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
redbike 0.13.1 # RedbikeA simple, flexible scheduler for pools of distributed workers.Redbike is a helpful building block...