RealToolkits 1.4.2 #realDB 一些python的语法糖小工具 ###版本日志: v1.4.2 整理成发布包,添加安装、版权、readme,dll文件的检索改为到 ExeclMeta.py文件所在路径寻找。 v1.4.1 优化了realFileTookits,用 get_all_files+文件名正则表达式匹配...
reanaclient 0.9.3 REANA-Client
reanacluster 0.6.1 About REANA-Cluster is a component of the REANA reusable and reproducible research data...
reanadb 0.9.4 REANA DB ...
reapitcdk.activeruleset 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/active-ruleset This construct returns the currently...
reapitcdk.cloudfrontinvalidation 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/cloudfront-invalidation CloudFront invalidations are very error...
reapitcdk.crossregionstackexport 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/cross-region-stack-export Allows you to share values...
reapitcdk.edgeapiswapper 0.1.5 @reapit-cdk/edge-api-swagger Add a swagger endpoint to...
reapitcdk.emailreceiver 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/email-receiver This construct sets up everything...
reapitcdk.entraidapplication 0.1.0 @reapit-cdk/entra-id-application This construct creates and manages...
reapitcdk.reapitproduct 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/reapit-product Creates a product in the...
reapitcdk.replicatedkey 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/replicated-key Creates a KMS key and...
reapitcdk.replicatedsecret 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/replicated-secret Creates a Secret and replicates...
reapitcdk.servicequotas 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/service-quotas This construct allows you to...
reapitcdk.userpooldomain 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/userpool-domain This construct returns the given...
reapitcdk.wildcardcertificate 0.1.0 @reapit-cdk/wildcard-certificate This construct returns a wildcard...
reason 1.0.7 Reason Python lightweight easy-to-use natural language...
reaver 2.1.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rebasehelper 0.29.2 Welcome to rebase-helper There are several steps that need to be done...
rebbvalpython3 1.0.1 RebbVal-Python Python verion of RebbVal What is RebbVal Is RebbVal a validation...
rebecca.todict bpmappers 0.1 Contents rebecca.todict_bpmappers INSTALL USAGE Contributors Changelog...
rebecca.view 0.2 Contents rebecca.view BasicView methods and properties Softification...
rebelbase 1.0.0a7 RebelBase RebelBase is a Python package for working with numbers of any...
reblob 0.0.2 reblob Tool for doing a reblog/reply/whatever of an existing webpage. Given a URL,...
rebop 0.8.3 rebop rebop is a fast stochastic simulator for well-mixed chemical reaction networks....
reboticsscripts 19.5.5 Collection of scripts for rebotics
rebound 4.4.3 Welcome to REBOUND REBOUND is an N-body integrator, i.e. a software package...
reboundx 4.3.0 Welcome to REBOUNDx (eXtras) REBOUNDx allows you to easily incorporate additional physics into your...
rec 0.1.1 a collection of some useful regular expressions. Hello, world Installation...
ReCalc 0.1.12 The author of this package has not provided a project description
recaptchasolver 1.0.4 Recaptcha solver Resolve Recaptcha...
recarguide 0.0.1
recastatlas 0.4.2 RECAST for ATLAS ATLAS...
recdroidvid 0.1.0 reddroidvid Monitor and record video from Android devices remotely, pulling, renaming, and optionally...
receiptparser 1.1 receiptparser Summary A receipt and...
receitatools 2.2.0 receita-tools=============|pypi| |travis| |license|**Idiomas do README:** |ptbr| |en|Um conjunto de ferramentas para permitir a automatização das...
recentindonesiaearthquake 0.4 # Recent Indonesia Earthquake This package will get recent earthquake from BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological,...
receptacle 0.4.0 Object-Oriented Peer-to-Peer RPC access library and server application framework.:Author: `Thetaplane <[email protected]>`__:Requires: Python 2.6+:Version: 0.4.0:Group Application:...
recharge 1.0.0 This library makes interacting with the Recharge API dead simple. Installation...
recho 1.0.2 Reddit Echo Reposts Reddit posts from a target user to a specific slack channel
rechub 0.0.5 RecHub Implementations of some methods in recommendation. Models ...
recipe2txt 0.5.2 Introduction recipe2txt is a CLI-program that you can feed your urls of recipes and...
recipebox 0.1.3 Recipe Box This program takes a recipe URL, scrapes the recipe website,...
recipecaching 0.6.0 Recipe_Caching is an MIT licensed caching extension for the recipe querying library, written in...
recipemd 4.1.0 RecipeMD A standard format for recipes as Markdown files and a python reference...
recipemdextract 1.1.1 recipemd-extract recipemd-extract extracts recipes from websites and saves them in the recipemd format. It...
reciprocal smallest distance 1.1.7 UNKNOWN
reckit 0.2.4 RecKit RecKit is a...
reckless 0.3 If you encounter a top-level exception while running a python program in a tty,...
reckon 0.2.0 reckon: Dead-simple, dynamic memoization ...