awscdk.lambdalayernodeproxyagent 1.204.0 AWS Lambda Layer with the NPM dependency proxy-agent --- ...
awscdklambdecor 0.2.1 aws-cdk-lambdecor Transform native python function into AWS CDK Custom Resources. from aws_cdk_lambdecor import...
awscdkmicroservice 0.0.19 aws-cdk-microservice aws-cdk-microservice construct library is an open-source extension of the AWS Cloud Development Kit...
awscdk.pipelines 1.204.0 CDK Pipelines --- AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support...
awscdk.regioninfo 2.159.0 AWS Region-Specific Information Directory Usage Some information used in CDK Applications differs from...
awscdkresourcesmongodbatlas 3.8.0 MongoDB Atlas AWS CDK Resources
awscdksecureapi 0.5.0 aws-cdk-secure-api An unofficial AWS...
awscdkserverbluegreendeploymentgroup 1.0.3 EC2/On-Premise Server Blue/Green Deployment Group construct This construct creates a...
awscdkssmsdkparameter 0.0.9 aws-cdk-ssm-sdk-parameter Thats an AWS CDK Construct for get and set the value of an...
awscdk.triggers 1.204.0 Triggers --- AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on...
awscdk.yamlcfn 1.204.0 aws-cdk.yaml-cfn
awscfnkafkaadminprovider 0.6.0 Tool / Lib to transform a simply defined set of kafka topics and transforms the...
awscfnupdate 0.12.1 aws-cfn-update Programmatically update CloudFormation templates. It will update both .yaml and .json formats of
awsclikeyring 0.1.2 AWS command line credentials from OS X Keychain and other keyrings.
awsclilogin 0.2b1 The awscli-login plugin allows retrieving temporary Amazon credentials by authenticating against a SAML Identity...
awsclimate 1.1.2 Welcome to awscli_mate Documentation awscli_mate improves the original AWS CLI. Make sure you...
awsclimenu 0.4.45 A menu system for AWS CLI. Why I got tired of running 3...
awscliplugincredentialmfa 1.0.1 awscli-plugin-credential-mfa Automatically asks for MFA token key to retrieve temporary credentials....
awscliplugineucalyptus 0.3 AWS CLI plugin for Eucalyptus Cloud service endpoints An awscli plugin to enable Eucalyptus...
awsclisso 0.1.1 AWS SAML Login Works cross platform (Win, Unix, MacOS) Was having a real...
awscliv2 2.3.0 AWS CLI v2 for Python Wrapper for AWS...
awscliv2 2.3.1 AWS CLI v2 for Python Wrapper for AWS...
awscloudformation 1.5.1 Welcome to aws_cloudformation Documentation AWS CloudFormation deployment for human, Enable terraform plan, terraform apply...
awscloudformationpowerswitch 1.0.5 AWS CloudFormation power switch AWS CloudFormation power switch allows you to shutdown and startup...
awscloudwatchinsights 0.1.5 AWS Cloudwatch Insights Both a command line tool...
awscloudwatchlogminder 0.6.1 AWS Cloudwatch Log minder AWS CloudWatch logs is an useful logging system, but it...
awscloudwatchlogsurl 1.0.3 aws-cloudwatch-logs-url Generate AWS CloudWatch Logs URL Install
awsclpy 0.4 Run AWSCLI commands and use their outputs in next commands.
awscodebuild 1.2.1 Welcome to aws_codebuild Documentation Feature: aws_codebuild.CodeBuildEventTypeEnum: codebuild trigger event type enumeration
awscodecommit 1.4.1 Welcome to aws_codecommit Documentation aws_codecommit aim to extract more potential from AWS CodeCommit. aws_codecommit...
awscodeseeder 1.1.0 aws-codeseeder The aws-codeseeder project enables builders to easily...
awscodestarconnection 0.0.13 AWS CodeStar Connection Construct Library This package contains constructs for working with Amazon CodeStar...
awscomprehend 0.1.2 Welcome to aws_comprehend Documentation aws_comprehend improves the vanilla Amazon Comprehend boto3 API. See...
awsconsoleurl 1.4.1 Welcome to aws_console_url Documentation aws_console_url allow you to generate AWS console URL programmatically using...
awsconsoleurlsearch 0.3.1 Welcome to aws_console_url_search Documentation aws_console_url_search (acs) is a cross-platform CLI tool for lightning-fast AWS...
awscpsaml 0.0.2 AWS SAML Credentials Process CLI that uses Windows SSO (Integrated Windows Authentication)
awsctlcli 0.4.0 AWSCTL awsctl is a utility for installing AWS packages on servers in the cloud....
awscustomjsonmanager 0.1.4 A tool for managing AWS OpsWorks Custom JSON via GIT.
awsdataapipythonsdk 1.0.1 no long decsription given
awsdatatools 0.1.1 AWS Data Tools A...
awsdbmigration 3.1.1 AWS DB Migration Short description Project used to migrate relatively small databases from...
awsddk 0.6.2 AWS DataOps Development Kit (DDK) CLI Command line interface to manage your DDK Apps.
awsdecorators 0.0.9 decorators for aws things
AWSDeploy 0.0.97 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsdynamodbio 0.1.4 Welcome to aws_dynamodb_io Documentation See examples:
awsdynamodbparser 0.1.3 AWS DynamoDB Parser AWS DynamoDB utility for parsing DynamoDB responses Installation pip...
awsebcli 3.20.10 Introduction The AWS Elastic Beanstalk Command Line Interface (EB CLI) is a tool that...
awsec 0.0.1 AwSec Welcome to AwSec. You can find more extensive documentation over at readthedocs....
awsec2assignelasticip 0.10.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsec2autoscalinginstancerunningscheduler 0.2.5 AWS EC2 AutoScaling Instance Running Scheduler This is an AWS CDK Construct to make...
awsec2instancereaper 0.1.4 AWS EC2 instance Reaper Within EC2 there are quite some use cases for ephemeral...
awsec2pricing 0.1.10 aws-ec2-pricing Collect AWS EC2 prices from AWS API to SQL table to...
awsecr 0.5.5 awsecr CLI to interact with AWS ECR service. Description awsecr...
awsecrmigration 1.2.1 AWS ECR Migration Short description Project used to migrate docker images between cloud...
awsecsgcpworkloadidentityfederation 0.0.1 aws-ecs-gcp-workload-identity-federation AWS to GCP Workload Identity Federation in Amazon ECS. This is a...
awsedencli 0.1.5 aws-eden-cli: ECS Dynamic Environment Manager Clone Amazon ECS environments easily. Provide eden with...
awsedencore 0.2.0 aws-eden-core ECS Dynamic Environment Manager (eden) core package Provides AWS API access methods,...
awsembeddedmetrics 3.2.0 aws-embedded-metrics Generate CloudWatch Metrics embedded within structured log events. The...
awsemrlaunch 2.0.1 EMR Launch An AWS Professional Service open source initiative | [email protected]...
awsencryptionsdk 3.3.0 The AWS Encryption SDK for Python provides a fully compliant, native Python implementation of the...
awsencryptionsdkcli 4.1.0 This command line tool can be used to encrypt and decrypt files and directories using...
awsenergylabelercli 3.2.6 A cli to label accounts and landing zones with energy labels based on Security Hub...
awsenergylabelerlib 5.0.1 Project energy labeling accounts and landing zone based on findings of Security Hub in AWS...
awseventbridgerulesyncer 3.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsfeaturestore 0.0.17 aws_feature_store It is a simplified implementation of SageMaker Feature Store approach. Installation...
awsfsxlifecyclestatusmonitor 0.0.23 AWS FSx Life Cycle Status Monitor The documentation is available here. How to...
awsfunctions 3.4.1 # AWS Functions [![CircleCI](]( A collection of AWS functions based on [boto3](
awsglueartifact 0.2.1 Welcome to aws_glue_artifact Documentation A lot of serverless AWS Service supports versioning and alias...
awsgluecontainerlauncher 0.1.2 Welcome to aws_glue_container_launcher Documentation AWS Big Data Blog - Develop and test AWS Glue...
awsglueschemaregistry 1.1.3 AWS Glue Schema Registry for Python Use the...
awsgluestubs 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awshashicorppackerreaper 0.3.0 AWS Hashicorp Packer Reaper Hashicorp Packer is a great tool for building Amazon Machine...
awshcscli 6.4.1 aws-hcs-cli Python script for CLI and SDK access to AWS via ADFS while requiring...
awsie 0.4.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsindocker 0.0.1 aws_in_docker Mock EC2 with this moto fork + launch instances in Docker.
aws.inlineuserpref 1.0.0 Introduction Since Plone 3.1.5, a site manager can enable or disable globally inline editing
awsinsurancelakeetl 4.0.3 InsuranceLake ETL Overview The InsuranceLake solution is comprised of two codebases: Infrastructure and...
awsinsurancelakeinfrastructure 4.0.3 InsuranceLake Infrastructure The InsuranceLake solution is comprised of two codebases: Infrastructure and ETL. This...
aws inventory 0.5.8 # aws_inventory A dynamic AWS inventory for Ansible - ...
AWSIoTDeviceDefenderAgentSDK 2.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
AWSIoTPythonSDK 1.5.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsipranges 0.3.3 awsipranges Work with the AWS IP address ranges in native Python. ...
awsipranges 1.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsjsiisamples.jsiicodesamples 1.7.0 jsii-code-samples An example jsii package authored in TypeScript that gets published as...
awskeyssectool 0.3.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awskinesisagg 1.2.3 Python Kinesis Aggregation & Deaggregation Modules The Kinesis Aggregation/Deaggregation Modules for Python provide the...
awskinesisconsumer 1.4.1 aws-kinesis-consumer Consume an AWS Kinesis Data Stream to look over the records from a...
awskommandos 1.0.14 aws-kommandos Advisory Infrastructure Setup Scripts About Have you ever been bothered with...
aws kpl deagg 1.0.10 The Amazon Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) gives you the ability to...
awslambdabundler 0.4.2 aws-lambda-bundler Rationale aws-lambda-bundler is a utility to...
awslambdacli 0.2.0 AWS Lambda CLI A simple CLI (Command Line Interface) tool to interact with AWS...
awslambdadecorators 0.53 aws-lambda-decorators A set of Python decorators to ease the development of AWS lambda functions.
awslambdaevent 2.0.2 Welcome to aws_lambda_event Documentation This library provides Python Class interface, attribute auto-complete, type hint...
awslambdalayer 0.5.2 Welcome to aws_lambda_layer Documentation A simple tool that automates the process of building and...
awslambdapowertools 2.43.1 Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) Powertools for AWS...
awslambdarequestswrapper 0.2.3 AWS Lambda Requests Wrapper Request/Response wrapper for AWS Lambda with API Gateway.
awslambdatyping 2.20.0 AWS Lambda Typing
awslistall 0.9.2 List all resources in an AWS account, all regions, all services(*). Writes JSON files for...
awslogparser 2.4.0 aws-log-parser Python module to parse AWS LoadBalancer, CloudFront and WAF logs into Python3 data
awslogs 0.15.0 awslogs is a simple command line tool to read aws cloudwatch logs.
awslogssd 0.5 Forward systemd journal logs to CloudWatch. A log forwarder daemon similar to Amazon’s awslogs...
awsmail 0.0.7 AWS mail client The tool is written to send everything piped into it from...
awsmaintenancewindowreporter 0.2.8 AWS maintenance window reporter Name aws-maintenance-windows - reports upcoming maintenance actions and windows
awsmate 0.4.0 awsmate is a companion for your AWS developments in Python. It provides you with...
awsmc 0.0.10 awsmc is a project for creating and managing cost-effective Minecraft servers on Amazon Web...
awsme 1.0.0 Amazon Web Services Cloud Watch Metrics Library Configurable...
awsmediatool 0.0.0 awsmedia-tool Simple AWS MediaStore tool Getting Started Installation awsmedia-tool can easily...
awsmessaging 0.0.1 To install the aws-messaging package, use the command below.: pip3 install aws-messaging
awsmeta 0.5.1 # awsmetaA tool for querying the AWS metadata serviceRequires Python 2.6+ (and must be run...
awsmfa 0.2.9 awsmfa helps AWS users use two factor authentication (MFA) with their ~/.aws/credentials file. awsmfa...
AWSMFAHelper 1.1.0 AWS MFA Helper Automate obtaining MFA (STS) credentials This utility will request STS...
awsmfalogin 1.0.1 # aws-mfa-loginCommand-line tool for MFA authentication against the AWS CLI. Only generates environment variables, no...
awsmfaprofiles 2.0.0 aws-mfa-profiles A package to create credential for AWS using MFA and with the support...
awsmfatools 0.2.2 AWS MFA Tools Usage AWS...
awsmfav2 0.3.5 Overview This package's purpose in life is to make it faster and easier to...
awsmlpy 0.2.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsmonocyte 0.3.509.post312 Monocyte is a bot for destroying AWS resources in non-EU regions written in Python using...
awsmskiamsaslsignerpython 1.0.1 aws-msk-iam-sasl-signer-python This is an Amazon MSK Library in Python. This library provides...
awsmultiregionsearch 0.1.0 Multi-Region Multi-Threaded AWS Search Tool Usage Examples: RDS: list rds instances in...
awsnmap 0.0.1 =======aws-nmap=======This package provides a simple way to nmap over all public/elastic IPs on anAWS account.Usage:...
awsoidcproviderrefresher 0.3.1 AWS Open ID Connect provider thumbprint refresher Usage: aws-oidc-provider-refresher [OPTIONS] updates...
awsoktakeyman 0.9.0 AWS Okta Keyman This is a simple command-line tool for logging into Okta and...
awsoktaprocessor 1.9.2 This package provides a command for fetching AWS credentials through Okta. Installation
AWSOM 0.14 1. OVERVIEW AWSOM stands for: Amazing Ways to Search and Organise Media. AWSOM...
AWSomeOverview 1.2.5 For detailed usage instructions see
AWSOpenAPILint 0.2.2 OpenAPI AWS API Gateway linter AWS-OpenAPI-Lint is a simple OpenAPI 3 yaml...
awsopsalpha 0.2.1 Welcome to aws_ops_alpha Documentation A devops best practices for AWS projects. Designed...
awsorbit 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbitcodecommit 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbitemroneks 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbithelloworld 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbitlustre 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbitoverprovisioning 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbitray 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbitredshift 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbitsdk 1.4.0 aws_orbit_sdk
awsorbitsmoperator 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbitteamscriptlauncher 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorbitvoila 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsorganizations 0.3.1 Welcome to aws_organizations Documentation AWS Organizations SDK enhancement. See 📔 usage example....